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A thought about the power of music

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Guest o*****24

So I had this thought today on my home from work. I had just come off a brutal day at work. Not in the greatest mood. I'm not usually an angry guy, but needless to say, I was angry.


Anywho, I digress. I put on my iPod, and turned up some Red Hot Chili Peppers. The song was "Can't Stop." After about 2 min of rocking out, I felt a 1000 times better. The thought came to me that is there any other form or art or expression that can be as powerful or timely as music? I mean, works of art, film, photography and the rest are all incredibly powerful, but what is that one thing we can all just turn on and let it carry us away?

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ACDC or Nirvana does it for me, depending on my mood.... also Billy talent because ive had great memories driving around with one of his CDs playing :)

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Guest tr*****e

Ke$ha for me, and other random dance/club/hip hop does it too. I find Avril Lavigne the best for when I'm depressed though.

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Music to me is like a connection with my memories. There are particular songs that automatically bring me back in time an not because I was listening to them in the particular moment that happened but because either the lyrics or the music remind me of it.


Also, it helps me feel my emotions stronger, if happy, sad, angry I put music that relate to that and is like a great way to either let go if I have to or make the feeling stronger if is a positive one, and I use it to express others the way I feel about them (yes, I'm the type that dedicates songs :icon_redface: ) so even though I do not have musical knowledge at all ....




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Isabella said it ever so well in her post and the title of this thread speaks truth - "The Power of Music."


Music has the ability to shape. It can inspire or be used to calm ones soul. It can be used to convey messages and feelings sometimes even better than through conversation.



It can bring back memories. I am sure that we all have that special peice of music that was the one that will always be recalled in our hearts as, "our song," that was shared with that special person.



When one considers the power of music I am of the age where I clearly recall music shaping a political world. Bob Dylan. Joan Baez, Barry McGuire, Pete Seeger and many more were instrumental in the 60's and early 70's.



Since we are approaching the season I must address Christmas music. I know that many of us object to the commerciality of it when it is played non-stop in the malls beginning as early as Remembrance Day in some cases. However for how many of us do we have our own personal favorites that are based on tradition and even our childhood, that we bring out ourselves to share with our own families at home. It is very special, and very powerful.



It would be a different world without music.

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I really love music, of all kinds. Music can really set the mood for the day! I have seen me feel low and in a slum, but then put on some music and " BAM" I suddenly transform into a happy cheerful person I usually am!


I have some music I listen to for cleaning my house, some for when I study, some for party, some for contemplation and meditation, some for romantic engagements.


My most favrotie artisit is loreena mckennitte, here is a sample of her lovely music.

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If anyone visits my profile, they will realize how important music is to me. I grew up in a household, where music was always playing. My parents always had the radio cranked in the car. Music to me is spiritual, emotional and uplifting. I still always have music playing, and am always searching for great music.

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I can't leave my house unless I have music with me.


Right now the song that cheers me up INSTANTLY is P Money's Bass Cannon, which is basically this awesome grime dude rapping over this dubstep track by Flux Pavilion. And it rules.




That or any hilariously cheesy RnB sex tune (think Birthday Sex by Jeremih)

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