Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted August 30, 2017 Trades people who have no time management skills. You forgot to tell me what time zone you are working in. Telling me you will be here in 20 minutes and show up 3 Hours later is so not ok. Prompt means you will be here when you say you will be here. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted August 31, 2017 Nothing irritates me more than people who are not punctual. If you say a time... hold yourself to it. To not do so, I consider to be disrespectful to the time of the one waiting. Additional Comments: I was moving some old pallets that I am re-purposing for a friend to make some photo-shoot props and whilst unloading from my truck several earwigs decided to leave their hiding place between the boards and scurry up my shirtsleeve. Needless to say my neighbors must have thought I looked like a stripper having a seizure running across my yard pealing my shirt off... lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted September 4, 2017 A former coworker asked me to fill in a reference form for a job she applied for. I did so the minute I got it, and sent it back to her for review and comment before I send it on to her future employer. I asked her to fill in a few blanks that I was unable to answer (things like what is the position she is applying for, which I didn't know). Two days go by without hearing back, so I follow up with her to see how it is going with her filling in the blanks; Her response: Why didn't you fill in the entire form, why do I have to do everything? Well good luck to you when I get the phone call for the reference! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nntsci 11076 Report post Posted September 4, 2017 Nothing really except that I have so much to do in the next two weeks that I don't have time for fun... 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted September 5, 2017 The first week of back-to-school traffic. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Prufrock Cummings Report post Posted September 7, 2017 Last night I kept hearing really loud annoying bird chirping in my back yard. I kept looking out to see what all the commotion was about; couldn't figure it out so I just turned up the TV louder to drown out the noise. Later when I went out on my deck for fresh air, I saw a dead baby bird in the middle of my deck. Wow, did I feel sad. The "loud annoying chirping" must have been the cries of the parents. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opentonew 10077 Report post Posted September 11, 2017 Having a special day of the year that should be celebrated tainted by its association with negative things which detracted from what was celebrated on that day or which happened on the same date Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 17, 2017 When 3 of 4 coaches think one kid should start as QB and they get him all ready and one coach shows up 30min late and puts in kid with 2 left feet and absolutely no clue. Kid screwed uo multiple times and cost us 25yds in penalties and two pick-six interceptions but refused to pull him until last play of a 24-6 loss.....meanwhile..his own kis who is not half the size of any other player and zero skills plays entire game as running back while good players sit on the bench.....grrrrr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted September 18, 2017 People who are CONSTANTLY trying to one up you. Holy shit it's exhausting. When the hell did I ever enter a race? I wasn't looking to compete. Everything I do, they do and take credit for it with their friends. It's getting weird now. I'm going to tell them my newest hobby is being a furry friend wearing those weird costumes. Let's see what happens next...lmao! Imitation is the highest form of flattery but these one uppers are mentally exhausting. Time to exit the building! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted September 27, 2017 Being overwhelmed with desire without an outlet... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J**ck*9 Report post Posted September 27, 2017 Having your doctor put on the latex gloves and checking your prostate and after pulling out his finger..... he says .... "OK you can get dressed now" ...... yet my ass is still full of Vaseline.... what? ... you can't give me a tissue so I can wipe my ass? ..... WTF ????? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted September 28, 2017 I can't wait for 2018....number 7 is now my bad luck number! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meaghan McLeod 179664 Report post Posted October 4, 2017 Expanding foam. Not my first rodeo, and you'd think I would have learned by now to wear gloves. Note to others, if you get it on your skin, DO NOT USE SOAP AND WATER. It simply cures it. Becomes this hard layer that can only come off with a razor blade, picking it off or some other form of torture. At least I didn't get it in my hair. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opentonew 10077 Report post Posted October 4, 2017 A power failure when watching a movie was your entertainment plan for the evening.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nntsci 11076 Report post Posted October 9, 2017 I harvested my grapes and am making jam... separated the skins and pulp. cooked both. strained the pulp to get out the seeds and put the skins in a blender to get rid of the big bits... problem is my wife had used the blender earlier that day and unplugged with at max speed. I always switch it off when I put the blender away... when I plugged it in it covered my shirt and the kitchen in a lovely deep purple... wasted a full jars worth of jam. A bit like Jackson Pollock. When I did this. I yelled in anger... I turned about with the purple all over my shirt... my daughter and her boyfriend though it was blood. He rushed to the bathroom to get bandaids. Nope... just a big mess to clean up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted October 10, 2017 People who gesticulate wildly while driving, shake their fists and scream at other traffic, drive way too fast and make erratic lane changes without signalling. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted October 11, 2017 Insomnia. I'm starting a 6-week program to get it taken care of, drug free. I'm sure it will involve all sorts of other stuff like exercise, diet, reducing alcohol, letting the sun touch my delicate skin ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
westcoastpooner 293 Report post Posted October 11, 2017 very simply put...winter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nntsci 11076 Report post Posted October 13, 2017 Woke up this morning ready to work at home... but my wife was complaining that she could get on the house wifi... After a few minutes of trying to figure out the problem, I went to my computer and found out its internet was out. I played around with connections and eventually isolated the problem to the router... so I bought a new router... the old one was a bit of a dinosaur and would drop my wife's computer regularly if the kids friends all came over and logged into the wifi. OK. Got that set up but it was running inconsistently. Facebook and email worked but I could not get onto my on line banking. I thought it was a firewall problem, but after failing to solve the problem rewired the home again and found out that it was my LAN cable from the router to my computer that also was not working efficiently. I don't quite get what the problem with the other wire is, but I've had dead wires before. So now the routers on my desk because I could only find very short wires. Will buy a longer wire tomorrow. Anyway... didn't get ANY work done today. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted October 16, 2017 People who make an appointment an don't show or even bother to cancel. What is the point???? Do they get a thrill out of waiting someone's time? Additional Comments: Damn it I hate predictive text...but those of you who understand will know that I am not ill erase (hahaha) illerate and understand what I was typing....well maybe! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CornyM53 1030 Report post Posted October 18, 2017 Know it all..... hate that person who has the gift of BSing his way into any conversation on any topic... and completely controlling it. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n*gu**6 Report post Posted October 18, 2017 Probably the last weekend alone that I would have an opportunity to spend some time with a lady friend before the holidays and schedules won't work. Again... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
opentonew 10077 Report post Posted October 20, 2017 Betrayal by someone you care for deeply. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexy Grace 103697 Report post Posted October 31, 2017 This post is not about airing dirty laundry and I am not breaking any rules! It's a reminder of the rules and what has been done to me here that is against the rules. Lyla has always been a fun and nice place for me since I've been a member as of 2009. As many of you have noticed, I keep to myself and don't participate as mush as I use to and that is for personal reasons and to guard myself from anything negative. Last night I read something posted here about me by a fairly new member that is false, goes against the rules and is a fake post on my recommendation thread. So basically this is a Friendly Reminder to READ the RULES!! Even with my friendly reminder, I know this was done maliciously for whatever reason. I have never even met the poster so their motive for posting is suspect along with their join date, posting history and just wrong but I have an idea of what and why this has been done. I'm not hurt by it because it's false and how can someone write anything if they have never had the pleasure of meeting me. My profile, current ad and classified ad has been updated to address this so this is in no way shape or form of advertising, my ads are in the proper sections. The board rules state: Rules & Welcome letter (In case you choose to NOT read it) Welcome to the site! PLEASE READ THESE RULES: - No Slander - Post only positive recommendations! This is not a review board! BEFORE POSTING YOU MUST READ THIS! (Includes DNR/DND LIST) 3) Make sure you ask the provider for permission to recommend her If posting rule #3 is true, how can a person who has never met me write on my recommendation thread? This is a serious issue and needs and should be rectified and dealt with appropriately because that posting is a fake negative review. This person/poster has NEVER been a CLIENT! Yes, I have reported it and have taken the necessary steps for this to hopefully be taken care of.... I'm not going to leave the board over this slander being allowed to be posted because I love it here and have enjoyed many years meeting some of the most wonderful ladies and clients who many I still see from prior to 2009 to date. That's how it is when you're a reputable, established and trusted companion. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kilt Boy 29353 Report post Posted October 31, 2017 Thamks for hanging around, Lexy. These things happen, as you know. I think youre handling it right. "Make noise, get it fixed, move on." Some people have an agenda against you, some just like to knock stuff over. Who knows why? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites