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Body odor

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Everyone knows that having body odors are repulsive if you are looking to get close to another person.  To solve this problem one needs to take a shower and clean their own body, simple enough solution.  But what happens when the smell comes from personal regions of the body?  I know that personally if I had been working hard or maybe even skipped a day without taking a shower that I may smell myself when I stand at the urinal and I know that if I can smell myself that bad I wouldn't want to meet a special lady friend at that time.  I'm sure that many of the Lyla ladies have had their experience with that personally.  This brings me to my question...do any one of the gentlemen on this board ever had a meeting with a lady that had odors down below?  What have you done to solve this little issue?  Personally this happened twice in my 10-12 years of this lifestyle where once it was the smell of "rubber" that was repulsive and the other time it was possibly her time of the month and or poor hygiene and both time I simply fake chow(check video on you tube for this) but not for long.

Here is question number 2.  One of the reason my wife doesn't like oral sex on her is because she fears that she has a smell coming from her Vajayjay and she honestly does not except when she just came out from the hot tub.  Is there something that you ladies apply or wash or use to avoid that?  I know that sitting in a body of hot water for a extended period of time can change the ph of the body specially in those area. 

If you want to remain anonymous I would ask that you reply by sending me a PM and I would be very thankful for any reply.

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First, a correction: you can't change the pH level in your body or parts of your body. That's a myth perpetrated by the 'health' industry to scare you into buying things.

Usually, baby wipes are enough for a good, quick clean. It smells pleasant, too.

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On 12/31/2019 at 12:22 PM, NotchJohnson said:

Everyone knows that having body odors are repulsive if you are looking to get close to another person.  To solve this problem one needs to take a shower and clean their own body, simple enough solution.  But what happens when the smell comes from personal regions of the body?  I know that personally if I had been working hard or maybe even skipped a day without taking a shower that I may smell myself when I stand at the urinal and I know that if I can smell myself that bad I wouldn't want to meet a special lady friend at that time.  I'm sure that many of the Lyla ladies have had their experience with that personally.  This brings me to my question...do any one of the gentlemen on this board ever had a meeting with a lady that had odors down below?  What have you done to solve this little issue?  Personally this happened twice in my 10-12 years of this lifestyle where once it was the smell of "rubber" that was repulsive and the other time it was possibly her time of the month and or poor hygiene and both time I simply fake chow(check video on you tube for this) but not for long.

Here is question number 2.  One of the reason my wife doesn't like oral sex on her is because she fears that she has a smell coming from her Vajayjay and she honestly does not except when she just came out from the hot tub.  Is there something that you ladies apply or wash or use to avoid that?  I know that sitting in a body of hot water for a extended period of time can change the ph of the body specially in those area. 

If you want to remain anonymous I would ask that you reply by sending me a PM and I would be very thankful for any reply.

Depending on the lady, usually it just takes mild soap and water. I used to use lightly scented Vagisil, but over time it made it so if I didnt use it, I would get a yeast infection. @Kilt Boy is correct; using products such as Vagisil can negativity effect your Ph levels, causing problems like smell, over the long term.

I personally always recommend a sensual shower, if someone walks in with a disapproving smell. I always make sure I shower before hand, even if I take a shower with them later. Baby wipes and peeing immediately after can also help, limiting the amount of sweat and fluids building up.

BV (basically a really bad yeast infection, fishy odor) is also a very common thing. Once you've had it once, it's hard for your levels to go back to normal sometimes.

I also notice a different smell and secretion a few days before ovulation. So, it could just be bad timing. However, if it's a puneant fishy order... it's probably BV. 

Edited by SarahAlexxx
Soap* not soup. Lol
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The vag can be very fickle, 

you need probiotics taken orally, specifically for vaginal health. 

dont use any overly scented products to wash, ph balanced is ideal. 

chronic yeast or bv is actually a biofilm problem where the pathogens form a protective barrier that become resistant to antibiotics - if that's the case, these instances would be recurring and only temporarily solved by antibiotics. 

dehydration is also a huge thing for this - the more water in the body, the more dispersed bacteria etc will be -  the less water the more concentrated these pathogen containing fluids will be, thus causing a more obvious odor. 

i feel like i sound crazy but i know a fair bit about this type of thing lol lmk if you have any questions

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I quick shower and a shave won’t hurt anyone. Plus brush your teeth, clip your nails and wash that ass.  It’s your dime and time.


Hygene it’s a two way street! 




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