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So how is everyones Mental Health?

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I love this community, the women I have not had a chance to interact with are so interesting and this is a great spot to meet like minded people. I hope everyone is hanging in there,. 

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Gotta admit...


I've been on self-isolation for 3 &1/2 weeks (2 weeks from being out of the country, then I started showing symptoms...  got tested and fortunately tested negative...  but my work will not allow me to go back to the office until I am 14 days SYMPTOM FREE) so needless to say that am bored out of my tree trunk!


Mentally I have been hanging on, keeping up wife and I busy watching movies and Netflix.


Hope everyone else is doing well!!!


~ Dom

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Still sane for now. Or am I?

Seriously, as long I got coffee, frozen lasagna and electricity things should be fine.


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I have been self isolated for the past 3 weeks, trying to keep myself sane and busy but i miss my independence, not being able to be intimate is rough and not seeing my guys sucks, i miss my eldest son and grandson sooo much

Financially i am Fcked...but thankful to those who have been supportive at this time they will get lots of Hugs and Kisses when i see them

Just trying to stay positive 

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2 hours ago, Allankton said:

It really has been wacky, I worry for people who have depression and anxiety issues. 

Yes its been rough being locked indoors not really having any interaction with people thank God i am locked up with 2 of my boys or i would def be depressed even worse

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All is fine here as well, locked in with my wife and she keeps me busy with choirs around the house, OMG where does she get that list...it's so long.  I always like to come on here and see what everyone is posting specially the ladies of Lyla that post pictures of themselves(Thanks Danielle) even though the chances are small that I will meet them because they are so far away I still appreciate it.


Hugs and kisses to all the fine ladies of Lyla and virtual hand shake to all the guys of here as well.

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I am making that sex device which Stallone & Sandra used in Demolition Man (1993) - https://youtu.be/k80UQWWUIYs

... almost done ... hang in there ... any day now ...

(PS: 30 years back Hollywood knew we will need this thingamajig one day)



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1 hour ago, beesh said:

I am making that sex device which Stallone & Sandra used in Demolition Man (1993) - https://youtu.be/k80UQWWUIYs

... almost done ... hang in there ... any day now ...

(PS: 30 years back Hollywood knew we will need this thingamajig one day)

    Was actually much earlier than that. Like the "Orgasmatron" in movies like "Sleeper"(1973) and "Barbarella"(1968).

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Haha, well at least most of us still have a sense of humour. This has been a hard kick to everyones figurative nuts.  Hopefully in next 6-8 months we can meet again. 


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bored as hell...closed my Business March 16th & looks like at least till May 1st :(  got no $$$ coming in...just like a lot of people.  Stay safe everyone!!

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14 hours ago, zoneman said:

Loosing my fucking mind!!!!! 

In these difficult times a person needs a tight mind.   Sorry 🤗 I couldn't help myself 

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Luckily still working, although isolated more than usual, which is adding some semblance of normal but home life is nothing but binging on Crave and Netflix … waiting for warmer weather so at least I can get outside and do some yard work... stay safe all

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Mental health wise I'm fine 🙄 

Even though I can't see them (and vice versa) I stay in touch with family and friends via phone and text. 

I'm using the time productively planning wise that is...I have two companions I've already paid them for dates (yes have faith coronavirus will end) and I'm in the process of paying another companion (someone I haven't met yet) for a date.  Not only is planning and paying companions now a good way to look forward to the future the money sent can help a companion out now

What I do hate health wise about now and not mental health wise, a surgeon should operate on my knee.  But with COVID 19 they are reluctant except with emergency surgery (my knee isn't an emergency) to perform any operations...so I'm stuck hobbling around using a cane (yes it f*cking hurts that bad and hinders my walking too) untill they patch me up.  Best I can hope for is next week when I see my GP he'll give me cortisone that's about the only option for me now

So I'm limping and planning my future and it still is despite everything "a glass half full, not half empty"

A rambling


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Had a difficult day yesterday, had an anxiety attack shopping. A very mean and hateful person yelled at me as I was trying to find the right kind of hotdogs for my father ( as I have to all his shopping ) and this lady was impatient. I told her could pass by me on the other side if wide hall way. She yelled at me to hurry up, then after that I decided to circle around to be behind her instead ( seeing how she was in a hurry) then she yelled at me again saying " dont give me attitude!" I then simply replied I am not , I am giving you space ahead of me. 

She then followed me, I was talking to another person I k ew ahead of me about what happened. She was behind me( hahhaha ooops) then she was was like encouraging me to come closer to fight..   I of course walked away and waved goodbye . lol. 

But after that I was shaken. Anxiety type shake. I hardly got what I needed for me or Dad because I just wanted out of there. 

I think I will order local farms and online from here on out 🤔😤😳😪

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9 hours ago, Studio 110 by Sophia said:

Had a difficult day yesterday, had an anxiety attack shopping. A very mean and hateful person yelled at me as I was trying to find the right kind of hotdogs for my father ( as I have to all his shopping ) and this lady was impatient. I told her could pass by me on the other side if wide hall way. She yelled at me to hurry up, then after that I decided to circle around to be behind her instead ( seeing how she was in a hurry) then she yelled at me again saying " dont give me attitude!" I then simply replied I am not , I am giving you space ahead of me. 

She then followed me, I was talking to another person I k ew ahead of me about what happened. She was behind me( hahhaha ooops) then she was was like encouraging me to come closer to fight..   I of course walked away and waved goodbye . lol. 

But after that I was shaken. Anxiety type shake. I hardly got what I needed for me or Dad because I just wanted out of there. 

I think I will order local farms and online from here on out 🤔😤😳😪

Since this thing started last month we have been ordering our groceries over the phone and got it delivered but what made me mad was that we ordered curds(on the list of items) on a Tuesday and they only delivered on Saturday and the curds were dated from Tuesday so not fresh anymore.  So this week I decided to go out of the house to do groceries and showed up at the local store where they offered a sanitized cart, walk in and start with fruits and vegetable.  There was a man harassing a young lady by getting close to her even after telling him to stand back, she offered him to go ahead of her and he refused.  I was standing far enough from them but could hear everything well.  I could see that this young lady was getting mad so I approached the scum bag while keeping my distance and told him to relax and back off.  He ran to me and all I can say is that there were 3 hits.  First he hit my face with a fist just below the left eye, then I punched his throat and then he hit the floor.

For those that don't know me or seen what I look like here is a little description of myself.  I'm a 53 year old retired fireman and I stand 6'2" tall and weight 230lbs, I took martial art a while ago and not afraid of much.  I have had so much injuries fighting fires and getting people out of vehicle that my body is immune to that sort of stuff. 

I grabbed that dumb ass and dragged him outside while he was looking for his breath and I told him to get the F*** out of here.  Someone had called the police and I had to fill out a report and now forced to be quarantined because of this douche in case he had something.

I do not regret doing what I did, and I'm not a violent man, I only used force like this 3 times in my life.

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59 minutes ago, NotchJohnson said:

Since this thing started last month we have been ordering our groceries over the phone and got it delivered but what made me mad was that we ordered curds(on the list of items) on a Tuesday and they only delivered on Saturday and the curds were dated from Tuesday so not fresh anymore.  

    To avoid friction, I always do my groceries early in the morning after the senior hour. I look older with my current Gary Busey hairstyle, but I don't cheat. By using the self-service lanes I'm normally done in less than 10 min. As for cheese curds, I would avoid for the time being as the St-Albert factory are also reducing their operations. 

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On 4/17/2020 at 9:07 AM, NotchJohnson said:

I do not regret doing what I did, and I'm not a violent man, I only used force like this 3 times in my life.

Geez, be careful. You knock somebody to the ground and they hit their head and die and then you're up for manslaughter. You may get off since it was self defense, but it takes money to defend yourself in court. I'm no pro-fighter but I had my share of drunken brawls in years past and I'm just lucky I didn't kill anyone or get killed myself, lol.

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On 4/19/2020 at 5:54 PM, katie said:

Good for you! 😘

I'm not saying violence is right, but think in some situations..yes. 

In the Throat too... 😉that would be my aim .. 😏

Yeah Notch, I agree with Katie - that guy needed to learn a lesson, doesn't seem he was likely smart enough to do that but at least you pointed him in the right direction. Hope you're safe and I believe you probably spared other potential victims from him.

We need to stand up in these very trying times.

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18 hours ago, Jigglerz said:

Geez, be careful. You knock somebody to the ground and they hit their head and die and then you're up for manslaughter. You may get off since it was self defense, but it takes money to defend yourself in court. I'm no pro-fighter but I had my share of drunken brawls in years past and I'm just lucky I didn't kill anyone or get killed myself, lol.

I'm not a violent man but I do know self defense and know where to hit to put a person down.  I just knocked the wind out of him.  I'm also a retired fireman(not that it gives me any privilege) and could have brought him back if things would have got bad.


3 minutes ago, waterat said:

Yeah Notch, I agree with Katie - that guy needed to learn a lesson, doesn't seem he was likely smart enough to do that but at least you pointed him in the right direction. Hope you're safe and I believe you probably spared other potential victims from him.

We need to stand up in these very trying times.

There are people out there that don't believe in this virus or what it can do to others, they need to be thought a lesson.  BTW this happened a good month ago and stayed in quarantine for 14 days to be on the safe side.  I have been thanked by many people for doing what I did that day.  I don't see any heroism in this just common sense.

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