capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted August 30, 2016 falling (onto a sheet of glass no less)...and getting a rather nasty cut on my shoulder/back.... juuuust out of reach of my own arm/hand.... making it almost impossible to care for myself this is one part where living alone sucks hehe :( .....stings like nobody's business!! :( 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted August 30, 2016 Firstly... no offense to laborers. But when some shovel dragging fool who can't pull up his pants or tie his work boots likes to go on and on about how the plans for a project are such garbage and how he knows everything and could design it better, unbeknownst to him that he is talking to the individual that did the design, and created those plans.... When I questioned what degrees, training, certifications or accreditations he had to make such a statement and he had no reply. Perhaps that is why that pay me 7times as much as you to do my job, and you do yours...... Just saying..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opentonew 10077 Report post Posted September 1, 2016 People who are never grateful or satisfied. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 1, 2016 having an amaaaaazing time at a rope workshop.. getting totally tied/wrapped up (for a change hehe (normally *I* am doing most of the typing) but coming down off that lovely *high*.. and shoulder where I am cut is stiiiinging... :( didn't even notice during the workshop...('sub-space' is a purrrrrfectly lovely place to be in hehe).... completely noooot cool.... :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 1, 2016 Played some football last night with the Fire crew and two-hand touch turned into full tackle when I got sacked and a massive bruise in my right thigh. Very tender. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 1, 2016 ...being so physically tired, and no matter what I tried... was not able to sleep... at all... aaaaall night! <grrrrrr!> makes for a tired kitty the next day.... (purrrhaps someone should come and help keep me focused on my day) ;) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 2, 2016 People that only talk to you when the want something..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted September 2, 2016 First a porcupine got my dog and now a skunk got her. Her return to NB has been awkward for her. She just doesn't seem to have any luck here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 2, 2016 absolutely mystifies me how stupid people keep getting 'support' jobs <no offence to any techs here but man!> Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 2, 2016 Looks like I will be spending some time in the not-to-distance future under someone's sink replacing faucets. I hate plumbing... But the individual is worth it, so no biggie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted September 3, 2016 Ok. Those metal springy things that clamp toilet paper rolls in place in public restrooms to keep them from spinning freely, which, when inevitably paired with the world's thinnest toilet paper, results in a handful of tinsel-like shreds of paper collected over ten or fifteen minutes of diligent work -- ok, those suck. So does the guy who invented them; he sucks too. And the horse he rode in on :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 4, 2016 Cleaning the kitchen for the 5th time today and having it last less than an hour Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 4, 2016 Ok. Those metal springy things that clamp toilet paper rolls in place in public restrooms to keep them from spinning freely, which, when inevitably paired with the world's thinnest toilet paper, results in a handful of tinsel-like shreds of paper collected over ten or fifteen minutes of diligent work -- ok, those suck. So does the guy who invented them; he sucks too. And the horse he rode in on :) oh my gawd! I am laughing so hard right now.. I think I might cry! hahaha BUT.. also what sucks.. and I know several of us have made mention of this before but have I got a 'STUPID PERSON" winner for you guys!! I'm on a bus, music floating in my head.. arms trying *not* to do snake arms while seated and people staring hehe..... a guy is staring a t me.... no biggie.. it happens... well.. he leans forward, to stare 'harder' (whatever that means, but that's what it felt like).. so I move seats.... he stays put. I figure I'm good now... and relax into my music again I get off the bus to transfer.. notice the guy got off bus as well.. again, no biggie, lots of people got off the bus.... he is *still* staring.... mouth open.. bit of spittle on his lower lip... @ss crack showing (guys..@ss or undies out the top of your pants is *NOT* a good look hehe)...... I move away from him.. wait for my bus.. it arrives, I get on.. so does he.... odd I finally get off the bus after a fairly long ride.. and notice a few people leave as well.. same weird guy included... I begin walking to my destination.. a restaurant.....and in short oder, the hair on the back of my neck (my 'cougar-spidey-senses' hehe) act up, and I turn slightly.. notice the same creepy dude less than THREE FEET BEHIND ME! I walk faster.. actually ran across a busy street almost ass the light changed, to give some distance..... I arrive at the restaurant a few blocks later.. only to be shocked ass.. just as I get to the door.. a hand lands on my shoulder..(I have my earbuds in.. so.. ) and whaddya know? it's the creepy dude... I put a 'pissed' look on my face, remove one ear bud.. and say hello (as a question) sorry for being long-winded but.. figured ass dumb as this guy was/is.. it's good for a laugh.. This moron actually had the nerve to say (exact words.. no lie) "Just wanted to you know say you got pretty tattoos... " I say thank you.. and begin to move away...... before I can do that...he looks me up and down.. (good grief!) gives a slobbery lick to that lip again (UGH!) and continues.... "Could I hit that?" grabs his crotch (again.. UGH!) HA! how 'bout H3LL no! haha he's lucky I didn't remove his skin!! I laughed.. said no...making it clear I thought he was nuts....walked away hahaha not a good thing to stalk a woman and then think she'd be interested in doing anything other than turning your balls to porridge after hahahaha good gawd! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest st*****ens**ors Report post Posted September 9, 2016 A rare opportunity presented itself today to visit a lovely friend, but I realized after lunch that, without question, the slightly scratchy throat of the morning was the onset of a full on cold. I don't want to get anyone sick, so I let the chance slip away. Neo Citran will have to do for now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 9, 2016 Realising just how addicted you can be to spending time with someone, and how incomplete your day can feel if you don't see them... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aficionado 993 Report post Posted September 9, 2016 Using Tapatalk to follow the forums on my mobile and having the thank button right where my thumb lands when I'm scrolling which has resulted in my accidentally thanking some posts that I most certainly would NOT thank. Please don't judge me because there's no way to unthank within Tapatalk. (Btw, I've just learned that you can remove thanks using the browser view of Lyla.) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 9, 2016 .....having come to the end of one of spending time in truly one of the most amazing places this cat has ever been ...*sigh* I am already making plans to find a way to go out there a week before the rest of my group next year.. to get a much more fulfilling time out there... endless possibilities for amazement out there... and as much as I love being back in my lovely den... I ache to be out there in the forests again.. out on the lake with my rod... and nothing but eagles to keep me company.... *sigh* went to relax and watch a bit of tv.. only to discover it finally died... *sigh* noooot impressed.. was looking forward to Vincent D'Ofrio and Law & Order <drooool> hmmn.. walmart or kijiji? kijiji or walmart..? ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 11, 2016 A little friend of mine took a tumble today that resulted in stitches. Hes a tough little guy though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 12, 2016 ....having to scrub away the last of the bonfires, creeks and forests.... earth under my clawz.....(and likely behind my lovely pink ears....).....and become a purrrrfectly lovely 'citified' cougar again.....*sigh* truthfully, as much as I needed/enjoyed the time away, I am glad to be home again... missed prrrowling around here... and sinking my teeth into whomever ventures into the den <wink> Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 12, 2016 Stupid people. Or people that aren't necessarily stupid, but conscientiously ignorant..... No need of it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted September 14, 2016 So utterly bone tired but can't sleep cause it isn't even 9pm. Damn brain...shutty already I need to decompress! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 14, 2016 The crazy people that need to follow, spy on, have their friends spy on, and otherwise obsess over every aspect of someones elses life. Ugh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted September 17, 2016 I had one thing on my grocery list today, coffee. So I figured there was no need to bring a list since it is just one item. $100 and three bags of groceries, I return home and see the "list" on the table: coffee. I completely forgot! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 18, 2016 Being an emotional person sucks. Sometimes i wish i could turn them off and just be numb. Its hard on the heart and hard on the brain sometimes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalCforcougar 16766 Report post Posted September 18, 2016 *having* to do errands & laundry... instead of enjoying the perrrrrfect distraction of another body .......forrrrr now, anyway ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites