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Cancer Survivors!

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Hey all....


I know I am pretty new here but I always like to know if there are any other members here that have survived or defeated cancer!


I know that cancer can be a grim topic but I would love to see if anyone else here, like myself, have stared cancer in the face an emerged victorious!   You don't want to share what kind of cancer it was if you don't want to.





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I am very happy to hear you were able to defeat cancer kano2112! 


Survived it myself, and though I still have issues because of it, and grateful daily to still be here.  🙂

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I had a bout of skin cancer that fortunately was caught early.  It was removed a

 year and a bit ago but am checked every 6 months.....very lucky and grateful me

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Eight years since significant cancer surgery. Feel thankful each day. Best thing I learned was push for tests early. 😊

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Hi everyone!  I was diagnosed last May with cancer.  I had 5 rounds of chemo 5 days a week (8 hours/ day, one day a week for the next 2 weeks then the cycle would begin again.  There were days I thought I would. Or make it and I almost died at one point.  Happy to say I am still here and my last checkup (ct scan) I have no remaining cancer!  Woohoo!  I hope everyone is well!

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 I hope it is OK to post despite not fitting the description. My father was diagnosed with colon cancer. They asked him if they could use it file as a teaching tool for med students. It was perfect as the course was a year and my Dad was told he had a year left. They would show images of his scans, etc. Eventually the instructors got mad because they would show test results of improvement and tell the doctors in training "This is impossible, do not what to say." Had to restart the class, This was 2001 and I had a funny conversation with my father an hour ago,


 Not a survivor myself but i am a cancer patient now. Relatively rare complications from my anti-rejection drugs for my kidney transplant probably gave it to me. In fact I still have trouble thinking of myself as a cancer patient. I think of it as an extreme complication of my kidney disease.


 Sorry that may be off topic. Wanted to share my father's story in case it inspired people to keep hope and I just want people like kano2112 to know that there is one more person here for moral support of patients.




Edited by Rassilon
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