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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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I completely screwed up this morning. I ended up insisting someone take a $100 discount, it was so ugly.


I live in a little old farmhouse that... let's just say it has a lot of personality.


Most of the time, it's pretty sweet out here in the summer. I don't even have to use a/c most of the time. But every once in a while, we hit an extremely humid day and just everything in here (me included!) is damp. This was one of those days.


Usually, I refuse appointments here, or cancel, under these conditions. I took one last summer with a regular, and while it was a disaster, at least it was funny. At some point, we figured we might as well finish up in the shower, as we couldn't get any wetter.


So this morning, I didn't realize that I probably should be cancelling until after the customer already left home, as he was coming from an hour away. I stepped out of the shower shortly after 8 am, and at 10 am, when he arrived, I was still wet. Wet hair. Wet skin. What little make-up I had on was sliding off. I hadn't put the a/c in. Dumb move!!!


I apologized when he arrived and explained the situation, and suggested maybe we not go through with it, but he wanted to go ahead. (He was really very nice about all of this. A lot of people wouldn't have been.)


We started in the massage room, but halfway through, I had to (literally) throw in the towel. We set up on my funny little chair in the bedroom, and ended up having a pretty good time, but man! It was so humid in here, I felt like I needed a mask, snorkel and fins!


I haven't actually cried yet, but I'm so bummed out. I never was the prettiest woman, but I've always prided myself on providing a quality experience (and having fun in the process, when possible!). I have to admit, in honesty, that the ONLY reason this morning wasn't a complete disaster is because I lucked out with an extraordinarily nice guy. On my end, I completely dropped the ball.

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I completely screwed up this morning. I ended up insisting someone take a $100 discount, it was so ugly.


I live in a little old farmhouse that... let's just say it has a lot of personality.


Most of the time, it's pretty sweet out here in the summer. I don't even have to use a/c most of the time. But every once in a while, we hit an extremely humid day and just everything in here (me included!) is damp. This was one of those days.


Usually, I refuse appointments here, or cancel, under these conditions. I took one last summer with a regular, and while it was a disaster, at least it was funny. At some point, we figured we might as well finish up in the shower, as we couldn't get any wetter.


So this morning, I didn't realize that I probably should be cancelling until after the customer already left home, as he was coming from an hour away. I stepped out of the shower shortly after 8 am, and at 10 am, when he arrived, I was still wet. Wet hair. Wet skin. What little make-up I had on was sliding off. I hadn't put the a/c in. Dumb move!!!


I apologized when he arrived and explained the situation, and suggested maybe we not go through with it, but he wanted to go ahead. (He was really very nice about all of this. A lot of people wouldn't have been.)


We started in the massage room, but halfway through, I had to (literally) throw in the towel. We set up on my funny little chair in the bedroom, and ended up having a pretty good time, but man! It was so humid in here, I felt like I needed a mask, snorkel and fins!


I haven't actually cried yet, but I'm so bummed out. I never was the prettiest woman, but I've always prided myself on providing a quality experience (and having fun in the process, when possible!). I have to admit, in honesty, that the ONLY reason this morning wasn't a complete disaster is because I lucked out with an extraordinarily nice guy. On my end, I completely dropped the ball.


You are a great gal Christine !! I believe most fellas will understand that shit happens and we just make the absolute best of an unfortunate situation ! in your case perhaps a "sticky" situation ;)


Just another unique memory and story to share with the grandkids....NO WAIT... can't do that ;) hehe

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I completely screwed up this morning. I ended up insisting someone take a $100 discount, it was so ugly.


I live in a little old farmhouse that... let's just say it has a lot of personality.


Most of the time, it's pretty sweet out here in the summer. I don't even have to use a/c most of the time. But every once in a while, we hit an extremely humid day and just everything in here (me included!) is damp. This was one of those days.


Usually, I refuse appointments here, or cancel, under these conditions. I took one last summer with a regular, and while it was a disaster, at least it was funny. At some point, we figured we might as well finish up in the shower, as we couldn't get any wetter.


So this morning, I didn't realize that I probably should be cancelling until after the customer already left home, as he was coming from an hour away. I stepped out of the shower shortly after 8 am, and at 10 am, when he arrived, I was still wet. Wet hair. Wet skin. What little make-up I had on was sliding off. I hadn't put the a/c in. Dumb move!!!


I apologized when he arrived and explained the situation, and suggested maybe we not go through with it, but he wanted to go ahead. (He was really very nice about all of this. A lot of people wouldn't have been.)


We started in the massage room, but halfway through, I had to (literally) throw in the towel. We set up on my funny little chair in the bedroom, and ended up having a pretty good time, but man! It was so humid in here, I felt like I needed a mask, snorkel and fins!


I haven't actually cried yet, but I'm so bummed out. I never was the prettiest woman, but I've always prided myself on providing a quality experience (and having fun in the process, when possible!). I have to admit, in honesty, that the ONLY reason this morning wasn't a complete disaster is because I lucked out with an extraordinarily nice guy. On my end, I completely dropped the ball.


I think you are being to hard on yourself, at least you remained pleasant and willing to give it your all:), humidity turns me into a cranky lady! Should you have cancelled, maybe, but he could have refused your service as well, it worked out, we all have bad days and in light of what's important in life this was just a bump in the road, a learning experience:) So don't be bummed out be proud that you are a trooper!

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Guest D***el B***e

Did the groceries, brought everything in the house, unpacked, put some stuff in the freezer, the fridge and the food hamper ... go back to the fridge 10 minutes later and there's friggin milk dripping on everything and a small flood at the bottom. Turns out the bag of milk had been leaking since I left the grocery store and I didn't notice ... aarrrrrrrrghhhh!

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I need a new phone! This phone has been through hell and back and I'm embarrassed to say that I've had it since 2010! I've dropped it, it's fallen in the sink and turned back on and been abused so many times. I really need to keep up on my technological devices.lol. I held onto this phone for so long because of my many contacts in it but only a quarter of these contacts can be copied onto the sim card. Don't know what to do when I get a new phone.


Had phone problems today..wouldn't turn on even when I plugged charger in so I took it apart and all this dust and dirt came flying out. It turns back on but now I can't hear my freakin' phone ringing! It only silently buzzes when I get a text. As a result, I have missed some business and apologies to those if they weren't able to reach me.


Now looking for a new phone!

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Guest webothscore

Apparently, due to the fireworks I am hearing now at 12:28 am sat morning, Canada day (monday) has started. Oh well, I might as well watch and enjoy now.

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Guest ***nno**n***

1. Having a new client walk in and realizing hes a former student! University mind you, not high school. Crossing your fingers he doesn't recognize you and trying to think of reasons he can't come back.


2. Being so horny after a session you can't get the vibrators out fast enough.


3. Having dirty thoughts about the man in line in front of you at the grocery store.


4. Asking detailed questions about a pussy pump from a 20 yr old at the sex store who can't even say pussy outlioud lol


5 - cant be said here lol


6. wondering can I wear white today or will it rain.

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TMN On Demand removing Season 2 of The Sopranos. WAAAAAAAAAAH! They removed the first season as well, good thing I finished that last night. They have everything after three still up, it's such a tease!

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I'm feeling really crappy!!! Peachy puts foot in mouth. I wish I could turn back time sometimes. :(

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A fair amount of people know I have been to Japan two months ago to learn ropes (literally).

I've spend thousands of $ on tuition to learn under the most well know and best rigger in the world...I've heard that he was a bit sexist and I've experiment it while in Japan, but I gobble it because he is my sensei.


Fast forward to today, I send said person an email to join the mailing list that everyone that have seen him can join...or so I thought...apparently it's "male only" because there is some things said on said mail list that are not deem for female eyes.


I've never felt so use for my money, disgusted and experiment in real life that much sexism

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A fair amount of people know I have been to Japan two months ago to learn ropes (literally).

I've spend thousands of $ on tuition to learn under the most well know and best rigger in the world...I've heard that he was a bit sexist and I've experiment it while in Japan, but I gobble it because he is my sensei.


Fast forward to today, I send said person an email to join the mailing list that everyone that have seen him can join...or so I thought...apparently it's "male only" because there is some things said on said mail list that are not deem for female eyes.


I've never felt so use for my money, disgusted and experiment in real life that much sexism


Take what he taught you and share with others. Break open the club by sharing with other women!



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Sitting here and waiting to go and hopefully pick up my cat from animal hospital and find out what's wrong and bring her home. I took her down and had to leave her there for tests.

I'm due to go back after 2:00p.m. when I will find out what is wrong. I'm trying to be calm but I'm freakin out inside, I'm also trying to stay positive but I have a horrible feeling in my gut that just won't quit. She has to be alright.


Severe bladder infection, she will be on pill antibiotics for 14 days and a check-up in 7 days to see how the pill is working and then seen again after the pills are done. She has been put on soft food for 5 days and at her 14th day appointment if it is cleared we won't have to give her injectable antibiotics. \

She not herself at all in a lot of pain.

Thank you for your kind words! She's my fur baby girl!! Her name is Precious and she is just that.

Edited by Lexy Grace
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Passing up a fun outing for a no show who is adept at spoofing phone numbers.


Additional Comments:

Jumping on a newbies Post before they come to realize the rules. Educate before you sentence! WOW compassion, isn't that a part of cerb....once educated and then enfracted, OK but come on....we claim to be different but the masses don't really know yet.

Edited by Meg O'Ryan

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Judgmental strangers. They suck.


Just had my dog out for a walk. He's a pug, and old, so gets tired fast. I make sure to take lots of breaks, and I carry a 'gulpy' pet water bottle that comes with a bowl attached, so he gets frequent water breaks.


A random stranger just walked up to me and yelled at me that my dog is thirsty and 'that's why his tongue is out, he's thirsty!'


I YELLED. I just gave him water. It's hot out, so his mouth is open. His tongue is ALWAYS out. And also: it's not your business. How dare someone walk past me and accuse me of mistreating my dog. I treat this dog better than I treat myself - I didn't even have a water bottle, but I had his. I hate hate hate people who do things like that. ARGH!!!!

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Finding out that when pop rocks are in your mouth and you preform fellatio, the one being fellated does not get an extra sensation. Damn! Dedicated to....well you know who you are!

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Meg, if you're looking for people to experiment with to perfect the poprocks thing my hand is up! :)

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My cell phone died and half of my contacts are gone that weren't backed up. I am lost in my business without them. Even with a cell phone, there is a sense of loss. That phone took a beating for a long time. Cell phone repair guy said it was a moisture problem.


Back at square one... this really sucks! I hope no one I've met before or a regular gets offended if they call or text and I act like I don't know who they are. Just so you know. :(

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I just prepared a nice bowl of fresh strawberries and raspberries and added milk (I always smell the milk first) only to find out with my first big spoonful that the milk was sour. So disgusting lol

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I just prepared a nice bowl of fresh strawberries and raspberries and added milk (I always smell the milk first) only to find out with my first big spoonful that the milk was sour. So disgusting lol


Ewwwwe that sent shiver down my spine sour milk is just one of those things that the smell,taste,look even thought of it make me wanna be suck yuck!

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Being boldly lied to and having your whole schedule screwed up and missing going camping with one the most wonderful gentlemen. Oh Yeah! Lexy gets down and dirty and roughs it in a number of ways!!

Edited by Lexy Grace
Not even worth it....

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I just prepared a nice bowl of fresh strawberries and raspberries and added milk (I always smell the milk first) only to find out with my first big spoonful that the milk was sour. So disgusting lol



Poor you and I send you the sweetness you so deserve.


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Finding after 5 years of doing rope suspensions, my first physical limit.

I know it's stupid to feel bad and that my body is failing me, but ...arg :(

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Real good movie on tonight, The Departed

But it is a long running movie and doesn't start till 10pm

Why do they put good long running movies on late at night?


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