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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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Toothache. Fuckity, fuckity, fuck. Had a filling replaced about 3 weeks ago and thought I felt a little tingle during the procedure, but toughed it out (guy thing). Every day since, it hurt a little bit more when I woke up, so I cried "uncle" today and called the dentist. Now on penicillin and Advil for a few days and then extraction. Gettin' old sucks.


Your a farm boy like me Cometman . You got vice grips or water pump pliers ? Fix ya up in a hurray ! or ..... I suppose penicillin works too ;)


Sucky and hope ya get that fixed up soon big guy !!

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My little dog face is all swollen, gave her some Benadryl in hopes it help. Off to the vet if things don't get better.

She is obviously reacting to something, I hope she'll be okay poor thing. Post how shes doing, if you don't mind, as I'm going to worry.

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Parked my bike at home and discovered my license plate was either lost (most likely) or stolen. Was on hold with the Police Call Centre for almost half an hr. to get report number for replacement plate. Grrrrrr

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My 12 year old dog is not well. She is having difficulty breathing, and it turns out its her heart. She is on meds right now, but I realize what is around the corner, and will miss her when she goes.


She is a great dog, and I have truly enjoyed her time with me.

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Blocked salivary gland feels like flaming golf ball on my jaw for two weeks. Home remedies not working, doc tomorrow.arrrrgh

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Guest webothscore

The new trending face that followed the duck face. I really don't know what to think of the sparrow.

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The throne speech. Bedford is going to be TOUGH. The cons are going to fight it tooth and nail.

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Guest A*ro**n

Ran an extra few km's tonight and started to feel the nipple burn. Guess I'm going to have to tape those nips. Either that or pasties.

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So I had an encounter last night, I was so into it and enjoying myself greatly that I ended up dislocating my knee. The thing is, I must have really been enjoying it, as I didn't even notice I did this to myself until I tried to stand up out of the bed. Being a stubborn male (haha) I didn't go to emerg. last night, but this morning the pain was too much. 4hrs in emerg. this morning to find out that I had dislocated the knee and that there is a strong chance I will need surgery. :(


On a good note though.....the encounter was obviously amazing :)

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So I had an encounter last night, I was so into it and enjoying myself greatly that I ended up dislocating my knee. The thing is, I must have really been enjoying it, as I didn't even notice I did this to myself until I tried to stand up out of the bed. Being a stubborn male (haha) I didn't go to emerg. last night, but this morning the pain was too much. 4hrs in emerg. this morning to find out that I had dislocated the knee and that there is a strong chance I will need surgery. :(


On a good note though.....the encounter was obviously amazing :)


Oh my !!!!!! Sorry to hear about the injury and pain big guy :( but glad you had a good time !!! By the sounds of the good time you had.... lucky you didn't dislocate your pecker !!!! ;)


Now what's her name and number ? I need my left knee fixed anyways !!!! hehe


sometimes laughter and a joke can dull the pain for a moment ? I hope ?

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Dealing with a cell phone provider that are a Hillbilly outfit that nickels and dimes you to death! !@#@!!!! Telus!

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The reality that very soon I will have to put my bike away for the winter. Grrrr....

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Responding to threads on my ipad and much later realizing that autocorrect has made me sound like an idiot!


Had the same problem on my Samsung Galaxy Note. Found out you can turn off auto correct

Here is the instructions for ipad


Good luck Meg



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