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Osama Bin Laden is Dead!!!

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Thanks for the news story, that's great news

As for your question how he died, I think reading from the BBC report

The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a ground operation in a mansion outside Islamabad in an operation based on actionable US intelligence, CNN reported.

it was a military operation. But I'm watching the news now for details

Glad the piece of sh*t is dead


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Maybe now NATO will pull out of Afghanistan? Oh wait, I forgot, they are there for women's rights. Funny, that Canada doesn't respect women's rights enough to decriminalize sex work but is overseas bombing places in the name of women's rights...




This changes nothing.



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This is great news, the mastermind of 9/11 is DEAD!!


Killed by U.S Intelligence in Pakistan.


I will always remember where I was when 9/11 hit and now today will be a remarkable day to remember as well.

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Just watched Obama speak and it feels as though after almost ten years that this time in history has come to an end...finally! Makes me wonder if this is Obamas Cuban Missile Crisis moment? No doubt he will be riding VERY high on his next opinion poll!

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Thanks for the news story, that's great news

As for your question how he died, I think reading from the BBC report

The al-Qaeda leader was killed in a ground operation in a mansion outside Islamabad in an operation based on actionable US intelligence, CNN reported.

it was a military operation. But I'm watching the news now for details

Glad the piece of sh*t is dead



I knew he was going to slip up sooner or later.


What is scary though is that Bin Laden will be revered in death by Al-Qaeda members and who knows if this will bring terroristic threats to an all new high? The fact that he is dead isn't going to make terrorism go away, only that much stronger.

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Guest o*****24

Well, he's dead. Is the world a safer place? Maybe at the moment, but like Nicolette said, it won't end any terrorist threat. With Bin Laden being killed, there will be a some sense of retribution from the extreme fundamentalists, then there will be another hunt....for that person. I'm sad to say it, but round and round we go! It will continue like this until all parties learn to tolerate, and talk to each other, and sadly, neither side is wanting to talk.

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What is scary though is that Bin Laden will be revered in death by Al-Qaeda members and who knows if this will bring terroristic threats to an all new high? The fact that he is dead isn't going to make terrorism go away, only that much stronger.

I don't think it'll make a blind bit of difference, to be honest. The terrorists *already* hate us, so the fact that they'd like to hate us a little more now doesn't leave them anywhere to go. The only thing that may happen is that they may try to time future events for the anniversary, but that just means we know when to look out for them :)


The interesting thing now will be to see the Pakistani reaction to this. They seem to have some interesting questions to answer...

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Guest s****i*

Exactly, It's like cutting the head off a hydra. More pop up. Terrorism isn't going to end because the leader of one faction got lead poisoning. Especially when there are so many countries that support groups like these and they are well represented in the U.N.

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Guest s******ecan****

he's finally "Bin Laden" to rest. A great day, justice is done.

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The Americans took custody of the body and disposed of it a sea. It would not be in their interest lie about this. Also disposing of the body right away avoids the issue of repatriating the remains and risk the creation of a shrine to martyrs. Sometime you just have to put aside conspiracy paranoia and accept things at face value. most of usa are just not important enough to decieve.

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The Americans took custody of the body and disposed of it a sea.

I'm not going to believe it until I see the full, long-form death certificate :icon_biggrin:

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The interesting thing now will be to see the Pakistani reaction to this. They seem to have some interesting questions to answer...


No kidding. Like, would you mind explaining how Osama could be holed up in a mansion/fortress a couple of hundred metres away from a Pakistani military officer's training facility? Um, yeah. They had no idea he was there....



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The Americans took custody of the body and disposed of it a sea. It would not be in their interest lie about this. Also disposing of the body right away avoids the issue of repatriating the remains and risk the creation of a shrine to martyrs. Sometime you just have to put aside conspiracy paranoia and accept things at face value. most of usa are just not important enough to decieve.

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Agreed, there will always be conspiracy theorists, but like Rick says, it isn't in their interests to lie about this.

My only disagreement is in disposing of the body at sea. Should have taken him to the United States, cremated him, then dumped his ashes in a landfill along with other trash and garbage.


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As much as I sympathise with tossing him in the garbage. The Americans actually washed the body and buried him at sea with the reverence dignity they would for anyone else. Sometimes, there is more to gain by being the bigger person (or nation) in this case. Compare this with the videos of western capties being brutally beheaded and their bodies left on the side of the road.

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Actually I agree with you. Let's just say 9/11 hit a little too close to home for me (I have family in the U.S., not to mention a friends daughter who was in New York City on 9/11, fortunately by the grace of god, not killed or injured)...and yes, treating the body with proper reverence is right, we can't lower ourselves to their level...I guess I used my outside voice on my last post LOL


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Treating the remains with the respect that the Americans did was the right thing to do for two reasons:


There is now no body that can be buried in a temple or shrine with Bin Laden becoming a martyr and the extremists that supported Bin Laden cannot say that that the Americans defiled the body or denied proper burial. Bin Laden was buried at sea in accordance with Islamic religious beliefs.


The world is a much better place with Bin Laden and people like him. On reflection maybe Sarah Palin was right in saying that the body should have been put on display as an example of what happens to terrorists!!


The Pakisitan government will say nothing of any consequence to the U.S., not knowing that Bin Laden was in hiding makes them guilty of stupidity or corruption or a combination, all the Americans did was a favour to the Pakistanis by sparing them of the embarrasment of Bin Laden being "discovered" living in their country.


In the end when the dust settles, the world has become a better place.



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I'm not going to believe it until I see the full, long-form death certificate :icon_biggrin:


And the birth certificate ... We definitely need to see that too! (smile)

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