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Important Note From Katherine of Halifax

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Dear  Lyla Friends ,

 It is with disgust I need to tell you my  photos have been tampered with and  altered on this site. Be assured it is not a member here and I do know exactly who has done this .  Some are quite apparent and others only  slightly unlike anything I would ever post .

Examples :  Thinning, balding  and unkept hair. Smeared makeup.  Lovely 5 oclock shadow 🙂   . Something unattractive under my nose. Stained clothing and ripped lingerie.    Cellulite and just plain dumpy . Face altered in some shots , you would need to know me to pick up on it all .  I could go on .  The same issue on Leo's list . I took them all down .

I'm not taking them down here  as most people  know me and will recognize there is a " person "  with a big problem .     Let us all say,       any  harm directed my way  be returned to this person 10 fold. 


Love to all and So Be It .


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That is quite miserable of someone to do such a thing! I wish you well and hope karma wrecks the person responsible for it… sending you love and peace! Xoxo 

Edited by charlottequinn123
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Guest MelanieRose

I'm sorry to hear that's happening to you Katherine, I didn't see the posts, but as someone whose met you you're absolutely beautiful! 

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So very sorry to hear this. I along with many other members on here know that you are a very attractive and beautiful lady.

Its obviously jealousy driven from someone that just can’t compete with you.

Take care 🥰🥰

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Sorry this happened to you . All who know of you realize this is just some jerk looking  for his 5 minutes of fame.  Shame on him , karmas a bitch .

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Guest GRoberts

I don’t get it, your a classy lady Cathy, I’m looking forward to seeing you soon sweetie 😘😘

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Thank you everyone for your kind words of support  . You all mean a lot to me and when  "people " attack in spite you see some pathetic stunts . This creature has blogs , filthy videos and anything his  perverted mind  can conjure.  I know him well and so do the police .  His day will come .  


In the meantime , give me whiskers , lots of deep wrinkles , bald spots and hey,  rip my nylons as well .  




Now a question to ask . Is there any way to post a picture  that can not be altered . I have purple and pink hair and would like to show it off . :00  

 The criminal offender is breaking in to my computer so has access to the originals . So if this is the case if I keep the originals on a stick , post and keep them off the computer , I'm good ?   

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Yes I think so . I'm not super technical  but my images and texts are played with .  Also all kinds of programs installed for remote access that he has appearing like  I gave . 

My phone is also at his disposal even though its an iPhone . I don't know much but I guess even an iPhone is hackable with fancy apps. He is hard to beat , no IP  Address or anything I  can see .  

Somehow he even had the computer rigged so he can watch me in bed on my TY . Towels fix it ok but I'd like to watch TY again . 🙂  He has lots of time on his hands . I wonder  how  he would feel if I divulged his personal and  SHOCKING life details . 

Bah , then I bet I would be in trouble . Life , sigh .............

This is likely not a good place to discuss such things .   Please no one feel obligated but if you are inclined and  a techie drop a line . Maybe best by text  if that feels right  . 🙂   902 410 8678 

 Katherine can get herself in hot water but not this time for sure !!! 

Also if there is anything wrong with this message mods please let me know and I will take it down  . 

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Wow, I am sorry to hear all this. What a nightmare! I really hope we have a techie type here who can help. I expect you'll have to give more details to that techie PRIVATELY for them to effectively shut this down.

Not only that, surely there is a crime happening here. I understand there may be a reluctance to speak to the police, mind you. If I never spoke to one again it'd be too soon, but that's me. Best wishes.

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Thank you again dear friends for the support and love . I am happy to report I'm getting better al the time . Now just a few smudged eyes with makeup and greasy hair . Yay it could be worse . Oh my and it as ......  For now my sincere gratitude and love sent back for an awesome Christmas to all . 

If anyone had time to PM me on how to prove who the lowlife  is   please do and take your time . 

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