Guest lydiahardwood Report post Posted June 6, 2021 Good morning Canada! I have a slightly unusual interview to share with you today. I've been following Working Girls in the Sixxx on Twitter for some time. At first I assumed it was a collective of sex workers using the page to cross promote. But when I reached out to them for an interview, I found that wasn't the case! I hope you enjoy what you read here and do give them a follow and tag them in your schedules to get some exposure. ❤️ Q: Hey Working Girls in the Sixxx! Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed by us. First things first, can you tell me about yourself? A: Sure, you can call me D. I don't tend to share a lot about myself online but I'm excited to share about what I do on Twitter and why! First though, as a male running a Twitter page about female sex workers in Canada, I always like to talk about what I'm not. Lol. I don't consider myself a part of the industry at all. I consider myself a fan and I run Working Girls in the SiXXX like a fan page. I don't consider my page a promo page... But promotion seems to happen anyways - which isn't a bad thing, I guess. As for all the guys who think I'm one of the many women I tweet about, I'm not any of them! You can stop sending me DM's that just say "hi" or that you want me to be your girlfriend - and please no more dick pics! (Yeah, I get all that too!) I'm just a guy in awe of all the beautiful providers in Canada. Q: Thanks for the background! Appreciate you being upfront about that. What prompted you to start it? A: I started it about a year and a half ago. At the time in my personal Twitter account I saw all the sexy pics and promotions of all the beautiful sex workers in Canada and it was great. But I also I noticed several of the women I followed saying things like they needed a mental health break or that they had had their personal identities revealed. A lot of crappy stuff was happening too. It came across like the providers liked the work but they felt underappreciated and often dumped on. In my personal line of work, I do a lot of motivation of others through recognition so I thought maybe it would be positive to do some recognition with the providers in the GTA. I created the page with the intent to give out weekly "awards" for sexy content as a way of doing something nice. I would post the Working Girls Award tweet. Then I'd send a lengthy DM to the winner letting them know that they had won as well as thanking them for what they do. I remember the first winner being so excited that she told me she felt like she had won a medal. It re enforced that doing something kind was never a bad thing. So I just kept trying to do nice things and it grew from there. Q: It’s great to see you supporting the community! Do any of your friends/family know what you do or is it a secret? A: About me seeing companions, that is something fun that my spouse and I have worked into our sex lives. I'm incredibly lucky in that regard. As for the page, I keep that very private for the same reasons most people who see providers keep it private. Q: So do you habitually hire Companions too? A: I wouldn't say 'habitually' because it sounds like an addiction like smoking or gambling. Lol! But, as I mentioned, I do go from time to time. But I never share with the provider that I run WG6. I don't want there to be any perception that I would leverage the page for any kind of different treatment. I don't run the page so I can "get something" from providers because of it. That would be slimey! Q: Love that there’s no motive! Ever thought of becoming a Companion yourself? A: I don't think I'd ever be able to balance that on top of my current work and still have time for a personal life. Q: You always seem so up to date on new Providers, how do you find people to follow? A: Whenever I do a Spotlight on a provider, I like to continue to support them by retweeting them whenever I see that they've posted a great pic or their schedule or tour dates. While looking through all of their tweets, I've found that they're all really good about promoting each other and especially newer women in the industry. Whenever I see a Canadian provider there that I haven't followed, I'll follow her. This way, I can offer them a Spotlight in the future and possibly Working Girl Award too. Q: What things have you learnt since starting the account? A: So much! I'd say the biggest thing that I learned was about how each woman likes to promote herself differently. When I first started, I looked at it as a one style suits all approach to promoting a very sexy service. I remember during the pandemic asking different providers if I could feature them as part of a "Light at the End of the Tunnel" series of tweets I was doing. Basically, it would feature a provocative pic of a provider along with a suggestive quote reminding the viewer that "she" was waiting for them at at the end of the lockdown. Unfortunately, I didn't distinguish between how some providers promote themselves in very straightforward sexual terms while others take a more subtle suggestive approach. I got the permission of one provider to feature her in the series and posted a very sexual suggestion about her without taking into account how she preferred to promote herself. She ended up being really offended, asked me to take down the tweet and blocked me. To this day, I regret it so much. But I've learned from it and am always trying to do better. Q: I think it’s so important to own up to and learn from your mistakes. I noticed you interview Companions too - it must be weird being on the receiving end of questions for a change! What have been your favourite interviews so far? A: There are so many great ones but you always remember your first. Haha! The first provider to agree to an interview with WG6 was @AngieLuv69 She's so smart and incredibly attractive - I was lucky she agreed. Other ones that I remember include a woman who was just starting out at a spa but answered a question that one day she would like to be a travelling companion. Well, the pics that she included for the Spotlight were incredible, she got a ton of new followers that day and ended up getting asked to go on an overseas trip with a client that very day. She was really happy to say the least! I'm also very proud of the diversity that has been featured on the page.. from different backgrounds to ages to body-types and genders. I feel that the page has been very inclusive. Q: Have you got any goals for the account? A: To try to keep it positive and new. Also, I've always run the weekly Roundtable which features a group of providers weighing in on a different aspects of the industry every week. But this week, I added a new but separate weekly series called our Man Cave. It features a varied group of clients offering their perspectives on different topics as well. They're an enthusiastic group to say the least! Q: Can you name some Companions that you’ve built a great rapport with? A: WG6 has done over 150 Spotlight interviews and I'm privileged to have gotten to interact with so many great people. So it's hard to centre any out. However, if there was a group that I have a special soft spot for, it's the women who participate every week at the Roundtable. They are awesome! Q: If you could tell men one thing about this industry, what would it be? A: I would only be repeating the advice I hear almost every provider say time and again: be respectful to the women you are interacting with. This starts out with respectful correspondence when you're trying to set up a date, through treating her like a person during your session, to not haggling price, to being hygienic for such a personal experience. Keeping this in mind can only make for a better session for both of you! Q: Thanks so much for your time! Anything else you’d like to add? A: Thank you, Lydia, for taking the time to put together this interview. And also thank you for doing such an incredible job with everything you do for your community. It's always fun "bumping into you" on Twitter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214220 Report post Posted June 6, 2021 I enjoyed reading this interview @lydiahardwood and thank you to WG6 to express his feelings about the ladies in this industry. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Allie Zeon 2925 Report post Posted June 6, 2021 Bravo! I'm going to retweet it to my twitter page. Thanks daughter and thank you D! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites