jafo105 39057 Report post Posted March 26, 2014 A dear friend (actually she is my younger half-sister) called me tonight all upset. She just needed someone to talk to. It is hard comforting someone over the phone. Especially when I am in Ontario and she is in BC. We talked for over three hours. My mother.... our mother's death hit her hard in January and she is still feeling the pain. Mom gave her up for adoption when she was born. She never knew who her biological mother was until a few years ago. She only got to talk to our mother over the phone for the last couple of years and never got to meet her in person. I tried my best to let her know that mom did what she felt was best for her - by giving her up for adoption. She went to a loving home with two wonderful parents and is now blessed with a family of her own. I only wish I could do more to ease her suffering and answer her questions. Questions I do not even know the answer's to. Mom went to her grave with those secrets. We have two older half-brothers who were also given up at birth. None of us has ever met in person. Just the occasional e-mail or phone call. We are not even sure who everyone's biological fathers are. the birth and adoption records are incomplete. There is some speculation that there may be other siblings out there. But no one knows for sure. I was raised by our biological mother. I never knew my biological father. Every child my mother had, she had with a different man. It was a different time back then in the 60's and 70's. I experienced things no child should ever have to endure. I will spare you the details of my childhood. I am sure you have all heard the stories before. Despite everything, I think I turned out OK. I suck at relationships, and most everything else in life, but despite everything, I have never harmed another person. So that must count for something. I forgave my mother a long time ago for the things she did and the choices she made. I hope she left this world in peace. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Athos 108589 Report post Posted March 26, 2014 waking up with a headache that won't go away. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted March 26, 2014 Jafo...familiar story except I had the displeasure of foster care from ages of 4-11...and, I wish my biological mother would leave this earth and don't give a rat's ass if it is in peace or not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Warped88 5815 Report post Posted March 26, 2014 Looking out my window and not being able see past the edge of my patio only feet in front me. Complete white-out. Winter...be gone! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted March 29, 2014 Not being able to see Hedley in concert tomorrow night because of other commitments. I have to find a way to get REALLY good seats for Bruno Mars this summer. I would pay a lot to see him. On the ticket site right now! lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted March 29, 2014 Can't Sleep..... so surfing CERB and channel surfing the TV...... lol the late night T V options are pure crap. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted March 29, 2014 It's 8 am, Saturday morning and I have already worked for 4 hours. One of the reasons I went back to school at 30 and took a government job was for the 9-5, Monday-Friday. I hate fiscal year end. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted March 29, 2014 It's 8 am, Saturday morning and I have already worked for 4 hours. One of the reasons I went back to school at 30 and took a government job was for the 9-5, Monday-Friday. I hate fiscal year end. Count yourself lucky, curioum7. I took extra courses once-upon-a-time to try and get a better paying job with better hours. I did get the better paying job -- 9-5 Monday to Friday. That is... 9PM to 5AM, Sunday night to Friday morning. Over-time was a bitch!!! Which there was plenty of. On the bright side, I never had any problems with the commute to and from work. I started my weekend - hours before everyone else, and I could sleep in every day if I wanted to. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fresh start 17467 Report post Posted March 29, 2014 Have you ever seen home alone? Well I could of stared in it! Not 2 steps out the door and wham I'm flat on my back at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I flew so far off my deck I missed the stair and the back of my head missed any steps. All in all only my pride was hurt. Where the hell is spring and the warm weather? 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted March 30, 2014 Have you ever seen home alone? Well I could of stared in it! Not 2 steps out the door and wham I'm flat on my back at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I flew so far off my deck I missed the stair and the back of my head missed any steps. All in all only my pride was hurt. Where the hell is spring and the warm weather? Ouch!! Did that a few weeks ago with my granddaughter in my arms...the pain set in a couple days later and still lingers. I have extremely hot baths daily before bed to soothe the pains. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest P**aq Report post Posted March 30, 2014 Have you ever seen home alone? Well I could of stared in it! Not 2 steps out the door and wham I'm flat on my back at the bottom of the stairs. Luckily I flew so far off my deck I missed the stair and the back of my head missed any steps. All in all only my pride was hurt. Where the hell is spring and the warm weather? You might not want to look out the window this morning...Ottawa got a dump of snow this morning! I hope you are feeling ok this morning and not too sore! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted March 30, 2014 You might not want to look out the window this morning...Ottawa got a dump of snow this morning! I hope you are feeling ok this morning and not too sore! I second this...hoping pain and stiffness is not present. As for the snow...it can fuck right off!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted March 30, 2014 Being woken up early (07:45) on a Sunday morning by the sound of snow blowers. This is supposed to be spring.... We are supposed to be woken up by the sounds of birds ...- NOT snow blowers.... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted March 30, 2014 Spotted a few blackbirds yesterday in the backyard birdfeeders and heard their loud ear-piercing chirps - thought spring was finally here! And today -- waking up to this white stuff - again! :-? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted March 30, 2014 The tax man is bending me over again, without lube. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Warped88 5815 Report post Posted March 30, 2014 Snow, rain, freezing rain, cold... Not a great Sunday. I'm really reaching my limit with the weather as it's really souring my mood. Time to plan an escape...somehow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest c**io**m7 Report post Posted March 31, 2014 In light of recent events, my ability and willingness to give a shit have been reduced drastically. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted March 31, 2014 I saw my doctor this morning. I am back on all my medications again. :( The blood pressure is also through the roof. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest P**aq Report post Posted March 31, 2014 I saw my doctor this morning. I am back on all my medications again. :(The blood pressure is also through the roof. Yes that truly sucks, sorry to hear that :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jafo105 39057 Report post Posted April 2, 2014 I just received an e-mail from my last x-girlfriend. We dated about 14 years ago, and we were only together for about five months. She left me for another guy. She eventually married him and has two kids. She has been sending me e-mails once or twice a year for over a decade. The e-mails are always brief chats about the current state of our lives and other trivial current events. Never anything intimate. I don't think anything of it anymore. But there was a time that it would rip me to pieces. Well, that is not entirely true. I do start to crave female companionship not long after we have had chatted. I have not had a date in over six years, or even seen an SP in over a year. I really need to get healthy so I can get back to working. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted April 2, 2014 Never ending winter:) exercise:) although I'm loving going to the gym and the people there I hate exercise!! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bianca Jaguar 39183 Report post Posted April 2, 2014 My legs are so sore i walk like a penguin..thats what happens when you do a leg workout and havent done it in...well a very long time ugh...sitting on the toilette is a challenge...its usually worse after the second day...today is the second day...:frown: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ice4fun 78407 Report post Posted April 2, 2014 My legs are so sore i walk like a penguin..thats what happens when you do a leg workout and havent done it in...well a very long time ugh...sitting on the toilette is a challenge...its usually worse after the second day...today is the second day...:frown: But I am betting they look amazing :).. no pain no gain. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted April 3, 2014 Trying to figure out how to style your hair after a really bad haircut! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Ver**icaTre*ts Report post Posted April 3, 2014 When I am walking my dog and someone asks if he is friendly. I say sure, so they start to pet him. As if on cue he goes from his normal perfect self to a growling dog... and the people look at me like I am jerk who lied to them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites