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threatening phonecalls

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ok, so i just had a lady call me up and start yelling at me, saying that she knows i live downtown and blah blah blah, so i pretty much said fuck off and hung up. How would you deal wiith that? And why would she yell at me? Its not my fault HE called ME! lmao! some people just dont know where to point the finger, and i guess its easier to point it to someone who your not in a relationship with, but, why wouldnt she talk to her man first? obviously she doesnt give him what he needs or he wouldnt be looking elsewhere! My ex boyfriend used to cheat on me all the time, and i would find phone numbers, but i would yell at HIM! not her! its the guys fault too!! ugh, i just had to rant about this a little



guys...just a tip if you are attatched and write down a ladies phone number, and stick it in your wallet, dont put a name with it! That will keep us BOTH out off trouble! lol

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Yeah I have had some weird phone calls and texts in my day but I just take it with a grain of salt.

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yeah, ive had a few too, but this one was really bitchy, so i had to rant...ive never had any actually show up though (im sure they could figure out where i live if they tried had enough) im wondering now, im sure alot o girls get these kind of calls, but has anyone actually had a mad girlfriend/wife show up?

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I've had a small percentage of these types of phonecalls and told them it's not my problem and that they will need to figure out why their husband or boyfriend is cheating on them. I also told them that at least when they are seeing escorts that it's not an emotional affair which would hurt much more. I think they expect us to be scared by these ranting and raving phonecalls but many calmed down and were surprised by my perspective on things. No one has ever showed up and if they did, I would not take it lightly.

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I would simply tell them they must have a wrong number, hang up the phone and that would be it. Of course, if I was speaking to the man again I would inform him of what had happened.

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Have you considered pretending it's your husband he's cheating with, and not you? Just to really rock her world?

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Have you considered pretending it's your husband he's cheating with, and not you? Just to really rock her world?




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...so i pretty much said fuck off and hung up. How would you deal wiith that? ...


Pretty much the same way!


I do like the "husband" idea too, that has real merit!

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Well I think this is just one of the uncomfortable parts of the job, so unless there's a real credible threat bite your tongue and show a little empathy.


I think you really have to have some sympathy for these women. Unfortunately the women that call have obviously been hurt by the revelation that their SO has cheated on them. They are probably going to remain in the relationship (kids, money, love) whatever the reason, and they probably don't know how to fix the problem. The betrayal will negatively affect the relationship or marriage for many years.


Before my wife died I occasionally stepped out. She had told me that if she ever caught me cheating she and the kids were out the door immediately, and I believed her. I was very careful and didn't ever play in my own backyard because of the severe consequences. Guys should be very aware of whats at stake before the act. As they say, do the crime, do the time,

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Another well know sp once asked what we thought she should answer or do if a SO called ask accusing or asking questions.


I like the idea that was posted eariler why are you calling my husband.


My suggestion then and now is for the SP/MP to always answer the phone like you are a business, " Hallo and Thank you for calling Acme Coffee and Doh-Nots". The idea being that if someone calls who does not know who they are calling just fishing then they get a busniess and any question asked are answered to that end. If a hobbist calls they should already know the routine and automaticly ask to speak for "Seven of Nine for a meeting" and get hooked up......as it were.

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I've never understood the concept that "she stole my boyfriend/husband/man." And I've observed over and over that many women consider other women to be threats to their relationships. As the old saying goes, it takes two to tango. A man can't be "stolen," for whatever reason he strays. His straying either speaks to the stability of the relationship or his character.

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It blows my mind that some men who are in relationships are careless enough to get caught!


If you're gonna stray, make damn sure you're discreet about it. From the sounds of it, getting caught is a headache/hassle for everybody involved. Probably the best course of action to take (and the one I personally go with when I'm in a relationship) is just don't cheat!


With any luck, this situation does not go beyond a phone call which is easily ignored and not worth losing sleep over. And perhaps you could advise clients with SO's to be just a wee bit more careful in the future ;)

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yeah, but that does get confusing for a "first-time" caller it is a good idea though


It could be, no one idea is perfect.


you take the good with the bad either way.

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Guest f***2f***
It blows my mind that some men who are in relationships are careless enough to get caught!


If you're gonna stray, make damn sure you're discreet about it. From the sounds of it, getting caught is a headache/hassle for everybody involved. Probably the best course of action to take (and the one I personally go with when I'm in a relationship) is just don't cheat!


With any luck, this situation does not go beyond a phone call which is easily ignored and not worth losing sleep over. And perhaps you could advise clients with SO's to be just a wee bit more careful in the future ;)


Sometimes despite your best precautions the inevitable happens. Like you say if you cheat you can get caught...simple as that.


Best bet for the SP is to ignore the call. It's not about you.

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