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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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My son, his wife and the 5 month old baby going back home after spending 3 months with us. I so enjoyed holding that beautiful baby in my arms any time I could, she is a bundle of joy. I will only see them in December for Christmas.

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Guest n*gu**6

When banks screw up... They take a cheque and cashed it, but did not apply to the loan I was paying on. It has been sitting in purgatory for the last 11 days and no one can tell me why.

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after a 2 hour drive reaching a hotel that has no record of your booking, and has no room for you... still waiting to hear from expedia about what went wrong on their part.


but see highlights.

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finally figuring out another site.. enjoying posting.. and getting banned (familiar.. lol) for 'advertising'.. when all I had done was post comments to other people's posts....


see..? this is why I stick to here.. hehe familiar territory ;)

banned from perb for a month *sigh* lol oh well, that's what I get I suppose hehe

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Guest n*gu**6

Wanting to do something really special for someone but simply not having the resources to do it at the moment. Would love to send someone to a special event his weekend that I know they would enjoy, but did the math and its just not feasible right now. Bummed me out

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.....'enjoying' a complete scenic tour on a city bus.. over an hour one way...*just* to take care of a payment that "absolutely cannot' be done online or any other much more convenient way... will be a total of 3 HOURS juuuust to do one flipping thing! *exasperating*

...fortifying myself with stellas first... I'll need the strength to tolerate the trip hehe

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Guest n*gu**6

The one night where I could not easily slip away, I was needed. Just a devastating blow emotionally to be unable to be there for someone in a time of need. :(

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Guest st*****ens**ors

The lack of anything like a transition period between summer heat requiring air conditioning and freezing cold that requires a lit furnace. I remember hearing about this thing called Autumn years ago... guess it didn't catch on. ;)


Additional Comments:

And so, to use a board analogy, a client from a decade ago contacts me to say she is no longer happy with the massage I gave her ten years ago (5 year warranty notwithstanding) and would like either a full refund for that massage, OR a partial refund and an entirely NEW massage, which would mean I am paying her for the privilege of massaging her.


Or else, she threatens to do all she can to ruin my reputation.


She sucks, entitled clients suck, and why is it that the wealthiest clients are often the most irritating?


Apologies. Here endeth the rant.

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Guest n*gu**6

A friend being soooooo close to milestone with their business but may not reach it within the deadline. Seeing how hard they work for it and to be so close. Just wish I could do something to elevate them over the bar.

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Had to drive a family member to Toronto for a couple appointments, had a few hours to kill and really wanted to see a very special lady for the first time.


In spite of planning and communicating for a week, it's not happening because she was unable to contact any of my limited number of references.

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Guest n*gu**6

My crazy stalker going nuts again. Not satisfied with just stalking me now. Now shes threatening me with crap shes making up. Scariest part is we both know shes making it up but she totally believes it......wtf.... nutty as a bag of hammers

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When someone texts/emails with questions that you answer pretty quickly.


No communication for days then finally responds on a day you are clearly off (if they bother to read every freaking ad that says usually Tuesday to Saturday 10-9)


Claims to be a high level executive, ya right! If you can't read an ad I would never hire you. Bosses out there, create a fake ad with some very pertinent information, have them read it twice and then quiz them on what they remember. Only the stuff like they want like candy every morning perhaps!?


i usually turn off my Meg phone after hours but needed to charge it. Walked by and saw it blinking. it was 11. Jeeze

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I have two big projects that for which drafts are due this Friday and I feel I'm spinning my wheels... no real idea what to do or how to complete them... nor any real desire to work on them... fingers crossed that tomorrow will go better.

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WOW! Where to begin....Receiving an out of the blue email questioning my age, stating I have been 32-34+++ for years LMAO....I am 34 and will be 35 November 11th (1981).


I understand why and if a companion may change their age/date of birth (discretion or many other reasons).

I don't feel the need to and I state my real age and date of birth, this has also been verified by the Mod here and I'm always willing to show ID to anyone (yes, I have been asked because they thought I was younger). Who is going to add years?? Take a few off but up your age?? Too cute!!


It's just a waste of my time when you are actually telling the truth and someone feels the need to write mean spirited emails for whatever reason.


Just something else to laugh and shake off!!


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Guest n*gu**6

Did something to my right knee. Could barely walk yesterday. Hope today is better

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Guest Prufrock Cummings

Three of my friends here have recently been suspended here. I miss them all :(

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Guest n*gu**6

Going back to work after being off for a week on vacation. I need a vaction to recuperate from my vacation...

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On Sunday my eye was hurting, by this morning it was impeding my ability to work... So I saw the doctor and got some anti-biotic ointment and antibiotics pills... waiting for it to start working... waiting...

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Guest n*gu**6

When someone you care about is sad or frustrated..... it makes me sad and frustrated too... Especially when there is not much I can do to correct the situation for them except be there and be supportive.

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Guest Prufrock Cummings

Being on a team which has one really bad apple; bad enough that it makes each week painful rather than enjoyable.

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