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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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Guest c**io**m7

Looking at my to do list for today. :-(


Am giving serious consideration to going back home as I have zero desire to be at work today.

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Huge storm on Valentines weekend..:( Sick since Thursday evening :( and to top it all off, because I am sick I have to cancel with a wonderful lady whom I was so much looking forward to meeting..:(, :(, :(

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1)How bad things often accompany good ones. eg. new baby, no sex


Hate to be the bearer of bad news.... but..

This is only the beginning my friend..


but I also can be wrong.. hopefully I am ;-)

I'll stop here..


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1)How bad things often accompany good ones. eg. new baby, no sex



This is completely normal. Women often feel less desirable after having a baby. Their bodies go through so much, they fear you look at them differently after watching the baby be born, plus hormones are raging like mad and make rational thinking a challenge. My advice to you is to reassure her. Tell her how beautiful she is, ESPECIALLY when she thinks she looks her worst. Tell her she's sexy. And above all, be patient. It takes time but things will come around :) xoxo


Ps - congrats on the new baby :)

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Guest c**io**m7

Everything I have worked my ass off for just got put on hold because I missed the required second language result by 2 goddamn marks.

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Having my SO break and spill a full 23lt of NZ Sauv Blanc at 140.00 a kit, all over the kitchen...


I am so f.....g pissed right now.....

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Having to remake a double batch of crêpes because The Puppy From Hell got ahold of the ones I made yesterday.


(Wicked tasty shrimp crêpes though!)

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Waking up at four am and cant get back to sleep. Now its freezing rain out so not sure if I can get out of my driveway today.

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6 month old puppy getting a hold of my favorite heals. Bad enough she loves my sneakers (I wanted a new pair so I let her have them), but my heals? I love them - getting another pair that I love might be challenging.


She looked so cute tho when I took them away. How could I stay mad at her - my fault for not putting them up so she couldn't get them. But ARGH!


Guess its shoe shopping for me. Lets see, what kind should I get this time?

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Guess its shoe shopping for me. Lets see, what kind should I get this time?


Hmmm sounds like a good excuse to buy 2 different pairs just incase one gets chewed again;)


Last time that happened to me I ended up gets a pair of running shoes and a pair of sandals.

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Went grocery shopping, my cat insisted he needed food LOL

But while a beautiful mild sunny day, the sidewalk was water covered with ice underneath...a skating rink, almost took a spill a couple times

Ended up walking on the road with cars coming at me...a hell of a lot safer

Town needs to put salt on the sidewalks, they are treacherous for walking, someone is going to end up injured


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Having to work all weekend because someone didn't show up. After covering for him all week, this is how he repays me. Some people only think of themselves!

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Sitting at my computer , coaxing it to live for just a few months longer.... the model I want needs a little more time for the novelty to wear off and the price to drop.....

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Being in the middle of a nice conversation with a lovely lady on the computer and the Nice amazing piece of technology just... shut down!!! Oh me nerves!!!!

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Guest c**io**m7

Icy walkways:


Carrying my granddaughter, my feet flew out from under me. Thank God I fell flat on my back.

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Icy walkways:


Carrying my granddaughter, my feet flew out from under me. Thank God I fell flat on my back.


YES - good for granddaughter -- not necessarily good for you. You will probably feel it in a day or so. I hope you have a lady ready with the A535 when that time comes.

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Guest c**io**m7
YES - good for granddaughter -- not necessarily good for you. You will probably feel it in a day or so. I hope you have a lady ready with the A535 when that time comes.


Oh, I feel it today.. I am moving very slowly. Nope, no lady ready with the A535 but, now that the hockey game is over, an extremely hot bath is calling my name.

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Oh, I feel it today.. I am moving very slowly. Nope, no lady ready with the A535 but, now that the hockey game is over, an extremely hot bath is calling my name.


Just make sure you wash your hands if you use A535! Cause if you take a piss you may be in for a surprise!

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Guest c**io**m7
Just make sure you wash your hands if you use A535! Cause if you take a piss you may be in for a surprise!


HAHAHA!! No kidding!!

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Gotta see the optometrist tomorrow. The exam no big deal, but, and he warned me last year, I'll be due for new glasses this year.

Just plain ole glasses no problem, but I need progressives. Last time I got glasses (progressives) $600.00+




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