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Early detection of COVID19

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I got this from a friend today and wanted to share with all of my friends on Lyla.

Not sure if this does help, but keeping hydrated is always good.


The new NCP coronavirus may not show sign of infection for many days, how can one know if he/she is infected. By the time they have fever and/or cough and goes to the hospital, the lungs is usually 50 % Fibrosis and it's too late!

Taiwan experts provide a simple self-check that we can do every morning:

Take a deep breath and hold your breath for more than 10 seconds. If you complete it successfully without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness etc. it proves there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating no infection.

In critical times, please self-check every morning in an environment with clean air!

SERIOUS EXCELLENT ADVICE by Japanese doctors treating COVID-19 cases.  Everyone should ensure your mouth & throat is moist, never DRY. Take a few sips of water every 15 mins at least. WHY?  Even if the virus gets into your mouth...drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your  esophagus and into the stomach. Once there in tummy...your stomach ACID will kill all the virus. If you don't drink enough water more regularly...the virus can enter your windpipes and into the LUNGS. That's very dangerous. 
Pls. send and share with family, friends and everyone about this ! Take care  everyone and may the world recovers from corona virus soon. May all be well and happy.

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These are myths. 




There is a lot of misinformation making the rounds, some innocent like these, others which can be harmful. The provinces and govt of Canada all have excellent websites setup with helpful information. I suggest relying on that. 

The best thing right now is to limit social contact. For me, that means avoiding hobbying for a few weeks or months. I know that's not easy, particularly for those who earn a living up close and personal. Right now everyone needs to consider taking a holiday or altering dates temporarily to reduce the risk of transmission. Stay safe everyone. 

Edited by redmana2
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    Right now China is the best and worst source of information on the matter.

They've been dealing with this weeks before it became public and certainly have useful knowledge and experience with the virus. 

But at the same time, the communist regime/dictatorship also makes it unreliable as official data is heavily screened and edited before made public. And with free press punishable by expulsion, prison or death, it makes it impossible to get a real picture of their situation. Even if the news of full containment is truth, it likely came at a heavy price.

Once all of this is over, the only truth will be the amount of death and the rest will remain vague estimates.

Other than seeking essential information, there not much to gain from following all news feed with questionnable or plain inaccurate news. If you got movies, videogames, puzzles, knitting needles or else, it's better to look for a distraction for the time being.

    Stay safe and make the most of those slow times.

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  When we thought the White House troll couldn't be more reckless, last evening press conference proved us wrong. AGAIN!

  He started using the "We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem" phrase as he prepares to ease down social distancing measures in an attempt to kick start the U.S. economy before the election. 

  And if ignoring advices from health professionals wasn't bad enough, he started promoting Malaria drugs as a miracle cure when no solid evidence exists to support that claim. It took a presidential signature to approve broader trials as no health professionals would ever recommend this for anything else than Malaria. And because he went "all in" on this drug, many already poisoned themselves trying to self-medicate on this drug. And with the current hoarding and skyrocketing prices, countries who really need it for Malaria treatment are already starting to run dry.

  Trump better start hiring more lawyers as the world will quite likely sue his selfish incompetent ass!


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To be completely honest here no one should be seeing anyone right now, be it SP or hobbyist. Just cause someone has no signs they still may carry the virus with them. To be doing this right now puts you and your loved ones at risk. 

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3 minutes ago, SailorMan said:

To be completely honest here no one should be seeing anyone right now, be it SP or hobbyist. Just cause someone has no signs they still may carry the virus with them. To be doing this right now puts you and your loved ones at risk. 

    There already a few threads tackling this topic and the answer is much more complicated as some people have bills and payment to make and not all share the same level of risks. Some things are better left to be decided in private.

    But if you want to read arguments from both sides, here some links:



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Everyone everywhere has bills to pay and food to eat but we are all making due one way or another. What the price tag you'd put on your life or your families lives? Is that price tag worth dieing for or the death of someone you lI've. 

Edited by SailorMan
Incorrectly spelt a word

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On 3/27/2020 at 7:45 PM, SailorMan said:

Everyone everywhere has bills to pay and food to eat but we are all making due one way or another. What the price tag you'd put on your life or your families lives? Is that price tag worth dieing for or the death of someone you 


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On 3/27/2020 at 7:45 PM, SailorMan said:

Everyone everywhere has bills to pay and food to eat but we are all making due one way or another. What the price tag you'd put on your life or your families lives? Is that price tag worth dieing for or the death of someone you lI've. 

This has already been discussed and ended uo not being such a nice thread...everyone has right to their opinion and no judgements should be passed on anyone 


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