Guest s******ecan**** Report post Posted May 12, 2011 Hobbyists should make arrangements to see ladies soon owing to the fact that the world will end during the Victoria day weekend. I have a booking for Friday so I am covered, and may have time to arrange a few more. damn I misspelled "there" ....obviously the fear is getting to me naturally these kooks manage to bring their hatred of gays into the issue..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harboursmoke 3096 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 So does mean I should blow my line of credit and visa ?lol Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex2006 1071 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 Hobbyists should make arrangements to see ladies soon owing to the fact that the world will end during the Victoria day weekend. I have a booking for Friday so I am covered, and may have time to arrange a few more. damn I misspelled "there" ....obviously the fear is getting to me naturally these kooks manage to bring their hatred of gays into the issue..... Please tell me you don't believe this? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Megan'sTouch 23875 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 How many times have Christians predicted the end of the world and been wrong? Even the supposed "disciple of Christ" Paul was wrong, and they still follow his words!! When will they learn? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zoe Zee 13876 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 don't max all your credit cards yet - apparently it's judgement day and not the end of the world so save a bit till the end, and make sure to repent on May 20th and you're good :P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adamo90 231 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 Sometimes we need events like these ones to help shock those into actually living life rather than merely existing. Lift your head up, stop staring at your feet when you walk. Say HI to a stranger now and then. Make eye contact with your neighbour. "Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight huh! ...." Life starts to look better, smell better, even taste better and all that good stuff. All yah needed was a change in perspective. There should be an End of Days day each year, just randomly chosen. Of course the meaning would eventually get lost, just another day to drink and get high. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sensual Erin 33935 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 What ever happened to the Dec 21st, 2012 Apocalypse? Who's decided to not buy Christmas gifts early just in case? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malika Fantasy 144625 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 It's judgment day...not the end of the's the day where apparently god choose who go to heaven and hell...but if I have to choose between serve in heaven and rule in hell...I'm ruling in he'll. And I am Wiccan anyways :D Posted via Mobile Device 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stevecurious 42059 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 Well, well that is unfortunate but not entirely a bad thing. Since I have family event involving in-laws later this month it appears as though I won't have to attend. Thank God! On a side note, the time listed is it 6pm Eastern Time or Atlantic Time. I would like to schedule dinner accordingly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 So does mean I should blow my line of credit and visa ?lolPosted via Mobile Device Should I cash in all my RRSP's, have a week long sleepover with a few ladies picking the nicest hotel I can find...not to mention putting that tab on the credit card, since the bill will never come in RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted May 12, 2011 F**K those kooks and the horse they rode in on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Isabella Gia (Banned) 53881 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 There are always people who have very strong beliefs. One of them is Robert Fitzpatrick who believes this coming May 21st will be the end of the world and that by warning others about this he automatically has earned salvation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowdark 5613 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 How many times have Christians predicted the end of the world and been wrong? Even the supposed "disciple of Christ" Paul was wrong' date=' and they still follow his words!! When will they learn?[/quote'] Unfortunately, they won't. For a lot of people, once they get an idea in their heads, it sticks and there's no way to dislodge it, no matter how much logic and reason you present them with to the contrary. I've been following a lot of the discussion from a prominent hockey player appearing in a pro-same sex marriage commercial and the ignorance a lot of people still choose to embrace is discouraging. Then again, if people were logical beings, biggotry, prejudice, racism, sexism and a whole lot else wouldn't exist. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 Have you seen this bus driving in your area? LOL. Give credit to Harold Camping who owns many Christian radio stations all over the U.S. while a few of them can be heard in Canada. The end is near!!! Bawhahahahaha!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MiaBella 10988 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 Wow I don't "god" has any plan of warning the evil to repent so they don't go to hell. Regardless, if somehow I knew the end were coming I'd make the first trip out to my family and spend the rest of my time with them. As long as I have my family by my side, nothing could bring me down. Who's cares about spending money before they go? I just want to eat drink and be merry. Posted via Mobile Device[/si ze] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest f***2f*** Report post Posted May 15, 2011 How many times have Christians predicted the end of the world and been wrong? Even the supposed "disciple of Christ" Paul was wrong' date=' and they still follow his words!! When will they learn?[/quote'] I think you're lumping a lot of people together when you say "Christians" The majority of "Christians" don't go in for this stuff any more than the majority of Muslims go in for blowing themselves up. There have always been deluded kooks around...and let's face it they are good for a laugh except when they coerce their followers into committing mass suicide (Jonestown) or killing others who don't agree with them (Charlie Manson and company). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178383 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 Wow I don't "god" has any plan of warning the evil to repent so they don't go to hell. Regardless, if somehow I knew the end were coming I'd make the first trip out to my family and spend the rest of my time with them. As long as I have my family by my side, nothing could bring me down. Who's cares about spending money before they go? I just want to eat drink and be merry. Posted via Mobile Device[/si ze] SAME! Well change 'family' to 'my three kitties and my best friend' and I'd be set. I'd just cuddle up to them all in bed and enjoy being loved. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted May 15, 2011 F**K those kooks and the horse they rode in on. ha ha ... or the four horses they'll ride in on: There's never been a shortage of this stuff -- human nature just doesn't change. Look, for example, at an amusing little tome that has sold 28 million copies since the 1970's -- Hal Lindsay's "Late Great Planet Earth". Or at Jehovah's Witnesses -- whose changing view from the Watch Tower has allowed them to predict Armageddon, or the advent of Christ's Kingdom over the Earth, as occurring in 1914, then 1925, and then 1975. I own a tiny collection of End-of-the-World literature, including a Watchtower book with a lovely colour illustration which shows the Five Horsemen literally bursting through an October 1914 calendar page (Hell gets his own horse, galloping valiantly in the train of the usual Four Horsemen). I also own an 1840 edition of Miller's famous predictions of the Second Advent in 1843/1844. Not to mention a 540-page book published in 1877 (1st ed. was 1866), titled "Forty Coming Wonders", with 50 beautiful engravings. The ultimate wonder is "The Second Advent of Christ upon the Earth on the Last Day of Passover Week, April 11, 1901". More recently in the news have been the Fundamentalist Mormons (FLDS). This is the sect that has been publicized for its male elders' practice of polygamy and accumulation of underage wives. The eschatological teachings of this sect include that the End of the World is nigh. The only survivors of the imminent apocalypse, they say, will be those FLDS members who are to be assigned the task of repopulating the world post-apocalypse. But ... here's the rub ... only those FLDS members who are already married BEFORE the apocalypse happens will qualify for this task. Everyone else, including unmarried sect members, are doomed. Hence, there is tremendous pressure on very young girls to rush into these so-called "celestial" marriages as soon as possible, in order to be sure to be saved prior to the apocalypse. The FLDS is an example of how theology always seems to conform to the earthly desires and benefits of those whoe are in control of a church and who are therefore crafting its theology. Hanker for a child-wife? Then tell the poor kid that she risks being doomed to hell for eternity -- unless she marries pronto. The utterly profane becomes the sacred. The FLDS has seen at least NINE of their predicted dates for the End of the World come and go without incident, so the church members should have clued in that this is all rubbish by now, and be furious, yes? No, no -- not at all. The End of the World has not happened, they are told and duly believe ... because they themselves have failed their God by making only inadequate preparations for it. Now ... where's my saddle? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted May 15, 2011 How many times have Christians predicted the end of the world and been wrong? Even the supposed "disciple of Christ" Paul was wrong' date=' and they still follow his words!![/quote']They generally manage to claim that the absence of the predicted apocalypse was entirely due to their own efforts... and they therefore weren't wrong at all :) When will they learn? I'm not optimistic that they ever will. But I do like to torment them occasionally by quoting Matthew 24:36 and/or Mark 13:32 - "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." - and then let them explain how their own 'knowledge' squares with that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest e**m***h Report post Posted May 15, 2011 ha ha ... or the four horses they'll ride in on: There's never been a shortage of this stuff -- human nature just doesn't change. Look, for example, at an amusing little tome that has sold 28 million copies since the 1970's -- Hal Lindsay's "Late Great Planet Earth". Or at Jehovah's Witnesses -- whose changing view from the Watch Tower has allowed them to predict Armageddon, or the advent of Christ's Kingdom over the Earth, as occurring in 1914, then 1925, and then 1975. I own a tiny collection of End-of-the-World literature, including a Watchtower book with a lovely colour illustration which shows the Five Horsemen literally bursting through an October 1914 calendar page (Hell gets his own horse, galloping valiantly in the train of the usual Four Horsemen). I also own an 1840 edition of Miller's famous predictions of the Second Advent in 1843/1844. Not to mention a 540-page book published in 1877 (1st ed. was 1866), titled "Forty Coming Wonders", with 50 beautiful engravings. The ultimate wonder is "The Second Advent of Christ upon the Earth on the Last Day of Passover Week, April 11, 1901". More recently in the news have been the Fundamentalist Mormons (FLDS). This is the sect that has been publicized for its male elders' practice of polygamy and accumulation of underage wives. The eschatological teachings of this sect include that the End of the World is nigh. The only survivors of the imminent apocalypse, they say, will be those FLDS members who are to be assigned the task of repopulating the world post-apocalypse. But ... here's the rub ... only those FLDS members who are already married BEFORE the apocalypse happens will qualify for this task. Everyone else, including unmarried sect members, are doomed. Hence, there is tremendous pressure on very young girls to rush into these so-called "celestial" marriages as soon as possible, in order to be sure to be saved prior to the apocalypse. The FLDS is an example of how theology always seems to conform to the earthly desires and benefits of those whoe are in control of a church and who are therefore crafting its theology. Hanker for a child-wife? Then tell the poor kid that she risks being doomed to hell for eternity -- unless she marries pronto. The utterly profane becomes the sacred. The FLDS has seen at least NINE of their predicted dates for the End of the World come and go without incident, so the church members should have clued in that this is all rubbish by now, and be furious, yes? No, no -- not at all. The End of the World has not happened, they are told and duly believe ... because they themselves have failed their God by making only inadequate preparations for it. Now ... where's my saddle? I hid the saddle. Hope you don't mind, but I booked an appointment that will likely be better than heaven just toward the end of that particular weekend. Why take a chance? I mean, they wouldn't have the apocalypse with just three would they? There must be a rule somewhere. Of course I'll give it back...sometime. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted May 16, 2011 I hid the saddle... Damn. I'm not going to ride bareback. Even in the apocalypse. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lowdark 5613 Report post Posted May 16, 2011 I think you're lumping a lot of people together when you say "Christians" The majority of "Christians" don't go in for this stuff any more than the majority of Muslims go in for blowing themselves up. There have always been deluded kooks around...and let's face it they are good for a laugh except when they coerce their followers into committing mass suicide (Jonestown) or killing others who don't agree with them (Charlie Manson and company). True enough. It's unfortuante that the liars and murderers who cloak themselves in their faith get so much attention, and the fact is it isn't the fault of the actual religion itself but rather or those who choose to pervert it to serve their own ends or justify their means. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted May 16, 2011 True enough. It's unfortuante that the liars and murderers who cloak themselves in their faith get so much attention, and the fact is it isn't the fault of the actual religion itself but rather or those who choose to pervert it to serve their own ends or justify their means. Agreed. I cannot stand those who use religion to impose their so called values on others while others exploit their faith to the fullest. They preach their so called beliefs to others and turn out to be hyprocrites when they are found embezelling money, sex offenders, alcoholics and drugs addicts who are supposed to follow a certain moral code of conduct. I find these people who do these things are the worst of the bunch and you hear about them all the time. I've known a few bible thumpers in my time who were spreading their message around and were doing the exact opposite of what "God" expected them to do. Go figure. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Surf_Nazis_Must_Die 8958 Report post Posted May 17, 2011 Don't these idiots know that we were already killed by "the y2k" and this is some bizarre afterlife?? Jeesh, these folks need to get with it! ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suzirider 737 Report post Posted May 20, 2011 and now we have a PM that belongs to a church that believes that the return of Jesus is imminent :icon_rolleyes: ? Does Fido go to heaven too ? No !!! :icon_cry: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites