Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 So here I am stuck at home with a cold. I've been playing Angry Birds and surfing on CERB. I'd love to read, but my concentration is shot to shit. What do you like to do when you're sick to pass the time? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andee 220524 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Same thing I do when I'm cranky - put on the TV and snuggle up in a blanket and watch some shows I don't normally have time to watch like Oprah or Ellen or the View. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Hmmmm, I find a little personal attention can help me to feel better. When you are sick, not much feels good except my little trusty vibrating bullet! hahaha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reuben Sandwich 13841 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 If I have to stay home sick and it is not a stomach bug, then I just hang around the toaster eating honey and peanut butter toast all morning. Then it's play time with my friend Willie and a nap in the afternoon. Puhlease get better real soon, Megan. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex2006 1071 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 So here I am stuck at home with a cold. I've been playing Angry Birds and surfing on CERB. I'd love to read' date=' but my concentration is shot to shit. What do you like to do when you're sick to pass the time?[/quote'] Just because you are sick, does not give you the right to use birds to kill pigs. I am offended and I will report you to animal rights! Have some nice warm soup! I always hace Liptons chicken noodle soup when I have a cold and in my head it makes me feel better. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikkismitty 197 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 I have to agree with Apex....but homemade chicken soup always does the trick for me. Can I drop some off for you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crankshaft25 125 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 I agree with the people who suggested chicken noodle soup. Does wonders when I'm sick. Also for me I tend to sleep a LOT and that helps me get better quick. When I'm resting I just randomly surf the net for stupid or random things to distract me :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chilifreak 105 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 It's all about lots of fluids, fresh juices, green tea with ginger and lemon. I usually can't read neither, so i pass the time by watching old movies, especially Film Noir or cartoons. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miss Scarlett 25073 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 If I was closer I'd bring you Timmies steeped tea! hehe Chicken noodle soup is good too! The honey and peanut butter is awsome advice for colds, and some OJ! So here I am stuck at home with a cold. I've been playing Angry Birds and surfing on CERB. I'd love to read' date=' but my concentration is shot to shit. What do you like to do when you're sick to pass the time?[/quote'] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sensual Erin 33935 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Awww, feel better Megan. This may sound gross but chewing on a Garlic clove, eating red bell peppers, they have double the vitamin C than citrus fruits, and raw chili peppers if you're feeling really brave. These remedies will knock a cold on it's butt. Rest rest rest and enjoy the time to cuddle up and relax. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 I was advised never to take time off sick unless I was well enough to enjoy it. So on a sick day, go fishing Seriously, if I'm really sick, I'm either sleeping, watching tv, not to mention lots of orange juice and homemade chicken noodle soup (and yes, I can cook up a good soup) RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capital Hunter 18263 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Sorry to hear that you are sick. If I am really sick with high fever I sleep a lot but if my flu is mild I just may watch TV or surf the internet. Hope you get well soon Megan. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reddog01 30280 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 I am lucky, I don't get sick very often. I find a fast pace and busy work schedule does not allow for it, it may be a mental thing.... Having said that, if I get ill it is always when I slow down during summer holidays or at Christmas. A day or two in bed with lots of sleep and fluids does the trick. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 I am lucky, I don't get sick very often. I find a fast pace and busy work schedule does not allow for it, it may be a mental thing.... Lucky you! I find the exact opposite. It's when I'm super busy and not eating/sleeping properly that I get sick. It's so frustrating getting sick when you have a to-do list that's a mile long :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J Galt 337 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 I don't get sick very often, and consider it a personal failure when I do, but in addition to Sensual Erin's excellent advice, I want to add that hot and sour soup can cure anything. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Warm comfort food and a nice snooze on the couch in front of the fireplace is good. You can justify the short term guilt with my permission. Sucks to feel like shit. Get better soon. xo J. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted April 21, 2011 Pweeze get betwer! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VedaSloan 119179 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 Whenever I'm sick that usually also equals a stuffed up nose. So I eat a lot of spicy food. It clears out the nasal passages right quick. That's my biggest pet peeve--when you're too stuffed up to taste awesome food. Then I sit around playing Civilization 5 until I've conquered the shit out of whichever civilization is giving me crap this go around. I also only recently discovered what the hell "Angry Birds" is. TOO HILARIOUS. Can this game be downloaded for Android phones? That's what I want to know. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gentleman11 10508 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 Curling up with a good book, pour a small glass of wine, turn on the fire place, get the cat to curl alongside works for me... Musings from a guy feeling sorry for himself.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maverick 2873 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 There's a psychological theory that falling into the "sick role" (e.g. staying in bed all the time, changing diet, habits, etc.) actually encourages your body to keep being sick, whereas not changing your daily routine as much as possible can help your immune system push through. Considering the health risk to your clients though I understand the need to dramatically change your schedule, just letting other people know about the theory, which seems to work for me (although I'm kind of evil and don't mind getting all my classmates sick). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 I was off of work for a few weeks due to illness this past winter and all I can say is CSI re-runs (CSI Las Vegas not Miami...I really hate David Caruso) kept me sane...well relatively sane. Up until that point I had no idea how bad daytime TV actually is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Surf_Nazis_Must_Die 8958 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 Well this may sound f'd up and i'm sorry for letting you folks in on a secret, but as a cook, I don't take sick days. We (cooks) have such a bizarre pride/honor system in place and it makes absolutely ZERO sense. Unless we've lost a limb in a bizarre accident or we're on our deathbeds, we drag our sorry butts into work. Rain or shine, hangover or flu, we stumble in and do our thing, day in and day out. That being said, on the brief occasions in my life where I haven't been a cook for a living (and therefore had some semblance of sanity) I managed to cobble together this handy little timetable of sickness: Early Morning: Realize your entire day is a write off, hack up something awful, search for the phone Minutes Later: Call in sick because you're not a cook, and therefore, an intelligent, functioning member of society Some more minutes later: Hang up phone, curse loudly, realize your blankets are still warm, roll back over and go to sleep Early afternoon: wake up, realize your day still sucks. Pop a shitload of nyquil liquid capsules, pray you'll be comatose for the remainder of the day Early Evening: wake up, search for kleenex, meds and sympathy from a loved one/pet. Realize a day without food is a terrible idea Minutes later: Try to bribe loved one into making you something edible, realize they suck and are no help, have fleeting thoughts of jetting off somewhere exotic with someone who's much more attractive Some more minutes later: Give up on food from loved ones and order something in thats PACKED with garlic and spicyness. You're too sick to taste anything anyways and this will help clear your sinuses. Wash down Crazy food with a shitload more nyquil and liquor. Late evening: If you're still up after all that food, medication and booze, you're screwed ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178383 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 Any time I'm sick I curl up in bed and my kitties pet me until I feel better. I also am a big fan of popsicles, gingerale and bad high school movies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ftn40 824 Report post Posted April 22, 2011 Lucky you! I find the exact opposite. It's when I'm super busy and not eating/sleeping properly that I get sick. It's so frustrating getting sick when you have a to-do list that's a mile long :( A friend of mine once told me that the feeling you get when you get a cold, the feeling of getting run down, tired, sniffles, stuffy and all that, was not something you caught, but rather something that you always have. It only flares up when you have not been taking care of yourself like you usually do. It's as if your body's is warning you that you are not your usual self. So, the body tries to get you to rest. Something all of us forget to do from time to time. Just do nothing. That being said, once you are subject to a cold, all the suggestions that have been offered will help you feel better. First off is the fluids. Think of how much water you lose by blowing your nose5. You don't usually lose that much water in a day. Green tea is great, as long as decaffeinated since, even if it doesn't keep you up, it still has appetite suppressant properties. And the old adage is true, "Feed a cold, starve a fever." For a cold, eat and build up your strength. For a flu, just keep drinking fluids. Your body cannot afford the energy for digestion. Chicken soup has been shown to have properties that boost the immune system. Of course, so do all those dark-coloured fruits and berries and vegetables. Hot peppers, garlic and other spices have always been used by people in hot humid climates to deal with the wee beasties. But, most importantly, just take it easy. Your body will really appreciate that. But to answer your first question, I pass the time when I'm sick by drinking a glass of water, then some TV, then some green tea, then some food, then some more TV, then I get sleepy, then I go to bed. Lather, rinse, repeat. Oh, and Extra Strength Cold-FX. It may just be the placebo effect, but I find it lessens the severity and duration of my colds. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites