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So You're Tired Of the Same Old Partisan Political Games?

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I've read A LOT of posts on the threads re: political parties/voting/elections and thought I'd throw this out there:



When the politicians aren't getting shit done, time for the people to stop relying on them to do so.


So what can you do, you ask?


Well. First, I just want to say that we are taught to feel powerless, and many of us who want to see REAL changes are left feeling overwhelmed and helpless or simply don't know where to start. (This is done on purpose by the way, they want you to feel like you aren't able to change anything so that the people don't take over)...


There's lots you can do:


-set up a neighborhood community group that meets the needs of the immediate community


-if there's an issue you're particularly passionate about (something that maybe affects you directly so you can have some lived experience expertise surrounding it), do some research. is there a group or organization in your area that organizes around this? if not, start your own!


- donate: now this is a tricky one: a lot of charities in Canada are restricted as to the amount of political advocacy they can do as they will either lose their govn't funding if they're political or their charity status. what does this mean? a lot of organizations and agencies end up doing a lot of support/reactive work which is SUPER important, but what ends up happening is that they are unable to be pro-active and work to change the circumstances around what they exist. (i.e. sexual violence shelters and support centers can only support survivors, and not actively work to change the conditions that cause them in the first place). so try and donate to organizations who are not restricted by their financial situation. pick one that organizes around a cause you believe in! believe me, there are lots out there!


Now, this may not seem like a lot. Or maybe you just don't have enough spare time (totally fair reason to not organize by the way, that's another way they keep us down- they make us work work work and then we don't have time/energy to organize). BUT if EVERYONE put in one hour a week, then these changes would start to show AND all us full-time activists wouldn't be so burnt out all the time cuz we'd share the load!


Maybe I am just dreaming, but deep down in my heart I strongly believe in the power of the people.


With love and in Struggle,



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