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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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Planning a nice day to hit up a few MP's....a day of complete pampering... Filled with massages and a manicure and pedicure, Then having your boss call you in for work. Ugh. I just want a massage and a day off :(

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Ppl who not only don`t smile back, but give u the evil eye in return instead. </3


I meet some of these on a daily basis. I just learn to ignore them and say to myself - they don't deserve my attention.

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Borrowing a family member's car and blowing a tire and subsequently the front end being done in resulting in the car being junked.


Not a good week.

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Finding out there is another provider named April in Regina, should I change my name now? I don't want to be confused with someone else even though we look completely different. Ugh I love my name. It means so much to me. --sigh--

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Guest *ig*a**

How about lending your wife your phone and then getting an accidental text from a service provider you have recently seen.

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I had my gf's cell phone plan for the last 2 years when she moved away and it is now at the end of the contract with Rogers. I'm going to switch over to Chatr but cannot use the same phone number since she no longer lives here and would need her permission and I don't like being tied into a cell phone contract.


I did her a favor a few years ago when it would of cost hundreds of dollars to get out of it and I happened to need a new cell phone when I came into the business again so it worked out. But now there is the frustration of having a new phone number and regular clients who may lose touch with me. Arrg, I knew this day was going to come. I'm off to get a new number!

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The month of September has been horrible for me in so many ways...

Having a close friend of the family pass away (same for the family cat), my cat got sick, I got sick, had laptop problems, my fridge and car broke down, etc. I can't wait for things to get a little better and a lot less stressful!

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after chewing on all four of my wisdom teeth for over 40 years - I finally had to have one pulled this morning


when you lose a wisdom tooth - does that mean you get 25% less smart

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I have 12 windows in my house that open using a crank (for lack of a better word). Because of the way the blinds work, I removed the cranks but left them on the window sills. Well, 12 years later I am down to two cranks! The air is so fresh out right now but I had to run around room to room to open all the windows and am pretty sure I will be cold enough soon to have to do it all over again!

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after chewing on all four of my wisdom teeth for over 40 years - I finally had to have one pulled this morning


when you lose a wisdom tooth - does that mean you get 25% less smart

Seriously, it's better to get them all taken care of now. I had them all out at about your age- easy peasy, plus the gas and valiums were a hoot lol. My aunt and uncle both had it done in their 70's and had bad , painful experiences.

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So, I have this huge California King pillow top bed. It is near impossible to find bedding for it. Because it is so big and high, i have the boxspring right on the ground which means I can't really use a bedskirt. I found this awesome comforter and bedskirt and decided to ask my mom to sew the bedskirt to the comforter so that it will fit the bed and hide the box spring.


Fast forward yesterday morning. My parents live about an hour out of town but needed to come in for some doctors appts yesterday morning. I decided to invite them over for a big breakfast!


After eating, my mom went upstairs to gather the humongo comforter and bedskirt. Arms completely full, down the stairs she comes. She miscalculated and missed the last step and twisted her ankle.


She assured my dad and I that she was fine and off they went to their appts.


This morning, my dad calls and tells me of how they spent 5hrs in the emergency room last night and now my mom has six weeks of a non-walking cast on her broken foot. I feel bad :(


Additional Comments:

My best guess Angela! Is that the cranks lay with the missing socks!


CrankF...no crank compares to you!

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Having plans fall through (at the last minute) due to my SO being sick. This is NOT how I envisioned my evening...


I owe my friend an apology and a white russian too.

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Waking up 5 nights in a row around 4:00 a.m. and not being able to get back to sleep. Yes, I cut out the caffeine yesterday!

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Having to buy a new car in a rush because the one I have "crapped out" on me and it would be too expensive to fix. Since fixing it is not worth it for the amount of work that needs to be done, I'll have to make a decision I wasn't ready

to make just yet. Gotta love those unexpected surprises lol

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No not what you think. My cat has been acting willful the past few days, jumping up on counters, shelves, getting into the garbage and so on. Well yesterday he decided to take a full tilt run from the spare room down the hallway. Only thing, I was walking down the hallway. He ran full tilt, right under my feet, tripping me. I went down, twisted one foot (it's swollen). I can barely walk, easier to crawl. Fortunately enough food in the apartment, and hopefully by staying off it a few days it'll make healing faster. So you could say I'm a victim of animal cruelty


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First dealing with cell phone contract ending and wanting to keep my number but going to another provider and the phone that I have is now toast. Everytime I plug it into charge it, the phone shuts off and the battery was so low that it would not turn on today. To the person on Cerb who was trying to get a hold of me today, I will make it up to you! I just don't know your handle here. Going to get a new phone..

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