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Things that suck, and not in a good way.

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Actually it was a joke referring to that credit card commercial where Peggy is a Russian male playing games with the caller.

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Leaving tomorrow morning for Chicago, made a mistake (that is only entirely my own), need to buy a new plane ticket, look at the bank account, almost dry.

outch does it ever hurt >.< I've never been this broke in ages

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Heading out of town to a conference I don't want to go to and a family visit that I'm not looking forward to!

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Guest **cely***r***ne

I havent caught a darn fish yet :'( And I refuse to buy Bass from the grocery store!

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I havent caught a darn fish yet :'( And I refuse to buy Bass from the grocery store!


I'm really not much of an "outdoors" person. But I've never wanted to go fishing with someone so badly in my life!! ;) (Sorry, Dad. lol)

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When someone steals your 2 bikes off your back deck...they had to be looking for something because you can't see on the deck unless your coming up the stairs.

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When building a fence a small wood splinter enters your eye, scratches your cornea and you require a trip to the ER. Now I know why I hate carpentry so much!

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A very good friend of mine's best friend was killed when he rolled his jeep Tuesday evening. He's pretty choked up and I have no idea how to console him.

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A very good friend of mine's best friend was killed when he rolled his jeep Tuesday evening. He's pretty choked up and I have no idea how to console him.



This is so sad Angela,


There is almost no way to console such a thing, except to be there for your friend if he needs anything. Let him know you are there to help and to make anything you can easier for him while he and his friends try to recover from there loss. It is a hard place to be angela, but you are so compassionate, I am sure they will feel your love and support! xoxo

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This is so sad Angela,


There is almost no way to console such a thing, except to be there for your friend if he needs anything. Let him know you are there to help and to make anything you can easier for him while he and his friends try to recover from there loss. It is a hard place to be angela, but you are so compassionate, I am sure they will feel your love and support! xoxo


Yes, everyone grieves in their own way, and needs the time and space to do so. It's hard to know how to proceed. But Sophia's advice is really sound. Angela, Your love and friendship will be a great source of strength, and he'll know it's there for him!

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Besides not having enough time to invest towards the completion of my new website, I have lost all motivation to

do so because of what happened recently with the plagiarism issue :( (I started building my new site before of all

of it happened). Maybe I'm just thinking negatively but why put something new out there when it can be just as

easily copied and slightly edited again?


I feel lost and don't know what to do anymore :(

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Having done alot for a certain relative and he threatens me in my own home! Had to walk away .What ever happened to respect from young family members? Sadly he is now disowned and can never be in my presence ever again . In respect to his mother I have decided to refrain from telling her that he is no longer welcome in my home!

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Besides not having enough time to invest towards the completion of my new website, I have lost all motivation to

do so because of what happened recently with the plagiarism issue :( (I started building my new site before of all

of it happened). Maybe I'm just thinking negatively but why put something new out there when it can be just as

easily copied and slightly edited again?


I feel lost and don't know what to do anymore :(


You should do it, precisely to put that nasty business behind you. The current website will probably always remind you of it. And you'll feel so good when a new site is up, and you see all your creativity and phenomenal sensuality reflected in it!!!



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You should do it, precisely to put that nasty business behind you. The current website will probably always remind you of it. And you'll feel so good when a new site is up, and you see all your creativity and phenomenal sensuality reflected in it!!!



I agree completely. So unlikely anyone will try that again and if they ever dare do, we know what reaction it will invoke.

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Besides not having enough time to invest towards the completion of my new website, I have lost all motivation to

do so because of what happened recently with the plagiarism issue :( (I started building my new site before of all

of it happened). Maybe I'm just thinking negatively but why put something new out there when it can be just as

easily copied and slightly edited again?


I feel lost and don't know what to do anymore :(


Don't feel lost Gabriella. The overwhelming support you had and have far outweigh the person who showed no character by plagiarising you.

I know easier said than done, but build your new website. We would all look forward to seeing your new website. And don't let one bad apple bring you down, there are far more good apples here who are behind you


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Gabby, you have a huge number of people behind you and being tantalized with thoughts of a new site with your unique and creative writing gives us a great sense of anticipation.


Easy to say I know, but sometimes worrying about what might happen is as bad as if it does happen.


In your own good time. :)


Besides not having enough time to invest towards the completion of my new website, I have lost all motivation to

do so because of what happened recently with the plagiarism issue :( (I started building my new site before of all

of it happened). Maybe I'm just thinking negatively but why put something new out there when it can be just as

easily copied and slightly edited again?


I feel lost and don't know what to do anymore :(


Additional Comments:

I am so sorry to hear that Angela. Words can help but gestures and hugs and understanding and listening are your best friends. Hang in and just be you.


A very good friend of mine's best friend was killed when he rolled his jeep Tuesday evening. He's pretty choked up and I have no idea how to console him.

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Guest **cely***r***ne

So funny...

I hate Junebugs, They stick in my hair.


I opened my door to bring my flowers in (so they dont get stolen) and zoom! 4 Junebugs came flying in my house! I started chasing them with my broom and dustpan, in the dark at that!

Oh yes, I am now an expert Junebug catcher...May they rest in peace...creepy buggers

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Nicki is cleaning her kitchen at 1 am. Unfortunately not with the french maid uniform on. What started off as one chore turned out to be cleaning the entire house! I think I'm OCD. lol. Going to bed now....

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Twisting and lifting the wrong way yesterday and pulling a muscle in my back. So simple to do and so long to get all clear of. Grrrrrrrrr.

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Twisting and lifting the wrong way yesterday and pulling a muscle in my back. So simple to do and so long to get all clear of. Grrrrrrrrr.



Don't forget your Reiki Master friend, she can help long distance. :-)

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on your way home and right after you pass the last truck stop you feel like you have to go to the bathroom . knowing it is another 25 minutes till you get home and the closer you get the more you have to go. then you find someone is in your parking spot and the one available is way down the lot. you just cannt wait any longer so you run as fast as you can, but as you get to the door and fumbble for your keys the lady next door is there wanting to have a half hour chat.the only thing worse is if you had stopped and couldnt go at the truck stop or you run in at the truck stop to find the washroom close by is closed and you have to run to the other end of the place.enough of this, i have to go,later all

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At one time being in very close contact with a lady friend here on Cerb and having your last few messages go unreplied. Very concerned and very sad.:icon_sad:

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Having no food, being very hungry. But being too considerate to order take out and make the poor delivery guy go out in this insane weather. Damn my good nature!!

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Having my dog Cody Prince Of Thieves steal part of my fresh fish dinner(perch) off my plate. The chase is on dog!

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Having more no shows this week downtown than I ever did in Orleans this past year.


Why is that? I am now "too convenient", lol?

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