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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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One of my best friends ever has gone MIA. He is in his 80s, and so I have a bad feeling. I haven't heard from him since early August. Even worse, I've found nothing in the obits (which I'd prefer to thinking he's in some state of hell between life and death).


Because we met in this way, I can't really approach his family to find out what's going on. Even though I know so much about them, they know nothing about me and it has to stay that way.


We met the morning of the 911 attacks. Throughout our first encounter (which went very well), my phone was ringing off the hook downstairs, and people were screaming on my answering machine. At that time, I was very involved with sport politics with skydiving. At first, I thought someone went in. Then I began to wonder if we'd lost a whole plane load. But I stayed in my session to the end.


Afterwards I ran down to answer my phone while my new client cleaned up. A friend told me to turn on the TV. I asked what channel. He said "any channel." Hours later, my new client and the person who was to become one of my dearest friends, were sitting on my couch, still staring at the TV. Trying to make sense of it all.


In the years to follow, we shared so much: thoughts on politics, books, gardening, family, cooking, art. We stopped meeting professionally a couple years back, but really, he became one of the most important people in my life.


This isn't the first time this has happened to me. When it happens, it's always heartbreaking because I'm shut out at the end. I cannot visit him if he's in the hospital. I can't attend the funeral. I have an obligation to protect his privacy, above all.


I'll hold up my end of the bargain. But it's painful.

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Looking at a closet and thinking, "Hmmmm, will I EVER wear this again?"


Deciding, "No."


Repeat until closet audit is complete.


Realizing that you have filled 12 garbage bags with clothes and shoes and other stuff that you need to donate... then also realizing that half of the stuff you just gave away, you only wore ONCE.


Doing the mental financial calculations is absolutely frightening.

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At around 1030 today the super knocks, saying the electrician is putting in another electrical outlet, and will be in in about an hour, maybe two. Well it's now 1pm, still no sign of the electrician. Bad enough waiting, but the super is supposed to give 24 hours notice unless an emergency, no such notice given

Meanwhile had to put the cat in the spare room, he may like the electrician but I'm sure he'd get in his way

And I didn't request nor need another outlet


Still Waiting



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At around 1030 today the super knocks, saying the electrician is putting in another electrical outlet, and will be in in about an hour, maybe two. Well it's now 1pm, still no sign of the electrician. Bad enough waiting, but the super is supposed to give 24 hours notice unless an emergency, no such notice given

Meanwhile had to put the cat in the spare room, he may like the electrician but I'm sure he'd get in his way

And I didn't request nor need another outlet


Still Waiting




Ooops Sorry RG. I forgot to mention I contacted your super and informed him that now you are retired you may need more outlets to feed your...... Keurig, foot massager, back massager, bum warmer, computer cords, phone cords, hair dryer ( no nevermind ;) ) crockpot, big flatscreens, iron, hitachi ........ tools, etc etc..........


I suppose no more alarm clock might free up an outlet ? ;)

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Ooops Sorry RG. I forgot to mention I contacted your super and informed him that now you are retired you may need more outlets to feed your...... Keurig, foot massager, back massager, bum warmer, computer cords, phone cords, hair dryer ( no nevermind ;) ) crockpot, big flatscreens, iron, hitachi ........ tools, etc etc..........


I suppose no more alarm clock might free up an outlet ? ;)


Thanks Buddy

Electrician showed up at 230. First words out of his mouth...going for a smoke break

Put the new outlet in, but in the process the one outlet they ran off of now needs replacing...soooo back on Monday or Tuesday

Plus, on Monday or Tuesday they're replacing the fuse box with circuit breakers (building is old) I said I have a bunch of pennies just in case a fuse blows, what's the problem LOL



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Teenage girl texting on her phone as she drove pulled a u-turn right in front of me.


It is dark, she was coming towards me. She turned right in front of me and I had to slam on my brakes to avoid hitting her. She was so close I could see the glow from the phone in her hand. And she was staring at the phone! She wasn't looking at the road at all!




So I got really pissed off and pulled up beside her. She's still putting along looking at her phone. I wanted to scream at her but what's the point. Hope she kills herself and not someone else.


Holy crap it's a good thing I don't drink anymore.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Saw "Dumb and Dumber to" yesterday. Save yourself the agony, trust me!

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Told the electrician was coming back today to replace the fuse box with circuit breakers. Made sure I was up early, stayed in all day, no electrician showed. Not too impressed. Maybe the snow in Toronto prevented him from coming up...as if there aren't a few local electricians around :icon_mad:


RG :-(

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Lost my mailbox keys (which I replaced in May) and went thru the whole rigmarole to get new ones. Now, yes I was an idiot for not putting one on my car key chain and one in a safe place but I did intend to!


Received an email today that my ....... ticket would be completed by Thursday. Great! Go out to the garage and rearrange the shoe vs boot situation and there are my keys!


Rush back inside, call Canada Post but was told I was too late. Gotta fork out another $39.99 plus tax!


This time I vow to put one of the keys away!

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Lost my mailbox keys (which I replaced in May) and went thru the whole rigmarole to get new ones. Now' date=' yes I was an idiot for not putting one on my car key chain and one in a safe place but I did intend to!


Received an email today that my ....... ticket would be completed by Thursday. Great! Go out to the garage and rearrange the shoe vs boot situation and there are my keys!


Rush back inside, call Canada Post but was told I was too late. Gotta fork out another $39.99 plus tax!


This time I vow to put one of the keys away![/quote']


That does suck, especially when you found them! Reminds of when my brother lost his car keys (which are programmed) last winter and forked over $150 to get a new set and preprogram his spare. I found the lost set later in the spring on the front lawn.




Bought a nice pair of warm gloves at the end of last winter and I can't find them anywhere. Grrrrr....

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Finding out last night my Second Mom(Best friends mom) is being moved to a Hospice as she was told she has congestive heart failure and will be lucky to make it past Christmas.Life keeps stumbling on.

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Went to my other house today. No one is home there. I see someone going to the back dressed in coat and hoodie. He open the gate, I shout at him to ask what the hell he is doing there and he keeps going to back of house ignoring me. I fling the gate open and he almost get hit with it right in the face on his way back out. It was the Enbridge guy. Lol he ask if I thought he was there to rob the place. Oops!

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Guest D***el B***e

Ok ... so I had a tattoo lined up for today, my first ever, the first of two sessions. It's not an off-the-cuff decision, I've been working on the design for a number of months. I know what I want, and I want it. Anyhow, the artist had already postponed my first 4-hour session once last month: I was scheduled at noon today, got at call at 11:15 asking if I could come in at 1:00 "He's still working on your design" I'm told, I say Yes and then get a call at 12:35 asking if I could come in at 2:00, because "he's still working on your design" ... Ok, I say, with an obvious disappointed tone in my voice ... I show up at 2:00 and the artist is a friggin no-show!!! Arghhhhhh ... I was fuming ... I was sooooo expecting this to happen, I was excited, yet nervous ... ya know all these feelings ... So I ended up requesting and obtaining my deposit back ... Awww shit, I'm back to square one ... I'm so pissed off about this ... It sucks but not in a good way ...

Edited by D***el B***e

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Waiting 5 hours for your winter tires to be put on. No it does not take 5 hours to do it. Long story...


I saw many cars spun out and car accidents over the last couple of days because of the snow, that was 5 hours well spent. Just saying.


Have a big day ahead so got to bed early. Fell asleep fast and now awake after the usual number of hours of sleep. I'm still tired but can't get back to sleep...

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

External forces that make me struggle to try and keep travel plans. I have struggled for a week to get someone to take over my family caregiver duties for a couple of days with no success..End result loss of deposit on a suite and .......

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Had to cancel and postpone my appointment with my lovely lady this weekend due to an unexpected circumstance. But at least I am immensely grateful that she has agreed to see me next week!

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I've been trying to meet up with this young lady for several weeks now and still no success. The anticipation sucks.

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I miss my cat who cannot live with me because he always likes to go outdoors. At least I still get to visit whenever I want but not having him at the end of the bed sitting there or playing with my toes through the blanket is something I really miss. :(

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Guest P*rry

During the heat of a passionate argument that you're winning you suddenly realize you're wrong!

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