Guest lydiahardwood Report post Posted September 6, 2020 I'm happy to announce another interview with members of our fantastic community! So far we have interviewed three Companions, so I thought it was time to get to know one of our lovely Lyla Clients. Who better to ask than long term member and roaming Gentleman @roamingguy❤️ This interview is about his experience within this industry, including why he first started seeing escorts in the first place. Q: Hey RG! Thanks so much for agreeing to be part of our interviews. You’re the first Client we’ve interviewed, so I hope you’re as excited as I am! So, tell me, when did you first hire an escort? A: Thank You Lydia thinking of me as someone to interview especially in light of who you've already interviewed. It is a shocker (in a good way) and exciting. It is also very flattering and humbling too. Something I'd never have expected in all my years on CERB/Lyla or any board for that matter. As for the first question, I booked my very first escort in July 2010. She was a escort out of Kingston Ontario Q: Was it anything like what you expected? A: It was bad so bad I was glad when she left LOL and no that's not what I expected. If I went into details I'd be kicked off Lyla for breaking the "If you can't say something nice..." rule LOL. Let's just say I booked her off Craig's List need I go further. But I was just a naïve wet behind the ears newbie back then LOL. Q: Well I'm glad you've had better experiences since then. 😛 Does the experience differ from country to country much? If so, how? A: Well not country to country LOL, I've only seen companions in Canada 🙂 Even city to city it's pretty much the same, at least in my experience. I've seen companions in Toronto, Mississauga, Kingston, Ottawa, Gatineau etc etc etc...yes I'm a touring client LOL. And I've had good experiences, great experiences and bad (fortunately very very very few) experiences in different cities. The experience differs based on the two (OK sometimes three 🙂) people on the date, and that for me is more chemistry/connection than anything else. Q: How often do you book a session with a Provider? A: Back in my working days (I'm retired now) I saw companions once a month. Now although Covid 19 has had an impact on this 😞 on average once every three to four months. It may vary if I want a special date. For example my last date was a ménage a trois with two special ladies. While it is one date, budget wise it is two dates LOL. But one with long lasting fond memories. Sorry I have wonderful memories of most of the dates I've had since embarking on this lifestyle back in 2010. Right now as we speak, I have three dates booked (seventeen hours total waiting) and I've paid for them. in full. I'm just waiting for when I can get together with them. I'm excited about seeing all three ladies, two I've met before and one is a lady I've only "met" online...well on Twitter. But the business transaction has been taken care of, something I do most of the time (when available) with the companions I see. As an added benefit in these times it provides the ladies some money while bookings are down. Q: What is it that you like most about seeing escorts? A: Short answer, companionship. Long answer, where else can an average (OK sub average LOL) looking guy meet beautiful women some who could be models and besides being beautiful they are down to earth, intelligent and for the time you've booked them, they are focused on you. And as soon as I pick myself up off the floor LOL we can start our date. Companions besides being professional, are very special people who know how to make their clients feel special. In my experience they have brought a brightness and happiness to my life and all companions deserve a Big Thank You for what they do for us clients. So to all companions Thank You. You may not realize it but you are appreciated. Q: I echo your sentiments there - I'm constantly in awe of Companions, how hard they work, how much they help people and their strong minded outlook on life! I saw that you purchased a few online sessions during the pandemic, can you tell me what that was like? Did it exceed expectations? A: I wasn't sure what to expect to be honest. But purchasing online sessions that were made just "for me" (no not out of some digital catalogue) it was enjoyable and made me feel special. One from a lady I have yet to meet in person, the other one from a lady I've had a few dates with. The online sessions exceeded expectations, and with the one lady, I got to "virtually" meet her...making me look forward even more to meeting her in person. So yes it exceeded expectations for me. Q: Do you tend to have one or two Companions you see, or do you like variety? A: Right now there are two ladies I see and I'm going to be meeting a third lady too, someone I've never met in person before. I would label them as semi regulars. Q: What is it that initially draws you to a Provider? Are there certain things you look out for? A: Short answer chemistry/connection. Long answer I read a companion's posts, Tweets etc. If I think we'd "click" I look at her website and amongst other things find out her requirements to book a date with her. If after reading her website I still want to meet her I'll make a mental note and contact her when I'm ready to book a date. Q: Do any of your family/friends know about this part of your life? Is it something that you feel comfortable discussing? A: Only one, Beatrix LOL (my cat) Seriously no one in my civilian life knows about this side of my life. If there weren't judgements and the law differed I might be more open...don't know. But even if more open that would have to be balanced with being discrete. Right now it's easier to keep this lifestyle separate from my civilian life. Q: I love how much support and encouragement you give to Providers on Lyla, you’re so appreciated! Unfortunately we see a lot of rookie errors, such as Clients not giving a polite greeting before discussing booking an appointment. We need more RGs in the world! SO, what advice would you give to other Clients looking to book an escort? A: More RGs in the world, wow that's a head swelling ego boost thank you. But I'm sure there's one or two (or more) people that say one RG is one RG too many LOL 🙂 As for advice-pointers to give there is so much. But just off the top of my head a few pointers: First. When contacting a companion write a polite email (or text or whatever her preferred method of contact is) stating you'd like to meet her for a date. Include in that first email screening info she requires, where you found her ad/profile how long a date and when you write the email, no details, you're just asking a lady out on a date. Second. When providing screening/verification info be an open book. If not prepared to give the companion all the information she requires don't even contact her. Her safety and security trump your privacy. As a sidebar, in ten years I have never had a companion give out my privacy information. In fact a tip...if you're an open book with a companion in screening the companion will appreciate it and you've gone a long way to making a Great First Impression with her! Third. Simple One. Respect her boundaries Fourth. No negotiating her rate. Only she alone knows her value. Pay her what her rate is. You might want to include a tip and gift in there as well. But don't nickel and dime her. Fifth. For guys concerned about their privacy, sending a deposit etc etc etc remember you initiated contact with the companion so you could be alone intimately with her. She didn't contact you. But she has requirements which you can read in her website if you want a date. Follow her policies, be the client she wants to meet that's what will lead to a mutually beneficial date. And if not prepared to follow her rules for a date, don't contact her. These are just a few pointers off the top of my head. But you know where there is a wealth of information???...This board called Lyla. Specifically It's a good spot to get started if you want to pick up information if you're new to seeing companions. Besides this forum clients to be, well anyone in this lifestyle could pose respectful questions and there are members here who would be happy to answer those questions. A Rambling...OK Ramblings 🙂 RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sharpe 773 Report post Posted September 6, 2020 Thanks you for sharing RG. Lots of great info in your interview. Connection is definitely the key 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted September 6, 2020 Another great interview Lydia and RG is a very interesting guy with an abundance of knowledge on how to be a great client. Thanks RG for agreeing to be interviewed by Lydia. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
East Coast Kimmy 1093 Report post Posted September 6, 2020 Thank you for sharing your experiences! Love these awesome interviews 💝 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted September 7, 2020 Ask and you shall receive I did not realize a hobbyist interview was just done !!! Thanks for sharing! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
peacectryguy 12550 Report post Posted September 9, 2020 Thank you again @lydiahardwood for these interviews. It's a lot of fun reading these. And thanks to RG for the rambling, ahem interview, lol. 🤣Always fun to read your insights, my friend. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JamesB700 Report post Posted September 9, 2020 Great interview Lydia. RG is an excellent choice. I really enjoy reading his posts and all his contributions to Lyla. He has learned a thing or two over the years and has shared a lot of his experiences here. It's members like RG that help enrich this online community and make it more enjoyable. Thanks for sharing RG. Good job with the interview. I look forward to reading your future ramblings. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kindbutsexy 1049 Report post Posted September 23, 2020 This is a fantastic interview-article. Ever since I starting using Lyla and Twitter I can honestly say that I have not been disappointed. I have so much respect and appreciation for providers. Also @duke9915 on Twitter 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HenryOcean 196 Report post Posted September 29, 2020 Thanks for sharing RG it's great hearing the perspective from a respective gentleman. Cheers 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites