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Ontario lockdown - are you still seeing Providers?

Ontario Clients - are you still seeing Providers?  

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  1. 1. Ontario Clients - are you still seeing Providers?

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I'm in Ottawa and choosing not to see providers, nor MAs. I made this decision a number of weeks ago when it was clear the numbers, variants and the local fecal viral load monitoring were all going in the wrong direction. I've had two lengthy visits with providers and two massage sessions since mid February. One of the 'massage' sessions was a non-contact, physically distanced, mask wearing, social visit. Ranks among the very best of conversations and laughs I've had. It was great to be in the same room with a thoughtful, intelligent and beautiful woman who could share conversation. This MA declined to see me initially as we discussed 'high risk' clients; i.e. those whose worked required them to be in contact with multiple individuals in their work setting and 'at risk' clients; i.e. me, with underlying health issues. She didn't wish to risk infecting me, as she put it: "I'm relying on the honesty of strangers to identify if they've been in situations with potential exposure to covid-19". I've pre-paid to have an intimate visit with her once I'm vaccinated and have waited for the immunity to develop. 

I've 'booked' (date to TBD) visits with a couple of ladies (deposit paid) for once things open up again. This is a challenge for all of us who participate in SW and especially the providers: while the risks may be objectively small, they are very real and asymptomatic cases and the impacts that are showing up for the 20 to 50's age groups are extremely concerning. 

I've got kids who are travelling across Canada and one through Europe, for work, and I worry for them.

Do your best to stay safe folks! 

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I've got one date, date already paid for in full but actual date TBD, but likely to be consimated this summer (factoring in getting the vaccine, lock down lifted (and we're Ford and covid free too lol)

I'm going to contact and book another lady...again date TBD. Some questions maybe some can answer/give input on. What is travel like? I'm going to have to drive a couple hours to T.O. for an outcall.  Is traveling in-province a hassle or not...you can hear different things on media. Speaking of which is isolation after travel strongly enforced or people's word taken they'll self isolate

Getting a hotel...a problem or not. And dinner out, with restaurants closed would companions like take out/delivery (eg pizza...def no pineapple lol🍕) or some other options

Anyhow throwing all that out for discussion

A Rambling Response 


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I've seen a regular that I used to see before Covid and her and I discussed the covid safety protocol before meeting, kept our masks on and as little contact as possible.  Made for a very interesting session, I find it felt like edging, it was great to see her again and to feel that sexual tension in the room.  We both needed it, her words and mine as well.

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I'm counting down the days, I've had my first jab, and get my second one in August.  Haven't hugged or touched another person in about 16 months, so I'm likely to erupt like a volcano with the first woman I see!

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