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Reading this brightened my day up! It's o true that we need to take time everyday to show ourselves some love and support. We can only be happy if we believe we deserve it.


Thanks for the post!


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You are right Old Dog. I only wrote the 8 things the card mentions but I actually agree with you. I guess what 'say good-bye to the past' means is as you actually added 'live today' as some people stay stuck in an event that happened (good or bad) and don't move on.

I too cherish many memories and keep collecting more. As for the bad things I probably will always remember them too and they may even still hurt but I don't let those memories make me unhappy, once more you are right they only made me stronger :)

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Thank you. A very timely thread and post.


I agree with the comments about the past as well. The past IS past, but those experiences are often to be treasured and they serve as a basis of who and what we are in the present.


A good attitude and giving oneself a positive perspective can change ones day, and turn a life around. :)

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Guest W***ledi*Time
8 must do's I came across a card with some things that should be our daily motto. ...


ha ha ... very wise, but I'm too old to stand up under the pressure of having to accomplish all the items on an eight-item to-do list every day ... maybe I'll start with one per day and see how it goes!

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