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I always enjoy seeing the positive in things it helps me get through the days much better and with events happening right now it's tough to see the positive in this except that with everybody in self isolation we will get through this.

Something else that is on a positive note, our air and water stream are already getting clearer because of the cutting back in traffic on the roads and rivers.  I have seen this on the television and could post a link but with only a small iPad it's a bit complicated to share.

Anyway I simply wanted to brighten up everyone's day with a positive note.


Do you have a silver lining story to share?

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Ironically, this comes at a time gasoline prices are at a level we haven't seen since the 90's. And for anyone looking for a new vehicle, dealers will be desperate to sell whatever they got in their inventories. Hopefully, this bad year will make them rethink their business model and the way they treat buyers/owners.


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  On 3/26/2020 at 11:19 AM, Greenteal said:



Ironically, this comes at a time gasoline prices are at a level we haven't seen since the 90's. And for anyone looking for a new vehicle, dealers will be desperate to sell whatever they got in their inventories. Hopefully, this bad year will make them rethink their business model and the way they treat buyers/owners.


This is not the report that I have seen but is very good.  The one that I saw shows rivers in a country where the water has been blurred by pollution and nobody could see the fishes in it and now they see birds that they have not seen in a long time come over and dive for food in them.  Thanks for finding this GT.

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Economists, ecologists, etc. will be studying this for decades.  How often do you get to make changes and see what happened.   Don’t get too optimistic about climate results, however, we’ve been mucking that up for quite some time now.

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I'm taking this opportunity to learn new hobbies. Today I'm learning how to crochet and knit. I'm also thinking of business opportunities, and would love to learn to quilt so I can sell them online. I love sewing so its a great fit. I make dog coats too for my friends and neighbours.

No time like the present to start something I've never had time to dedicate to it.  

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Day 2 of lockdown in NZ and it's not so bad. I've been motivated to dedicate more time to self-care, so I've been exercising more, my skin is glowing and I'm eating lots of healthy food to keep my immune system strong. I've also been calling friends and family more, and catching up on personal and business projects.


The earth is having a chance to breathe as everywhere in the world, people slow down - it will be very interesting to see what comes of it.

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