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What interviews would you like to see?

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Guest lydiahardwood

Hey Lyla squad!

As you've probably seen, we have started doing interviews with members of the community to shed light on important issues that face individuals in the industry. So far we've talked about racism in the industry, LGBTQ+ issues and we've just published our first Client interview with @roamingguy. Thank you to @Daysha Love @kyliekarma and @SarahAlexxx for being involved so far. ❤️

I want to hear from you guys what you'd like to see more of here.

So, please use the comments section to tell me:

- What topics you'd like to see covered

- Who you'd like to see interviewed

- If you'd like to be interviewed and have a topic in mind, please send me a DM telling me about it.

I am aiming to post one of these interviews every week, so the more people who reach out to me the better! Some topics I'd like to cover are: interviewing a male escort, dealing with mental health issues as a sex worker, experiences with stalking/being outed, working for an agency versus going independent, being a disabled sex worker.

Lots of love, 

Lyd ❤️ 

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Danielle is a lovely person to talk to for sure.

i would be interested in seeing Greenteal interviewed.  He strikes me as being the Simon Cowell of Lyla with people either appreciating his insights or disliking his criticisms.  
And yes definitely Berlin Moss!


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She was member of the month in June and is one of the most positive people I have "met". . . (I put met in quotations because it is only through Twitter and Lyla I have met her, not in person) And that is an interview with Athena Lust.  I'm so privileged as many are to get her daily positive shout outs (OK there's a personal side to this) just brightens my day and I'm sure she brightens many others' days.  I think an interview with her would be both interesting.

So I recommend an interview with Athena.  If it goes like all her Tweets and post it'll brighten your, well everyone's day.  And she is one lady if I go out west for a trip I'd like to make some time to meet her...she's someone special


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  On 9/6/2020 at 11:53 AM, Sharpe said:

Danielle is a lovely person to talk to for sure.

i would be interested in seeing Greenteal interviewed.  He strikes me as being the Simon Cowell of Lyla with people either appreciating his insights or disliking his criticisms.  
And yes definitely Berlin Moss!


Thank you darlin

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Guest lydiahardwood

Thank you for all of the suggestions, guys! I am reaching out to people who've been suggested today. Would anyone be interested in an interview about decriminalisation versus legalisation? And is anyone quite clued up in that area and willing to do an interview on it?

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Guest lydiahardwood
  On 9/6/2020 at 1:17 PM, Sharpe said:

How about the view from Durga’s Dungeon?  I’m sure @Janebondage would have some insights as both a client and provider.  Or maybe as domanatrix vs sub vs GFE?

Coming up 😉

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I would love to see a segment on money and finances from both a provider and clients. 

Saving tips, how banking works and what to watch out for, money management and anything else we could think of. 


Maybe a laws interview. How they different between provinces across Canada? Where is a license required and why? 


These might be a multi segment of interviews. I think the insight would be great for everyone. 

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Dealing with mental health issues as a sex worker, being outed and finances are topics I love the idea of and would adore reading perspectives behind ❤️

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Guest lydiahardwood
  On 9/15/2020 at 12:54 PM, StephanieMystique said:

I would love to see a segment on money and finances from both a provider and clients. 

Saving tips, how banking works and what to watch out for, money management and anything else we could think of. 


Maybe a laws interview. How they different between provinces across Canada? Where is a license required and why? 


These might be a multi segment of interviews. I think the insight would be great for everyone. 

SUCH a good idea! Sending you a message now 😉

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Guest lydiahardwood

I've had a thought. Could do one on toxic review board culture. I see a lot of people talking about that and I think it would be a great opportunity for us to talk about how *not* to be misogynistic when reviewing/recommending Providers. Thoughts? Any takers? 😛 

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Mature intimate companions (of course young at heart & spirit) ... and mature is a relative term too, but someone who has been a companion for a generation (like 15-20 years) or so.

I used to visit Ms Rose in Fredericton, she is one of the kindest and most beautiful person I have ever met

(I think she has stopped companionship now) ... but someone like her. Thanks.


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  On 9/8/2020 at 11:33 AM, lydiahardwood said:

Would anyone be interested in an interview about decriminalisation versus legalisation?


I would be interested in a discussion / interview (something!) regarding how we can make legalization of companion work a key issue in the next federal election (just as marijuana legalization was, in the last one)

.. unfortunately no party will touch it with a 10-feet pole ☹️

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  On 9/16/2020 at 1:24 AM, beesh said:


I would be interested in a discussion / interview (something!) regarding how we can make legalization of companion work a key issue in the next federal election (just as marijuana legalization was, in the last one)

.. unfortunately no party will touch it with a 10-feet pole ☹️

I would like to think the Green Party would push for it. They have always been LGBTQ friendly so why wouldn't they be pro-sex work? 

It's 2020. Anything can happen. lol 



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@beesh lol, oh my! What an idea!

But man oh man, I don't know if I would be able to handle that. It'd be a full-time 120 hour a week job at min. 

The cost and funding needed, putting a team together, the research, advertising and marketing...

I like my clients too much to not see them ever again. 😘


But for fun! What would we name the party? What would our ultimate goal, would we want decriminalized or legalizing? Why one way vrs the other? What benefits would it have? 

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Actually I would be interested in seeing @lydiahardwood herself interviewed. If the criteria for interviews is an active member and having a positive influence, Lydia would be at the top of that list.  The topic could be about herding cats or how to keep several hundred opinionated people polite and on track.  It could be like the movie “The Committments” where the lead character is always interviewing himself in predation for the big time.  “So Jimmy how did the band first get together?” “Well Jimmy let me tell you all about it...”

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