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Aspirins-EMail I Got Today

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Heart Attack info on New Aspirin


Read and heed!


This can't be read TOO many times!!!!!







This is good info.



We did not know that you should not lie downwhile waiting for the EMT




Heart attack info NEW ASPIRIN/ Serious stuff, no joke!!


Just a reminder to all: purchase a box, keep one in your car, pocketbook, wallet, bedside, etc.






Something that we can do to help ourselves.

Nice to know.

Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve under the tongue. They work much faster than the tablets.


Why keep aspirin by your bedside?

About Heart Attacks


There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the left arm.

One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nauseaand lots ofsweating,however these symptoms may also occur less frequently.

Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack



The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep, did not wake up.


However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.

If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.

Afterwards: CALL 911

- say "heart attack!"

- say that you have taken 2 aspirins..

- phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by

- take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and...


DO NOT lie down


A Cardiologist has stated that, if each person, after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life can be saved!


I have already shared the information- - What about you?

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Mixture of true and false information. See:


Snopes link


The clue that the information is probably bunk is "send this to 10 people!". That's the true purpose of the entire message: to make people share it with others. It's an e-mail virus (virus in the sense of "designed solely for maximal replication").

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Probably goes without saying for most of the knowledgeable folks on here, but any email that asks you to send it along to 10 other people is an attempt by the originator to collect emails that litter the networks and our in-boxes. Never, never, ever fall prey to these schemes, you're only exposing your friends to spam.


Having said that, the advice in these emails (like the aspirin advice) is often good as the spammers have become sophisticated in their messaging, but you can make your friends and family aware of such knowledge without forwarding the original email - that's the spam part.


I hope I don't see this one in my in-box ;)

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