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Debate - Tonight 7pm Eastern Time

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I shall be tuned in, and it is quite possible that tonight just may have an impact.


I agree, as is the case with most federal elections the campaign never really begins until the first debate is had.

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I have been looking forward to this debate for a long time. What I am looking forward to, is for the opposition to clearly reveal the corrupt, unethical unCanadian nature of Harper and his govenment. I also want to see Ignatieff showing his human nature to Canadians and that he is not a walking robot academia. I also hope Layton do well.

Edited by S*****t Ad*****r
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Guest tr*****e

I stopped watching after 40 minutes of it. The only one I really want to vote for is Duceppe, even though he's an unabashed separatist. Layton is a close second, but sometimes his chuckles at the expense of other leaders is a little carried away.

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I watched about 20 minutes in total (parts of the immigration question, parts of the law and order question and parts of the health care question) and had to turned it off several times because of how enraged i got.


Question for "Canadians": How are these d-bags even allowed to be 'leaders'. I feel like I'm watching 4 clones of one person arguing with each other.



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Layton was passionate and best got his message across in my view, Ignatieff comes second as he attacked Harper fairly well on his record on ethics and accountability and contempt of parliament and lack of respect for democracy but I feel he could have done better and Harper appeared programmed to repeat same sentences as how great the economy is. Harper was most prime ministerial but at one point I thought that he was going to get the knock out when both Layton and Duceppe contradict him that he sign a draft in 2004 to bring down the minority liberal govenment and become prime minister himself. Layton's attack on Ignatieff's lack of attendance in parliament could have been a knock out too for Ignatieff. Duceppe's comments on multi-culturalism was weird too!!!!.


Likely Harper came out as winner because he kept his head cool during the debate and didn't get a knock out and likely will keep his party's lead over liberals but may be his 10% gap will narrow down.

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If i was to be truthfull i would have to say nothing was unexpected,there were no knockout punches nothing is really going to change and we tax payers are footing the bill as normal,when are we going to stand up as tax payers and say this is not acceptable,when are we really going to hold politicians accountable- can we really change the way business is done in ottawa or in any other political arena or are we destined to become the brainless androids politicians asume we are so they can continue to line their own pockets as we snooze''''''--hmmmmmm

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I watched the entire two hours and as I type I am watching the pundits analyze the debate and it participants.


As expected all four leaders performed as expected. Stephen Harper seemed to be a preprogrammed automaton constantly repeating the words coalition, economic recovery and Liberals raise taxes as he mechanically stared into the camera(s).


Michael Ignatieff attempted to gain ground on health care and corporate taxes but to little or no avail. He seemed stagnated on fighter jets, jails and big oil. His individual performance was better than this Cerb member expected.


Jack Layton had to fight a battle on two fronts. Attempt to attack and de-throne Harper while also engaging Ignatieff in an attempt to steal away some of those left of center votes. I found him to be his typical engaging self with little new to say.


Gille Duceppe while a seperatist and therefore not someone that I can or would vote for is still a captivating man. His speaches are filled with passion and confidence...a shame he is a sovereigntist!


When all is said and done I don't believe that any of the four included leaders made any head way in the polls. Harper seemed to tread water and Ignatieff didn't press hard enough on the issues that could have stuck. When you factor in that no one made any noticeable gaffes I think this debate changed little...if anything at all.

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After watching that all I can say is hey Jack Layton do stand up comedy " why do we have so many prisons if criminals do so well in senate?" did he really say that ?

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Very sad. I think we are in need of a new format that might lead to actual debate rather then a ever looping sound bite reel.


Harper knew they would be all gunning for him and just observed and deflected the attacks of the other three. Iggy did well on his first debate but no where well enough to make much of a difference in the polls. Jack was as always Jack and Gille is still the guy I would vote for to be PM if he was part of a main stream national party.



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Guest tr*****e
After watching that all I can say is hey Jack Layton do stand up comedy " why do we have so many prisons if criminals do so well in senate?" did he really say that ?

Posted via Mobile Device


Yes he did! I just wondered why Harper didn't say anything back to it. Maybe because it's true, but then again, I never have and never will claim to know another person's motives. Heck, I don't even know who most Senators are!

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I have said this before!


The election will most likley end up exactly the same, but they wanted to spend $275,000,000.00 for the election...


...and we are stuck paying for it!


Can we not have a full term for a change?

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If I had hair to pull out, I would.


AGAIN, the cost of the election is irrelevant. Where do you think that money is going? Into the ECONOMY. Transportation, lodgings, printers, media, food, etc.


I really wish people would get past the ridiculous drivel about the cost and how the opposition wanted an election. They ALL did! Harper has been trying to trigger one for months! And if you don't believe that, despite every expert and analyst seeing it coming, you're truly blind.


The outcome of the election will be the same. Let's just not get distracted by trivialities and illusion, like Harper wants, along the way.

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I was including Harper in my comment!


It looks like he thinks he will be able to get away with a majority gov this time!


I don't see a major change in our government after this election!


I feel it will be the same out come.


Possibly this time we can have an even lower voter turn out than last time! Last time I think only 35% of voters actually voted.


Was that not the lowest voter turn out than ever?

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