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Listen here, I have been working in this town for quite sometime, I have worked for Always, Prestige/Aristocrat and also as an independant. The matter of the fact is: its not the name of the agency you call, its the type of girl and they way she provides her service that matters. Most men I find would rather call an independant instead of paying the middle man. Because when It comes down to it, it is us the girls/service providers that are doing the work. Tipping should be mandatory! Personally I am not complaining, Thunder Bay has been good to me and I have been good to Thunder Bay. Alot of the girls that work in this city are all beautiful! So men choose your woman by your preference and not by the name of the agency. Both agencies are great but by far differ on the pay scale. Working as an independant is our own choice so, having said all this, irregardless, always TIP nicely because,

"we provide a service just like a waitresses, but our service is better!" Thank you!



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well said.


as an independent I don't ask for tips, I just make my "donation" fee the cost of everything I'm willing to do.


Working for an agent is totally different. Actually without tips working in an agency you make next to nothing in comparison per call, but the reputation and 24/7 availability and knowing those lines are always answered are what makes working for agents worth it..................... if they can produce the volume.


I miss Discreet Encounters, IMO it was the best agency in town for a long time. I wish we had an agent like that back in thunder bay, I would totally work with/for them.

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Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way, but to be honest, saying tipping should be mandatory, doesn't sit well with me. The ladies that say tipping although not expected, is appreciated, that shows some class.

I tip the ladies I see because I appreciate the time, companionship and service they provide. Not only that, I provide a gift

But I do it because I WANT TO, not because it is mandatory

Like I said, maybe I'm taking your post wrong, but expecting/phrasing mandatory tipping, it doesn't sit right with me, really if you want that, just up your rates.

From a guy who has tipped every lady he has seen, and will do so again


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Independents are way better then agencys.

Also, the power of the internet has given customer the chance to provide info regarding SPs to other potential customers.

These review boards are good.

Some agencys hire people to shill for the girls that work there.

Where most independent SPs just create happy customers.

Even in the big cities, very few agencys survive 5 years.

The word gets out, SPs get tired of getting ripped off and leave.

If an SP is good, her customers will follow her.

Another good reason to be on these review boards.

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Ladies regardless if they work for an agency, or work independently on their own, are happy either way. Could be possibly true where you come from, but not where I come from. I know many ladies that work for agencies locally in Ottawa, and then some that tour with an agency and they are quite happy working for that agency. Pillow talk reveals that issue, in fact a well known Independent ladies from other cities have been known to use a local agency in a city, so they do all they leg work for the ladies while on tour.

Sp's do not get ripped off working for an agency most agencies I know treat them with the up most respect and those ladies are very happy.



  samcro said:
Independents are way better then agencies.

Also, the power of the internet has given customer the chance to provide info regarding SPs to other potential customers.

These review boards are good.

Some agencys hire people to shill for the girls that work there.

Where most independent SPs just create happy customers.

Even in the big cities, very few agencys survive 5 years.

The word gets out, SPs get tired of getting ripped off and leave.

If an SP is good, her customers will follow her.

Another good reason to be on these review boards.

Edited by PistolPete

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  roamingguy said:
Maybe I'm taking this the wrong way, but to be honest, saying tipping should be mandatory, doesn't sit well with me. The ladies that say tipping although not expected, is appreciated,




YES and I do agree, so I'm about to contradict myself; First of all I, myself as a service provider am happy with the gifts I recieve, monetary or otherwise. But when I hear other girls complaining that the agencies make more than they do per call, I felt I had to vent. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, when you call an agency provide a little extra to cover an agency fee. If Im putting my foot in my mouth, Im just thinking about the girls who are complaining.


Speaking for myself, I have no complaints! I like working! (most of the time) STAY SAFE & STAY HORNY


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i never ask for tips, when i did work for an agency i used to throw in a cute little "well, if u really like me, tips are always nice" but i never expect it. But when it does happen it makes my day, and ill try and do something extra special for the gentleman next time he calls. Tips are very much appreciated but, it no way are they mandatory, We set our own prices for various services and we shouldnt EXPECT or stress to get more, thats just wrong, guys dont like hidden costs, which is why i am always up front and honest when it comes to this.

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  CoCo Princess said:
YES and I do agree, so I'm about to contradict myself; First of all I, myself as a service provider am happy with the gifts I recieve, monetary or otherwise. But when I hear other girls complaining that the agencies make more than they do per call, I felt I had to vent. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, when you call an agency provide a little extra to cover an agency fee. If Im putting my foot in my mouth, Im just thinking about the girls who are complaining.


Speaking for myself, I have no complaints! I like working! (most of the time) STAY SAFE & STAY HORNY



I'm a little confused about the discrepancy you are talking about and perhaps it's just because I am not familiar with the situation locally. Are you comparing the net profit a lady makes at one agency against what a lady makes at another agency or are you comparing the net profit a lady makes at an agency to the gross profit an independent makes?

My first thoughts would be that if there is a large discrepancy between the two competitors in pay rates for agency ladies it should be easy for ladies to leave one agency and work for another, (again correct me if I read this wrong) it sounds from your post that one agency is taking a larger % off the top so their actual rates should be comparable and going from one agency to another should be easy for the ladies forcing the owners to shape up or ship out.

On the other hand if the comparison is net profit of an agency lady to gross profit of an independent then one would need to take into consideration the actual costs and time spent by an independent in running a business.


Tipping is nice and I don't know a lady that doesn't appreciate it but if the ladies are not making a livable wage or getting 'market value' for their area then they need to look at how they are handling their business and what they can change, not ask the client for a gratuity.

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  CoCo Princess said:
YES and I do agree, so I'm about to contradict myself; First of all I, myself as a service provider am happy with the gifts I recieve, monetary or otherwise. But when I hear other girls complaining that the agencies make more than they do per call, I felt I had to vent. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, when you call an agency provide a little extra to cover an agency fee. If Im putting my foot in my mouth, Im just thinking about the girls who are complaining.


Speaking for myself, I have no complaints! I like working! (most of the time) STAY SAFE & STAY HORNY



I'm confused now. Are you venting, because of other ladies' complaints over what they are making. And I still maintain that from a gentleman's point of view, the tip should be to show appreciation for the ladies' time, companionship and services provided, not to offset agencies' fees If mandatory as you originally stated, then who would end up getting the tip, not the lady, the agency. Tips are between the gentleman and lady, make them mandatory, the agency will get their cut of the tip too


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  roamingguy said:
If mandatory as you originally stated, then who would end up getting the tip, not the lady, the agency. Tips are between the gentleman and lady, make them mandatory, the agency will get their cut of the tip too



Good point RG, there actually used to be an agency in town and everyone that i know that used to work there said the owner would take their tips, or only give them a small portion of it.


And as for agencys in town, ive worked for all of them too, and some find diferent ways of taking the ladies money, like fining, which has been mentioned in a different thread on here.


But you have to consider the fact that a lady who works at an agency that has a good reputable name for themselves, will possibly make more than an independant as well because of the amount of steady clientelle and referralls towards them. Even if there are the few that complain, most guys may take a break from that agency, and go back to it.


Its all about the relationship you have with a gentleman weather you are working for someone, or as an independant

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Maybe I'm jaded, but I thought the whole concept of tipping regardless of a waitress, escort, or the dude who brings my pizza, is for appreciation for extra effort, or performance above the expected norm.


Just you had the ability to make it from your car to my door without dropping my pizza in it's self doesn't warrant a tip.


I use to frequent the same service (years) showing up on time, dressed nice, is part of the deal, I would reciprocate with the occasional bouquet of flowers, of sweats plate.


One night a lady (word chosen on purpose) I had seen several times before arrived on time, I took her coat, we melted together and both had a wonderful time together, there was a physical and emotional connection.


That's tip worthy.

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I think an independent can do just as well as working for an agency.

The power of the review boards

I get emails all the time asking about Amy(now retired)

She got good reviews and got business from it.

I also think the city could use a good new agency

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  Angeltbay said:
Good point RG, there actually used to be an agency in town and everyone that i know that used to work there said the owner would take their tips, or only give them a small portion of it.


And as for agencys in town, ive worked for all of them too, and some find diferent ways of taking the ladies money, like fining, which has been mentioned in a different thread on here.


What you are talking about is exploitation. I would suggest the ladies in a situation like this would benefit greatly from some sort of outside help.

It's very important for agency ladies to remember that they do not work for an agency but rather the agency represents them, they collect the money and pay the agency not the reverse. Just like any other talent agency your agent takes a % off the top, what that percent is would depend on the amount of work you delegate to them. I've worked with an agency and I don't mind saying I make them work pretty hard, I am specific about my marketing, I have very specific requests regarding calendaring, and I like my dates screened in a certain manner so I don't mind paying a premium for that service.

When I was with Garden of Eden in Toronto the owner of the agency was wonderful, she handled a lot of my travel arrangements, my scheduling & screening for dates and when I had to do photos she even went so far as to look for several photographers as I was "fussy" in regards to the first set we did. Not all agencies are like that but she would listen and respond to my individual needs. I had first right of refusal and on days when I was sick, tired or just plain grumpy she would contact my appts. and reschedule as needed. That is what an agency should do, they represent you not the reverse and anytime a lady feels she has to hand over her money, is fined for non-performance, etc. she is being exploited and a woman in that type of situation needs to be given options.

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I agree with you kyra, but the fact of the matter is, it DOES happen, and thats why i think its mostly independants left in this town, and i have actually warned girls ive met to be careful about that because you never know. I dont really think there is any other way of stopping it is there? other than leaving that angency?

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  Kyra.Graves said:
What you are talking about is exploitation. I would suggest the ladies in a situation like this would benefit greatly from some sort of outside help.

It's very important for agency ladies to remember that they do not work for an agency but rather the agency represents them, they collect the money and pay the agency not the reverse. Just like any other talent agency your agent takes a % off the top, what that percent is would depend on the amount of work you delegate to them. I've worked with an agency and I don't mind saying I make them work pretty hard, I am specific about my marketing, I have very specific requests regarding calendaring, and I like my dates screened in a certain manner so I don't mind paying a premium for that service.

When I was with Garden of Eden in Toronto the owner of the agency was wonderful, she handled a lot of my travel arrangements, my scheduling & screening for dates and when I had to do photos she even went so far as to look for several photographers as I was "fussy" in regards to the first set we did. Not all agencies are like that but she would listen and respond to my individual needs. I had first right of refusal and on days when I was sick, tired or just plain grumpy she would contact my appts. and reschedule as needed. That is what an agency should do, they represent you not the reverse and anytime a lady feels she has to hand over her money, is fined for non-performance, etc. she is being exploited and a woman in that type of situation needs to be given options.


I have certainly been led to believe that the agencies up in T.Bay are not representing the ladies, it's the other way around, hence posting that tipping be made mandatory etc etc. I may be off base here, but it sounds less like a legitimate agency and more like pimping.

As a sidebar, your the second lady that has mentioned, one in a pm, about GOE being a good agency

A quick comment


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  Angeltbay said:
I agree with you kyra, but the fact of the matter is, it DOES happen, and thats why i think its mostly independants left in this town, and i have actually warned girls ive met to be careful about that because you never know. I dont really think there is any other way of stopping it is there? other than leaving that angency?


my question is why the police are not being contacted about "that agent" that takes money and fines like crazy. By the way I think EVERY SP in the bay knows who your talking about even if they haven't worked there.


I've been an agent and trust me it's hard work!!!! those girls/guys don't work for you, you work for them!!! and damn can they make you work, lol. It was less work being a call girl then being an agent, that's why I LOVE and APPRECIATE a good promoter.


A good agent should handle your business the way you want so that they can make more themselves because your happy to work with them.


But as for the tipping thing................. just like a pizza......... if you want extra cheese then your gonna have to pay more for it, lol.

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  Madison_Sparks said:
my question is why the police are not being contacted about "that agent" that takes money and fines like crazy. By the way I think EVERY SP in the bay knows who your talking about even if they haven't worked there


Well, id just plain and simple not talk to law enforement period. lol, and im sure alot of people weather it be an SP or a hobbiest would rather keep them out of the picture in regards to anything that goes on in their work/play atmosphere just to keep their ass off the radar

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Good luck getting LE to help you

The review boards have the power.

Bad agencys = bad reviews = out of business

Look at how many agencies have gone down in TO

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I figure it's not the guy's fault that some agencies take a bigger bite out of what the girls end up with. Don't mean to sound like a bitch, but in 15 years of working as an SP for both agencies and independent, Thunder Bay is the only city I ever worked in where girls "expected tips". This is because when I was there, they would starve if they didn't get tips.


In 1997 I went there for one week and all of the agencies operated the same way. They charged $100 for one hour and we had to give them $50. The agency owner told me it was up to us to hustle for tips and that if the guys wanted sex they would have to. Because I never worked that way, I felt very uncomfortable. Sometimes I would walk away with only another $50, making only $100 myself for the hour because I couldn't bring myself to do it. Just to give you an idea, the standard hour rate everywhere else was $250 to $300 in those days.


I have no idea how agencies in Thunder Bay operate presently, but that is how it was done then and it was horrible. Of course when I called to go there, they didn't exactly tell me - they just said I could make $500 to $700 a night. I knew some girls that literally walked away with $50 because they weren't hustlers. I am not saying it is like that now, but perhaps the tipping mentality is still there - which by the way is not the girls' fault.


I hate to say it but after working in Calgary, Fort Mac, Peace River, Grande Prairie, Dawson Creek, Fort St. John (a real hell hole), Prince George, Kingston and North Bay, Thunder Bay was the worst city I ever worked in as far as rates went. I hope some things have improved in Thunder Bay since that fateful trip I took in 1997.


If a lady doesn't like what she's getting paid from an agency, she should consider going independent. But to expect the guy to subsidize that is asking him to pay above what is being asked. If for whatever reason she has to work agency, then in my opinion, she is agreeing to the rates being paid.


My rates are all inclusive. If I get a tip, I am happy, but I NEVER expect it or would tell anyone it should be mandatory.


Sorry, to come down on you, but this is why some guys choose to see indies over agency girls because they don't want the pressure of the upselling once they get there.


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  Angeltbay said:
I agree with you kyra, but the fact of the matter is, it DOES happen, and thats why i think its mostly independants left in this town, and i have actually warned girls ive met to be careful about that because you never know. I dont really think there is any other way of stopping it is there? other than leaving that angency?


I figure like attracts like. If a "bad" agency keeps operating after exploiting (yes, fining is a way of shaking them down), then there is a reason for it. That means there are certain girls who are willing to keep working for them and guys willing to keep calling them.


Not all girls are mindful of their rights and if they are being exploited, it can be for many reasons. They are young, naive, dependent on drugs or some other reason for needing the money, low self-esteem, not very good SPs and no one else will hire them - the list goes on.


I don't blame the victim so to speak, but with the ability to work indie, review boards like this and other resources, I am surprised to hear that these types of agencies still operate. I understand girls' reluctance to "rat them out". It's tough.


I hate to sound like a broken record, but back before working independent or doing in-calls was an option, corrupt agencies were the norm.


That is not the case now. There are many good above-board agencies with good reputations out there and some of the names have been mentioned here.


Perhaps again it is because you are in a small city and they are the only game in town. It's unfortunate for the ladies who work for them, because they not having the positive experience of working as an SP that should be afforded to them.

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Are you allowed to post exploitative agencies here so we can choose to avoid them.


PS: I have no problem paying for extra cheese :)

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  TBayBoy said:
Are you allowed to post exploitative agencies here so we can choose to avoid them.


PS: I have no problem paying for extra cheese :)


I have asked the mod this same question, and NO you are not allowed to name thoes types of things because this is a RECCOMMENDATION board, not a review board, like it says at the top... if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say it at all. but if you have a question about particular agencys/sps and know someone on the site who has worked with them, and would like an opinion, you can go ahead and send them a private message.


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unless it is for bait and switch purposes and/or scams (which has its own section) you cant start a thread or post negitive things like that

Edited by Angeltbay

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  Angeltbay said:
Well, id just plain and simple not talk to law enforement period. lol, and im sure alot of people weather it be an SP or a hobbiest would rather keep them out of the picture in regards to anything that goes on in their work/play atmosphere just to keep their ass off the radar


I disagree, when it comes to exploitation I think you can use the justice system to put a stop to it otherwise you are enabling those that victimize the ladies.

Now I understand that not all cities or towns have law enforcement that is friendly or supportive to women in the industry and it's not easy to be the point of contact for the police and if that isn't something you are comfortable doing you can always contact a more escort friendly agency to ask for advice on how to deal with the situation. As an example the Toronto Police Services has a Special Victims Unit that deals specifically with women in the industry, they will handle both crimes that arise between ladies and their clients (sexual assaults, thefts, robberies, etc.) and issues of human trafficking, pandering, etc. where the ladies may be exploited by others in the industry. I don't know what type of advice or information they could offer to a lady from another city but I know if I were concerned I would actually contact them and let them know a little about my situation, explain that I am hesitant to contact my local law enforcement only because there is not yet a 'great program like theirs' and ask if they have a contact they have dealt with locally that is sympathetic to women that work in the industry and might be understanding of the unique situation, that coming forward might put me at further risk in my community but that I do not wish to see any further exploitation. I would also ask if they have any advice on what to expect as next steps.


I would also contact a lawyer and ask if they could act as an advocate on my or the lady in questions behalf. You are not breaking the law by working as an escort and if someone is being exploited to that degree then it's important that someone contact law enforcement if only to make them aware of the situation. If you don't know a lawyer that specializes in these types of services then contact an organization like SPOC or Walk With Me (an organization that helps human trafficking victims in Canada - though the women are not being trafficked they could likely refer you to someone that can assist with exploitation) and ask. You can also contact the Law Society of Upper Canada if you are comfortable doing your own screening.


My point is that if no one does anything than nothing changes, it's not easy to be the first person to speak out and there are ways to do it and ways not to. You don't have to go in guns blazing if you don't want, sometimes just making small changes can make a difference, even creating options for the ladies talking to others, creating discussion within your own community and creating options within that community will bring about change.


There are other things that I'm sure the ladies on here could offer insight on like value added services (no guys not those kinds of services) which are basically small things you can do to add value to a date in order to increase overall value - this would be helpful if the city has an overall issue with rates being below a livable wage.

Raising awareness among your clients without creating a negative campaign, negative marketing doesn't benefit anyone and it often stigmatizes the ladies in a specific situation - instead try creating a positive campaign and create options. Your clients within the city can be very helpful with that, they are the options and often they want to help. No one wants to contribute to exploitation knowingly and often ladies being exploited don't know they have options so creating a positive environment takes a bit of work and care but if done right you can slowly create change, I believe groups like POWER (I have never dealt with them but am sure some ladies on here could offer insight), Maggies, SPOC, etc. have all worked hard to create positive atmospheres and try to engage not only the workers but the community as well.


Anyway I know that's a rather long post but I really think that there are options and as a community we can and should try to stop exploitation of the women around us, we need to give ourselves a voice if we expect people to listen to our needs.

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Quick couple comments, and I may be wrong here, don't know

First, if the ladies are working at an exploitive agency, why don't they collectively leave, and form their own agency. And it's a question, I don't know the answer

Second, as for LE, and again, I may be off base, but maybe in light of cases like the Picton case, the police may be more willing to intercede in cases involving escorts. Don't know, just throwing it out for discussion

Comments are for discussion, like I said, I may be off base here, don't know


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