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My name is pretty short (both my cerb and real name) so they can't be shortened. A couple of people call me Megs...makes me smile :)


You are always the hot Meg-ma to me.

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oh yeah...I also get call Princess! Malika is the Arabic word for Queen/Princess (depending on the country)


but of course Princess :)

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Until I moved out from home I always was called by my 2 syllable name. When I moved out west it became just the first syllable. Radical, I know. Cerb name represents rjl for remember John Lennon. My all time favorite artist.

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oh yeah...I also get call Princess! Malika is the Arabic word for Queen/Princess (depending on the country)


Malaika in Swahili means angel, which is how I imagine you.

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Until I moved out from home I always was called by my 2 syllable name. When I moved out west it became just the first syllable.


Not sure why, but that makes me think of the show Everybody Loves Raymond. Everyone calls him Ray but his mommy always calls him Raymond. I must admit my son has a 2 syllable name and I always use his whole name while no one else does; including him.

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We all have a name well actually in our case we have two, the real name and the one we use on cerb. I've found in both how someone chooses to call me makes a difference and this topic was brought up to me by someone else recently so I decided to hear from everyone here if they have a preference when it comes to their name.


For example, my dad has this peculiar variation of my name which is how they used to call me when I was a kid and I honestly hate it and get annoyed when someone calls me that but when my dad does he even puts a smile on my face.


Now as for Isabella Gia, I rarely get called both names by anyone. Some call me Isa, Issy or Gia and I personally feel good that a particular person calls me a particular way and feel strange when he/she calls me different.


How you people like to be called? Of course I'm asking about the name you use for cerb. Do you have any preferences and if you do, does it vary depending on who is calling you that?


Oh, one more thing. It would be interesting to read how those whose handle does not include a person's name like to be called.

When I make contact at first via a PM I will sign at the end T.T. or the full Tongue Twister but will also leave my first name along with it. Then after first contact or visit I will usually use my first name. Just my preference.

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I get called Ang or Angie sometimes. As long as you don't use the "c" word, I don't really care what you call me.




The "c" word?! What's wrong with being called "cuddly"?


I get called BW or B.Wood, but usually (my preference) is Woody. For my real name, it really doesn't matter if I get called by the long or short version - it's all good.

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I get called Samantha or Sam, both of which are fine with me. Someone wrote to me a few days ago and addressed me as "Ms. Evans," which had never happened before, but I found it kind of charming even though I urged him to call me Samantha when I replied. I've had two clients who liked to vary Eric Clapton's "Lay Down Sally," turning it into "Lay down Sammy," which was kind of sweet in a way. A few people call me Sammy. I don't think it suits me, but I like the tone they use when they say it, and that's good enough for me.


My real name sometimes gets an IE added to it. I don't like it at all, but, again, the ones who do it usually say it with considerable affection, so I usually just let it go at that.

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I love my name.. and it gets turned into things.. my favorite being my main hobby.. carrie-oke!


Malika.. when people call you Mal (bad).. reframe it. Like Mae West said.. ''when I'm good,I'm good. But when I'm bad I'm even better!'' I for one think being a ''bad girl'' is very very good! I'm sure most would agree with me. xoxo.

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I love when people call me something a little different, having a nick name is personal and cute. Not that everyone should start doing that though :P

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Maybe y'all should start calling me NV.lol.


Oh I like ENVY .... isn't that one of the seven deadly sins? It goes well with the "naughty". :icon_lol:

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My best friend prefers to "Jew-ify" (his words) my name by adding a SCHM to the front of my name. He also used to call me Smelly, in reference to the fact that once when we were roommates, I didn't shower for two weeks during exams. He was freaking out because when I told him he said I looked and smelled perfectly fine and that was freaky to him. Haha. I also (jokingly) go by my first initial and the prefix BIG and tell people it's my rap name and that a certain other rapper who is also named Big * stole my name.


My work name...ha, people still call me Erin from time to time, and I have one client who refers to me only as "B."

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