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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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The rendezvous that I was so looking forward to and dreaming of and that was planned two weeks ago got cancelled at the last minute. The saddest part is - I may never see this beauty again! :sad:

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Waiting over an hour for a taxi that never came. Having multiple cars pull over and freak me out with the last car trying to start a fight with me. Cancelling taxi, only to have a private number call now at 2:48am asking me if I need taxi still, he sounded drunk.


I called for taxi at 1:15am and usually the taxi company calls with an automated message when taxi arrives. Why on earth the driver would call over an hour and a half after the fact from his personal number is beyond me.

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Not only does it suck about their expense claims...hell they got more in expense claims than I make in salary, but I recall them as journalists. If there was a story about some politician at the trough they would go after him/her like a pit bull on a poodle. Now that they are in the Senate they are at the trough too

One good thing, they are out of caucus, better yet if they were kicked out of the Senate


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Not only does it suck about their expense claims...hell they got more in expense claims than I make in salary, but I recall them as journalists. If there was a story about some politician at the trough they would go after him/her like a pit bull on a poodle. Now that they are in the Senate they are at the trough too

One good thing, they are out of caucus, better yet if they were kicked out of the Senate



Frankly they should be in jail. It's called fraud. The same people who gripe and bitch about "welfare fraud" and people ripping off the system. At least poor people actually have the excuse that they are POOR!!! These two are inexcusable.



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The entire concept of the senate really doesn't even make any sense to an average middle class tax paying citizen like me, to be honest. In what kind of real democracy do appointed unelected officials make decisions that affect the entire country? They actually have the power to veto legislation written by democratically elected officials. (i.e. Climate change?!)


Several of the chosen senators are actually people who lost federal elections! The electorate says fuck you, we don't want you representing us, and then they are hand picked by the PM to sit in the senate where they undemocratically get to create their own legislation, with a base salary of $132 000/year (Plus $300 000+ in expenses) for 3 days a week of work, 29 weeks a year, up to 75 years of age +pension.


The Senate is useless and undemocratic. So useless and undemocratic in fact that Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec have all abolished their provincial senate.


Abolish it.




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You are so right, Emily. The Senate should have been abolished long time ago. They are so useless and are really a joke. Our tax dollars could go to better use than feeding these bunch of political-appointees. What a shame!

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Unfortunately, it takes seven provinces that also have 50% of the population to make a constitutional amendment to abolish the Senate. That's not going to happen. Creating an elected Senate isn't a solution, either. We'd end up with the kinds of problems the US has with a Senate and a House that don't necessarily agree about things.


I think that all we can do is ensure that Senators are required to follow every minute detail of the rules. If they don't, they should be turfed out, summarily, with no returns possible.


So ironic to have all of this going on with a PM who was once upon a time such a staunch advocate of Senate reform!

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Any wonder I have no faith in our political system, parties and so called leaders.

Election time you don't vote for the best, you vote for the least worst

I'm a political agnostic and proud of it



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And the story keeps unfolding


While still a political agnostic, unless I'm missing something, he paid out of his own private money, not party nor taxpayers money...why did he resign


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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Having a holiday day today and waking up early as usual. Old habits die hard I guess!

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Hearing that song "True Colors" sung by 3 different people today. While it is a beautiful song, I couldn't stand hearing it non stop 20 years ago and still can't stand listening to cover albums by 20 other gazillion people. If I hear it again, I will probably want to shoot myself in the head!

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They are both pushing 50 and they play with firecrackers.....every.....effing....day. Only reason I have yet to complain is that they look so dam happy when they are playing with them :aggressif025:

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Waiting for a contract settlement VERY patiently for the last 3 years, knowing that the outcome will be an enormous back pay cheque and then discovering that the union is getting nitpicky about wordings that mean nothing to practically everyone covered by the contract proposal.

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Finding out after returning home from an amazing encounter that my late mothers twin brother is in the hospital with MS and will not make it home as he is dying.

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Finding out after returning home from an amazing encounter that my late mothers twin brother is in the hospital with MS and will not make it home as he is dying.


So sorry to hear that MF. My thoughts and prayers with you and your family

(I would have commented/rep point but I've given out too much in the last 24 hours)



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Waiting for a contract settlement VERY patiently for the last 3 years, knowing that the outcome will be an enormous back pay cheque and then discovering that the union is getting nitpicky about wordings that mean nothing to practically everyone covered by the contract proposal.


Sounds like our union, three years as of May31st without a contract. Union dragging it's heels on some things that are, one way or another, going to be a done deal whether the union likes it or not. Could use a pay bump and the back pay


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Sounds like our union, three years as of May31st without a contract. Union dragging it's heels on some things that are, one way or another, going to be a done deal whether the union likes it or not. Could use a pay bump and the back pay



Yup. June 22nd for us. By the time they actually settle this, the new contract we sign will be in its final year and then we'll have to start the whole damn process again.

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Everything around my house is dying, right after the warranty is up! Yup, year 11 is expensive. The latest, how long should it take to dry a load of towels??? Jeeze! I am gonna go bankrupt before July!

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Spent Monday outside going to Home Depot to buy supplies for building another flower bed and my neck got burnt a little bit and is itchy as hell. Aloe vera made it worse. I'm not supposed to be out in the sun for long periods of time because of my rosacea.

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Lost the phone charger for my extremely outdated "work" phone and have to sneak my son's charger when he isn't around. Lost my eyelash curler which is super important to me. Finally lost my favorite lip gloss. I swear there is a ghost in my house!

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Purchased a toilet for my dad@Home Depot , did it online per their suggestion. Waited several weeks on backorder and it came about three weeks ago. My friend who was installing opened the boxes and found a broken crapper.


Home D. re-ordered and offered a large discount. Time passed and I received an email telling toilet discontinued! Took the broken one back and got credit issued on visa.


Went across street to Lowe's and ordered toilet, (odd shaped corner toilet with triangle shaped tank, not easy to find). Screw buying it on line, it came in a couple days and dad was sitting on his new throne today. Happy to say he does have two bathrooms or he would've needed a latrine in yard.

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Guest D***el B***e

Plugged in my solar pool heater ... went up on the roof to check the water lines, and I had water pissing all over the flat roof .... seems a few hoses didn't make it through the winter... that sucks big time.

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