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Sex Work Issues and the Federal Election

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Guest W***ledi*Time

Given that early projections are for a massive Conservative majority, I guess we should be prepared for all the fun legal changes they will slip into their omnibus bill a part of their "get tough on crime" measures. The country is about to change, and not for the better.

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Thank you so much for posting this information. Like WrinkledInTime said, this isn't an election issue and it's therefore important we seek this information ourselves.


I take issue with the idea that sex workers are citizens and therefore deserving of rights, but that these rights need to be 'balanced' with "the communities where prostitution happens". The public has often heard of prostitution 'sweeps' - as if sex workers are somehow 'dirty' and/or 'unclean'. This places blame on sex workers for urban decay when, in actuality, if the government subsidized areas (so rent was affordable), took care of parks, and invested more money into public property then urban 'uncleanliness' wouldn't be a problem! This issue is entirely related to real-estate costs, and making a buck on the backs of those who are disenfranchised and marginalized in society.


Also, who is the 'deserving' sex worker of rights? What's his/her race, age, nationality, citizenship? Is the deserving sex worker a private one, who works indoors and therefore isn't seen? How much of this has to do with quasi-public sex, and general angst over public sex. Oh yes, the children! Of course, the children... Why do people always bring up the children?


"But what about the children" they say

"It will damage the children to expose them to 'sex'" another will chime in


Sounds like a bit of a moral panic to me. In order to see quasi-public sex one needs to be looking for it.


I agree with the leaders who mention there needs to be a debate. Hopefully it will be a nuanced and informed one...but somehow...I doubt it.

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None of the parties represent my views on what prostitution laws should be, however lets not panic yet. Most Polls so far indicate a conservative minority and if it becomes a majority we have Jack Layton to blame for. He makes huge promises knowing that he will never be in a position to have to deliver and taking away votes mostly from liberals!!!!!......


Though I agree pimps and agencies who victimize women as well as violent johns should be dealt with very harshly by new laws however, I believe a majority conservative government will take prostitution laws too far and will ban all kinds of sex for money and that will include even consenting sex between adults and even outcalls but as I said, it is too early to panic as yet....

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I believe a majority conservative government will take the country backwards by decades and that includes making prostitution illegal in Canada even consenting sex between adults and even outcalls but as I said, too early to panic as yet....


Ah...such a scary notion [a conservative majority that is]. They don't know what the youth vote will be though (if there is one). Most youths have cell phones and aren't part of the polls...

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I agree. A conservative majority is indeed a scary notion (for more reasons than just impending new prostitution laws), however, that was not what I was indicating in my post as in the first part of my post (the part you didn't quote) I did say that so far most polls are pointing to a conservative minority!!!. Lets hope this doesn't change or if does, it changes for better (a liberal minority lol).

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