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I just love a good summer storm. The impending doom of the distant thunder rumbling, mumbling, grumbling boom-boom-boom- a silence ....and then BOOM! A giant steps through the valley searching just for you.


My imagination flies when I gaze in wonder at the bruised sky. Green, black, blue swirling and gathering overhead. Cotton ball clouds. I pause to admire the art. How long dare I linger? How bad will this be? Bad but harmless, I hope.


The breeze dies a quickened, fleeting death and the oppressive heat sinks in. Silence seems to creep along the streets like a shadow; visiting each house and building. Stalking all as a deadly plague there is no escape. Colour disappears and is replaced by strange light. My heightened senses smell the air and the detail of the leafs in the trees leap to my eyes.


I welcome the pending violence as much as my courage will allow. I know nothing of the adventure that awaits, but I trust my home to protect me. Foolish boy.


Pardon my poetic approach - I love storms. I've been in some pretty violent hurricanes and tornado conditions, whiteout snow and of course the Ottawa Ice Storm. So what brave tales do you have?

Edited by Jabba
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Storms...I love Storms.


As stupid as it sound they are a part of me. I identified myself as Wiccan and I feel personally close the Air element...therefore I love storms. The warmth of the wind during those hot summer days.When I feel the wind against my skin, my hair, my skirt/dress...when everything become silence and violence at the same time...god the emotions I feel at the same time. I feel closer to the Earth, closer to myself, in peace with my inner-self.


I feel a brutal violence to dance wildly, go skyclad and feel the warm rain, the wind, the nature on me and with me...


I love storms...

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Guest 9**A*****

I'm doing my rain dance right now...


My perfect storm was in Jaco Beach in Costa Rica 15 years ago. I was in a bar on the beach and the power went out. We watched the storm roll in off the ocean in pitch black. Scary but beautiful.

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I love thunderstorms in Florida. I remember being at a beach there and having to run for shelter. Everyone on the beach huddled into this outdoor cafe that had a roof over it. I met some nice people that day. An hour later the sun was out again.


That was the summer when Hurricane Katrina was on it's way to the U.S. and people didn't know if it was going to hit Florida or not. I left immediately and driving back through Georgia, I was caught in the rain. I love when the rain comes down really hard along with the sound of thunder. There is nothing like it.

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I remember out fishing one time, storm rolling in...still a ways away. Could feel the electricity coming through the fishing rod and the line dancing. Put the rod down, headed to shore, as fast as possible, and if I had rear view mirrors in my boat, I would have seen the storm following me


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As much as I enjoy the might of mother nature, being a single parent with a youngster in the arms of both hurricane Juan and White Juan, I appreciate the value of a well equipped home - generator, alternative heating, loads of supplies and... wonderful books and deep conversations that might not have otherwise taken place....



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I was visiting beachfront in Maine for the very first time back in the day with my future wife. Arrived on a sunny afternoon in 30c weather - holy hell that was nice and toasty! No AC in the car either. Just windows and a sunroof.


The morning after we checked-in at the motel, I tuned-in to the weather channel to check out the beach conditions. Announcer gleefully predicts...guess what folks??...Hurricane "Bob" is going to pay us a visit - expected category 1.


I had 3 words: WTF!


So, the Motel caretaker guys start chucking the pool furniture into the pool. One crazy Motel caretaker bastard told me the best surfing is done during a Hurricane. He said that with a shit eating grin & that told me he was dead serious.


The hotels/motels on the ocean side had to evacuate, but for us cheap bastards on the other side of the road - all we had to do was stock up on booze and strap the doors shut. Man, did it rain!!


Visited the local foodmart. What a mistake! Everyone from town is either buying booze, beer or ice-cream. Now, the booze part I can understand cuz, booze never melts. Ice cream - now that takes a little forethought.

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Just love a good thunder and lightening rain storm. Something very sexy about the sky lighting up and those loud thunder claps. (I guess it wouldn't be so sexy if you got struck by lightening though).

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For me it has to be Hurriane Juan of 2003. Being in an area not normally receiving the brunt of a full fledged hurricane, it was what I hope will be a once in a lifetime experience.


I recall at about 5 in the morning going to my porch, opening the inside door, and then grabbing the 3 foot wide bar that opens the outside screen door. The next thing I knew, I was pulled out onto the step and found myself holding only the bar in my hand after the wind tore the door right out of my hands. My 100 year old farm house was shaking on its foundations.


The back yard was piled approximately twenty feet high with broken trees the next morning.


Halifax got the storm even worse than we did here on PEI, but I am in awe now of what a Category 4 or 5 storm would have the potential to do.

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For me it has to be Hurriane Juan of 2003. Being in an area not normally receiving the brunt of a full fledged hurricane, it was what I hope will be a once in a lifetime experience.



Wish I could agree but as you may remember Juan hit us (Prince Edward Island) through the night and this hobbyist slept right through it! I have the gift of sound sleeping...


Anyway I have always LOVED a hard and heavy summer rain storm. The kind that is still warm and with a lite wind blowing hard enough that you can see the drops falling on an angle. I love sitting under the veranda and just watching and relaxing as the water pounds the roof. Ahh so relaxing.

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I grew up deep in the country in Eastern Ontario, and there was a big farm field on the other side of the river we lived on. We had a big picture window facing the river, and I used to love hearing the first rumble of thunder. I'd run to the window and watch the sheets of rain and spikes of lighting cross the field towards the water and our house. It would push the pressure ahead of the storm front and this wave of mugginess, heat and unnatural calm would descend about 10 minutes before the rain hit. I'd run out and get nice and hot and sticky, and then just as the first rain drops started falling and cooling me down and run back inside while the cool air passed over the house and gave this awesome release when the rain started pattering off the house, rising up to a fever pitch that just drowned out all other sound in the house. Ever since I've moved into the city it's been one of the things I miss most. I still just lay awake in bed if a storm is coming to absorb the energy of it.


I'm not exactly Wiccan, given that I don't have any proper instruction (though I hope to get some from a close friend who is), but I'm strongly attached to nature and identify myself as Pagan. Malika says it wonderfully though Silence and Violence....the life energy is just so wild and free, it's great.


I don't much like Florida storms though....I find the onset is much to rapid, and they burn themselves out very quickly....nature almost feels tortured by them at times. The sun showers are nice at times, but the really heavy white-out storms just leave me feeling unbalanced.

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