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Are you for real???

Read her ad! The answer is LITTERALLY in the ad!


Five screenshots of Lyla discussions about her and names of members who can recommend her, What else do you need to know?! Next time, read the ad ENTIRELY and use the search tool.

 Have a nice evening.

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28 minutes ago, letsplay_57 said:

shows as a new account...maybe he is being cautious Greenteal....

  Cautious about what? In term of LL ads, this is one of the most complete and transparent one can find.

It contains verified pictures, screenshots of at least two Lyla threads and the name of a half a dozen members who can recommend her. What else does he need? A picture of her drivers license??


Here the threads referenced in the ad:



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8 hours ago, MZANNI said:

Chill out man.., it's okay to ask. Just chill lol


      I apologize if I'm a bit harsh on this member, but those "any info" threads are getting ridiculous.

 Most can be answered in a 10 seconds image search. And this one by simply reading the ad itself. No matter if a new member or a long time user, using Google or the Lyla search tool should be the first step in an inquiry, not the last.

      Hopefully this thread will serve as a leaning tool for the OP and other members posting those kind of threads.


     Again, my apology for the hurt feelings, if any.



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Jimmers, there is a search engine on this website with options to refine your search that is helpful. Some providers travel and you can find information from other provinces too. Worth a try before posting questions.

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 I think it’s important to remember that this is a review board and a place that is designed for people to ask questions like any info. I have noticed a reoccurring attitude from specific posters that is, unfavourable to say the least. Ease up a bit perhaps? We have MODs and you my sweet friend, are not one of them. 


This is is a discussion board and I am growing  tired of seeing the same people being aggressive and condescending towards other users who are only asking questions, and participating in the discussions. No need to get visibly frustrated over someone elses inquiry. 



As I said before, we have MODs who will step in if anything said or asked is against the rules and I encourage you, greenteal, to let them do their job, and not jump down peoples throats for asking a question on a discussion board that is literally MADE for these types of questions. 


All the best! 



Jaymie Mae 


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25 minutes ago, JAYMIEMAESPARX said:

 As I said before, we have MODs who will step in if anything said or asked is against the rules and I encourage you, greenteal, to let them do their job, and not jump down peoples throats for asking a question on a discussion board that is literally MADE for these types of questions. 

  Good morning Jaymie,

      Most people including myself are fine with legit questions. Where we draw the line is when an OP makes no efforts to seek answers by himself. This thread is frustrating due to the fact the ad in question uses Lyla screenshots as reference and literally answered everything. I already apologized for venting about this. If it makes the member and others aware of the search tool, Google and other sources to find their own answer, I take it as a positive. As for the Mods, we can't ask them to enforce rules that don't exist. The "any info" threads are not breaking any rules, but are quite annoying when repetitive. I'm far from the first to point this out and I sure won't be the last.

      Have a nice day.

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Why does it frustrate you Greenteal? You would think it would be less effort to possibly just answer the question than to complain that he didn’t do his own research? Just my 2 cents

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Greenteal I’m wondering if you ever thought about how people asking for information on specific girls and other users confirming legitimacy and providing positive feedback is great for us girls. There is a reason that posts like this aren’t against the rules so I urge you to not try and dictate what others post unless it is a violation of rules. I understand you may find it ‘annoying’ but it is great for the SP’s to gain more positive reviews and build a positive reputation. In other words, we appreciate it. 


And if you find it too annoying, you do not have to open the thread. 


Nothing personal, just shedding some light from a different perspective! 


Have a a wonderful afternoon! 

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1 minute ago, zoneman said:

Why does it frustrate you Greenteal? You would think it would be less effort to possibly just answer the question than to complain that he didn’t do his own research? Just my 2 cents

More than half the new thread are "any info". And in those, about 75% can be answered using Google or the Lyla search tool. If you don't find annoying, many of us do.

 As for answering him, the answer was literally in the thread he provided. No search was even required.

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I get that but it just seemed negative to complain about it, that’s all. And yes most threads are any info threads, and I get that most info can be found by searching.  If the user doesn’t understand this that’s their issue. Complaining about it isn’t very constructive imho.

Maybe if you have nothing nice to say, keep ya mouth shut... 

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it's a lot easier 2 post something here than using "research tools" just my opinion...plus doesn't each post as a member help on here to become more  than just a new member & so on....

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2 minutes ago, zoneman said:

Maybe if you have nothing nice to say, keep ya mouth shut... 



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3 minutes ago, katie said:

Hey, Hey, Now. What is this.. Gang up time? 🤔

He's already Apologize for maybe being a bit Abrupt. Yes, Everyone is allowed to Ask questions... But at the same time, if a person doesn't at least try, To look Stuff up, and use some of these Tools on Lyla.... Then We would have a Dam mess of Inquires.. (For Example) ... Besides, in other areas. 

Sooooo, I'm With Greenteal on this One 😉... 

  Cheers xoxo's 💋

You’re right and I apologize Greenteal. 

Guess I’m just frustrated..  

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19 hours ago, katie said:

Anyways....... Points were made. I don't really think this needs to turn bad. There's enough of that going around already.. 😘.. .. 

    So,How's the Weather .... 😋

Rainy  😞

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I saw Gabriella. She was gentle, sweet, and accomodating. Plus welcoming to a mature gent. I see that there is another Gabriella posting. As noted below, this Gabriella has positive reviews built right into her ad. And me, I don't have a clue how to use the research tools. Folks of a certain vintage tend to be generally much less computer savvy, but that does not merit condescension on the part of those who are computer savvy.

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I love when a post goes sideways and becomes nothing about the actual original post. LOL. To bring this back to Gabriella, she is hosting in Sydney on and off these days, as well as Halifax. She is a pleasant, BBW and I agree with the positive reviews she posts in her ad, except that the pictures aren't quite accurate. Easy to book with, fairly-open-minded, safe service, and an excellent CBJ.

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