Quietfun 20 Report post Posted February 20, 2022 I dont care if you have a different opinion.. i honestly am so sick and tired of the scams.. all you providers expect it like its just a simple request without ever acknowledging that clients are getting screwed over sending deposits.. i am just getting over trying to have faith in SP's .. trying to find a regular is a fucking nightmare fulm of scams and rude ass women 3 1 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quietfun 20 Report post Posted February 20, 2022 I feel like i have to add.. even when Im very clear Im looking for a regular rather than seeing many providers . I end up having SP's tell me that they will be available for something regular . Only to tell me during the appointment that they are actually travelling to vancouver or the east coast or toronto etc.. like.. when even providers who do show up for the scheduled appointment still lied to book it in the first place .. is that even fair? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted February 20, 2022 Please keep in mind you're dealing with a grey/dark market and getting scammed is far from the worst thing that can happen to you. You can get arrested, robbed, beaten, doxed or even killed. Don't want to scare you, But those should be solid argument to learn who you're dealing with and understand current laws. I created a thread on how to screen ads: How to: Verify pics, ads and identify potential fraud. - Lyla Screening providers is not an exact science. But if you can't find any feedback on someone, the more cautious you should be. As for finding a regular, this can be trickier depending where you live. And was made more complicated after two years of social distancing. Can only suggest you take your time in finding someone willing to build a business relationship and avoid obvious traps. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quietfun 20 Report post Posted February 20, 2022 The sheer fact that you preface your statement with how sick and violent this industry is.. is sickening.. and only highlights my point that alk these providers who constantly post that clients should just simply send deposit without acknowledging the risks they put on us .. is a problem 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted February 20, 2022 1 minute ago, Quietfun said: The sheer fact that you preface your statement with how sick and violent this industry is.. is sickening.. and only highlights my point that alk these providers who constantly post that clients should just simply send deposit without acknowledging the risks they put on us .. is a problem I'm simply pointing out the risks of dealing with complete strangers. This also apply to any unregulated transactions. It's not just about reading reviews and recommendations. You sometimes need to directly contact who wrote those and see if they actually met that person and provide more information. You can also consider alternatives like massages and dancers as long don't intend to harass and coerce them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted February 20, 2022 Hi, I hear your frustration, I really do and I'm not about to preach or tell you off in anyway. Only empathy & some advice on how to verify & also how to be able to tell if she is consistently available. I've had clients I really care about fall victim. I dont know what city you are in but there are other ways to verify SWs, it gets more difficult with younger ones because they won't have the years of good reviews & recommendations. But that is certainly one way. In terms of whether they tour or are actually local, their site & their recos can also help u. You can contact those who have seen or still see them & ask if they really are in town as much as they say they are. Another hint is often if rates work on a declining scale. This will give you an idea that she prefers longer appointments over many 1hr ones, which regardless of how long each appointment your preference is, it will give you an insight into the fact that she prefers seeing less people more often as opposed to quantity or having no preference one way or the other. The trouble is a lot of the SPs who are established, available regularly and have regular agents, dont need to and therefore dont advertise as much. Myself I'm only on lyla & Twitter & although I've been available in Ottawa every week pretty much since I started, if you look into my post history, my 'schedules & announcements' wont reflect that. I'm often already somewhat prebooked & know enough of my regs will contact me regardless if I'm advertising (because they know I do this). I would hate for someone new to constantly be trying to contact me when I'm busy and get declined and give up or think I "never reply" so I just dont advertise unless I think I'll have booking time to spare. I'm also only in lyla & twitter. I'm giving myself as an example but there are many like me. I'm truly sorry for all you have endured. It's really rough esp for someone just starting out, on both sides of the industry. I know you are experienced. Many SWers will accept reference alone. Another key with deposits is if she has her own incall vs renting a space. The reason deposits have become such a widespread thing is because during covid, after months of no income, SWs would get booked, specifically rent their space out (many apts are either just Air BnBs or another SPs incall) they are on the hook either way, they pay the sum & then the gent cancels sitting fear of covid. This was a pandemic on it's own. It didnt happen to me as I have my own incall plus until i was vaccinated i only offered Covid-Smart apts. But it happened to many and so deposits became standard. Scammers saw this and took advantage. Many arent even in canada. (I had a hacker I know trace one cuz I was so mad they got a reg of mine) He blamed himself as he booked off leolist with someone without reviews. So anyway, the fact that SPs who are legit and consistent end up not advertising much, is adding to your troubles. If you're in Ottawa & tell me your preferences, I can vouch for many & know a diverse group. Outside ottawa I cant help. Oh! Many cities have had regular/established ladies create their own network. OIC in Ottawa, IndyCompanions in Mtl, I know TO & even Saskatoon have their own. While not all members are in for the long hall you can tell who is. I really hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck. C36 has fed this getting worse. The states are worse too. The more laws u add, the further underground it drives it and along come the sociopaths & exploiters! Our laws were fine as they were prior to C36. Alas, all we can do is call our local MPs and organize. Anyhow, I hop my advice helps & I really hope you find what you are looking for. It saddens me because I know theres an SP out there who would love a new reg. Even those of us with regs, they do sometimes leave us before we leave the industry so keep your eyes peeled for ads that may not appear all the time yet say things like "As usual I'll be available from (insert days of the week). " and "my incall is..." if she has an apt itll always have the same characteristics. Also look for recos where the same gent posts again or says "I've been seeing her for the last ___ years" When you go to their sites you can often tell if they tour. Myself I dont tour but I do always set a day or two aside when I'm visiting a city. So I mention TO but it's also clear that I dont go often and dont stay long. If you see far away cities listed as an constant, she tours. Also beyond OIC and such their are twitter accounts that will offer a list of who is active & whether they are local or tour. Finally, network with some of the other hobbyists in your area. Send them a msg and ask who is legit & if interested in a particular SW but cant tell if shes consistently available, contact one of the reco posters & ask them. They'll definitely know if she is around a lot & easy to book with. Take care of yourself ! JessyCeleste . 10 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted February 20, 2022 omg I returned due to notifications; OMFG!!! the number of typos, spelling & grammatical errors in this!!! 😵 .. 🥴 Well... it keeps me humble LMAO Yikes!!! 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quietfun 20 Report post Posted February 20, 2022 @JessyCeleste while i do appreciate your helpful suggestions . I am making the decision to never send a deposit again. There are simply too many scammers out there and even though there might be some great SP's out there.. the majority by and large are not 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Exotic Touch Danielle 31765 Report post Posted February 21, 2022 8 hours ago, Quietfun said: @JessyCeleste while i do appreciate your helpful suggestions . I am making the decision to never send a deposit again. There are simply too many scammers out there and even though there might be some great SP's out there.. the majority by and large are not Perhaps you should take your chances seeing someone that doesn't require a deposit if you having such bad luck I'm sure there some that dont require one😊 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted February 21, 2022 A question for the OP: could you perhaps go about this differently? The fact that you've been scammed on deposits multiple times indicates that something's up. Scammers have always been out there, but not everyone gets scammed. How do you go about choosing which SP to see? If you just go to LL (or wherever) when you're horny, and pick someone that the little head seems to like... well, getting some scammers is inevitable. The thing is, you have to do your research, and research takes time, and is best done when you're *not* looking for some action right now. As others have said here and elsewhere: look for a proper website. Do a reverse image search on the pics. Look for an established presence in the industry; whether that's an active and reasonably long-standing social media presence, or positive feedback from other clients. TBH the long-term presence alone is probably enough - it's all I really go on. Anyone pulling a scam simply won't last all that long before word gets around and they're forced to adopt yet another new identity, and so building up that long-term presence is almost impossible if you're just trying to make a quick buck from the next mark. I don't look at ads until I've *already* decided I might want to see someone and I'm at the point of looking at rates, screening requirements, contact methods, etc. That's what happens to work for me, and obviously YMMV... the point here is that a slower approach may serve you better than making a decision in a hurry. As regards looking for a regular: I get that this is the end goal for you, but again, perhaps... slow down? Providers get many, many messages from people claiming they'll be the best regular ever, and pretty much all of those are from people running a scam of their own (usually that they want a discount, I suspect). Claiming you want to be a regular before you've even met might be a red flag for some providers. Even on the first meeting, making it a regular thing probably isn't going to be on the agenda immediately. Think of it like a first date: do you actually *want* to see this provider regularly? No matter how well you might think you know someone from their online presence, the reality may be different. It happens, sometimes; I've met people in the past who I thought I'd get on well with, and... we just didn't really hit it off. That's not anybody's fault; it's just the way life goes, and you have to be prepared to simply accept that this time things didn't work out and it's time to pursue other opportunities. Finally, I'm afraid there's one thing I really must push back on: On 2/20/2022 at 6:13 AM, Quietfun said: I feel like i have to add.. even when Im very clear Im looking for a regular rather than seeing many providers . I end up having SP's tell me that they will be available for something regular . Only to tell me during the appointment that they are actually travelling to vancouver or the east coast or toronto etc.. like.. when even providers who do show up for the scheduled appointment still lied to book it in the first place .. is that even fair? Hate to say it, but I think you're being unreasonable here. When you book a first appointment, you're booking that one appointment... and that's all. You met, and had fun, for the agreed length of time? You've got what you paid for. She owes you nothing more at this point. She said she's available for something regular? All that means is that she's happy for you to book again sometime; it is not a commitment to being available exactly when you demand it. The way to become a regular is simply to book again, and again, and again.... regularly. Telling her you intend to do that means very little; actually doing it is what counts. Please remember that the vast majority of people claiming they'll be a regular are, as I said, blowing smoke. No sane provider is going to abandon a tour for someone she's only met once, and the reason she didn't tell you about it before you met was that it's none of your business. If you *really* don't want to meet someone who doesn't tour, it's up to you to check providers' schedules and pick someone who doesn't - and if you take a long-term approach to your research then you'll probably just figure this out without explicitly looking for it, because most providers who are touring will talk about it. And if you're seeing someone regularly and you want to have a say in whether she tours or not.... well, to me that sounds less like being a regular and more like a SD/SB kind of relationship, which is an entirely different ballgame. If you want to keep her at home then you'd best be prepared to pay - in advance - for the privilege, and even then she may not agree. Hope all of that was of some use to you, or at least food for thought. Good luck! 12 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted February 21, 2022 (edited) There are indeed some providers that are okay working without deposits. Cash is king after all! @Phaedrus your mind is my favorite 💋 Edited February 21, 2022 by Kitten 4 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cheeky.char 467 Report post Posted February 21, 2022 I just got wet reading what @Phaedrus wrote 😍 7 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misterdynomite30 174 Report post Posted February 21, 2022 i honestly am so sick and tired of the scams.. Yup. And it seems like it's more now than ever before and no signs of slowing down. The one thing I despise about this industry is looking for a "new" regular. I currently have a "regular" that i've been seeing for 3 years and I've had one before her that I was seeing for 10 years but she moved away just before Covid started. So just one left. I have totally written off "online deposits" as instant 100% scams just to protect myself from a nightmare situation. Even if they aren't, I'm not willing to roll the dice and find out anymore. I'm too old to be playing in the minefield. I'll keep my current regular until she quits the biz and then it's retirement time. No regrets. It's better to be safe than sorry. A clean & safe exit is a good exit. Just like that Kenny Rogers song said : "You gotta know when to hold 'em / know when to fold 'em / know when to walk away..." #NoRegrets 😎 5 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TakeMeToParadise 21 Report post Posted February 22, 2022 I want to agree here.. i find it's becoming out of control. I have to do so much research just to try and verify if a provider is real. Leolist has become a minefield of fake ads. Twitter accounts can be faked; so can websites and even reviews. even on this site.. truly the only way is to know someone else either a client or a provider who can vouch for them. I see so many great women on this site but none in my area. so far i have found only those on tour that i would truly reccomend. I have been burned for deposit on occasion myself and it's frustating. I have hope though that if some of these women see a need or demand in the area that they will come. It helps if the quality of clients in the area are just as good as the women we want to attract but i have personally been told by providers that a lot men in my area are basically pigs so that isnt helping the cause either . I take it with a grain of salt. I try to be a good client.. clean, respectful and aplreciative of their time and just hope others do the same. 2 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
QuakeRegina 3 Report post Posted February 22, 2022 I think its most providers asking for deposits but some fat guy hacker trying to scam a quick payout no one will report to the cops 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) 18 hours ago, TakeMeToParadise said: i have personally been told by providers that a lot men in my area are basically pigs so that isnt helping the cause either See I feel this is incredibly subjective. I don't mind when men have a little pig in them as long as they're respectful towards my needs. I find them to be fun. Both together are possible but understand not everyone may feel the same. If it's not appropriate to say negative things about providers it shouldn't be appropriate to speak negatively towards clients as well. Someone mentioned "seeing a need" above and it's sparked a though of if more intermediary work could be achieved. Outside of agencies already doing so. Sadly in an unregulated industry those roles can become misrepresented. I wonder if this is something mods would consider offering? Just a thought! Edited February 22, 2022 by Kitten 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted February 22, 2022 (edited) On 2/20/2022 at 3:27 PM, Quietfun said: @JessyCeleste while i do appreciate your helpful suggestions . I am making the decision to never send a deposit again. There are simply too many scammers out there and even though there might be some great SP's out there.. the majority by and large are not My pleasure to help. Helping you on this helps both sides of the entire industry too. Hopefully this info will help others avoid what you've endured. Oh I'm not challenging your decision. You do what's right for you. Unfortunately, what you say about the average is true and true for every group there is. And as others say, the more underground things are forced into the more sickos come along to exploit it. So this industry is one that suffers greatly as a result. On both sides. We all hear plenty of what SWs go through if they aren't aware of how to avoid trouble and only see good clients. If they are scamming you for deposits, most arent actually SPs. Catfish found out an onlyfans model was a man without conscience in his 30s or 40s who would use the names & pix of an actual OF model and simply scammed money from the guys with good hearts. This was his job he said and she wasnt the only SW he was exploiting and endangering to profit from. Here's a link to the episode: part 1: Part 2: WORST OF ALL: The show didnt even bother to blur out the SWs face! So guess what happened to her? She was exploited and screwed over even further. While she trusted her mom wouldnt go on OF and find her there, she sure as hell does watch OF ! Here's her reaction. Now she was ok in the end with her family knowing but she should not have that choice taken from her. A lot of us would be destroyed in their family life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gFkF4RCyms I can list a bunch of other examples. As someone here had said, no reputable SW would risk her rep to make a small sum. So I wouldn't use those people to describe most SWs anymore than I would describe someone pretending to be a client who beats, rapes and robs the worker. He's not a client, he never was. She was never a SW. But even with those posing removed, you still will find psycopaths and sociopaths more often than groups that are in the open... and even there... is the average collections agent a good person? Is the average hairdresser or stock broker? As communities like this exist, one can definitely say that the reputable SPs do conduct themselves well as does the average hobbyist. But lyla is not Leolist, LeoList is not instagram/twitter and those arent the street corner. As you can see here, many hobbyists and SPs have enjoyed many years together, some for decades, some more. As I said, many SPs will wave the deposit fee if she is not just visiting and if you have references. Given how many scams you have encountered, you would have also experienced meeting with several SWs and as long as you were respectful, you should get a ref from more than one. Keep in mind, even if she wasn't necessarily someone you would see again, the point of a reference is only assured safety... so its not the same as when hobbyists review/recommend us. So don't hesitate to ask. Deposits weren't a thing until covid. It was extremely rare and when it did happen it was for far off outcalls or full day bookings. This only started because of inconsiderate behavior of many clients and bad behavior of non clients. Once it was established, ya, the vultures came out. So the fact it was only became the norm because of necessity (you can watch its progression starting from 2019 to witness the standard and then starting looking again around june/july 2020 onward... See how often it happened, see those lamenting they may have to start asking deposits... what you went through with scams, they went through except a hotel room is way more than a deposit. So to blame isnt helpful. or defame or make stats on groups that have little to do with each other. Just finding solutions & communicating is. I wish you luck in your ventures. Please, even without sending deposits, do your due diligence because losing a deposit is not the only thing that can go wrong for a hobbyist. Edited February 22, 2022 by JessyCeleste adding source 2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted February 22, 2022 14 hours ago, QuakeRegina said: I think its most providers asking for deposits but some fat guy hacker trying to scam a quick payout no one will report to the cops the guy on catfish was indeed overweight How'd you know? oh and thanks for reminding me I will edit and link the episode! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JessyCeleste 14078 Report post Posted February 23, 2022 On 2/21/2022 at 3:01 AM, clearbluesky15 said: @JessyCeleste thanks for the great post. That had some great insight on how to spot real providers, and insight into some the recent challenges with the pandemic. Thanks! My pleasure! 22 hours ago, TakeMeToParadise said: I want to agree here.. i find it's becoming out of control. I have to do so much research just to try and verify if a provider is real. Leolist has become a minefield of fake ads. Twitter accounts can be faked; so can websites and even reviews. even on this site.. truly the only way is to know someone else either a client or a provider who can vouch for them. I see so many great women on this site but none in my area. so far i have found only those on tour that i would truly reccomend. I have been burned for deposit on occasion myself and it's frustating. I have hope though that if some of these women see a need or demand in the area that they will come. It helps if the quality of clients in the area are just as good as the women we want to attract but i have personally been told by providers that a lot men in my area are basically pigs so that isnt helping the cause either . I take it with a grain of salt. I try to be a good client.. clean, respectful and aplreciative of their time and just hope others do the same. Personally, I dont bother with LeoList, never have, never will. Its a total crap chute on both sides so I personally see no point in attracting unsavory characters while being amongs a bunch of scammers when the good hobbyists will end up checking me out somewhere like Lyla or an Indy Companion collective in the end anyway. If I were a hobbyist, I wouldn't go anywhere near there. Why go sifting for gold though a bunch of sand? Sure a lot of good ones are there but they will ALSO be on lyla or in a collective, so why bother? Same with our end with clients. A good hobbyist will find me and will either know better than bother with leolist or eventually do research and find me in a better place. So yes, I would recommend avoiding it. All hassle, no benefit if you ask me. And verification is a joke on there. It means nothing. For recos and reviews: take one timer posters with a grain of salt. Completely disbelieve ones that only post for one person and no one else. If thats just a recent thing fine... he just found his dream girl but I mean EVER. And sadly, I would not trust reviews from agency SPs unless its from a well known Poster here or from multiple posters who have recoed SPs from other agencies or independents as well. Although the mods are pretty hardcore at catching those. I once had pages of recos removed because a stupid driver made fake reviews for girls hoping he could drive for them. I didnt ask for it, need it or appreciate it! So his one BS reco deleted a years worth of genuine ones. Thankfully the mods understood it wasnt my doing. Anyway, the sniffed it out because he only recoed SPs from that agency and funny... only on nights he woked. lol Wanted to throttle the guy. For his stupid 20$ he brought me (and others) to square one. Many members only trust recos for new SPs if they are done by members who word they trust. But as long as the poster has reviewed SPs that arent all from the same place and has reviewed SPs that have nothing to do with each other, its trustworthy. I'm so sorry you have been burned. Enrages me. May I ask your area? You may have already but if not, please check if there is a collective there. Google keywords like ___city/town name___ indy companions " ----------------------------" independent companions "------------" indy/independent sex workers collective Another good move would be to post what you are looking for in your area's section. I once found a regular client who had posted that he was looking for a lady with strong legs lol Not something anyone usually advertise but i contacted him and it just so happened we were a perfect match. Again, I was starting out back then so spent a lot more time on admin. I go for long periods without even advertising let alone perusing forums but... takes a few mins, doesnt hurt and may give fruit! We should make a thread for how much we've each lost... SPs and Hobbyists alike, too depressing though Again, Im so sorry for every cent you lost and all your frustration. Jessy 2 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Prince Clay 24 Report post Posted February 23, 2022 I request to meet first, always, for a coffee or tea in a public place. If the escort or domme refuses this, I assume they are a scam looking for an easy deposit. I have also been scammed in person by a horrible, monsterous woman in Toronto, but at least she was a real human who I actually got to meet lol I'm trans, but also gender critical, and a kinkster too. I get denied service for all kinds of morally questionable reasons, but I get that it's all about preferance and comfort(the feeling is mutual). I understand that sex work is hard work, and also a form of exploitation(most work is), but I have never been so denied, decieved and betrayed as I have been among sex workers. It's extremely disappointing. 1 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SarahAlexxx 2025 Report post Posted February 23, 2022 On 2/21/2022 at 6:04 PM, Cheeky.char said: I just got wet reading what @Phaedrus wrote 😍 I swear he was a SW in a past life. Hail King @Phaedrus 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beesh 1288 Report post Posted February 24, 2022 6 hours ago, SarahAlexxx said: I swear he was a SW in a past life. Hail King @Phaedrus well... we do not have evidence that @Phaedrus is not a SW in this life 🤨 who knows ... may be he is a super elite super secret companion..... the kind they make movies on, with yachts & casinos may be he is the one they call when Shania Twain or Bryan Adams need love 😏 ... yeah ! I will roll with this narrative ! 😜 ~ 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SarahAlexxx 2025 Report post Posted February 24, 2022 23 minutes ago, beesh said: well... we do not have evidence that @Phaedrus is not a SW in this life 🤨 who knows ... may be he is a super elite super secret companion..... the kind they make movies on, with yachts & casinos may be he is the one they call when Shania Twain or Bryan Adams need love 😏 ... yeah ! I will roll with this narrative ! 😜 ~ Love that! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kitten 1286 Report post Posted February 24, 2022 Also curious what area this gentleman is in. It could help provide some suggestions. This verified independent badass set her own rules and is always open to entertaining new faces! Why do I have a feeling you may be somewhere more remote? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sugar Kayne 274 Report post Posted February 24, 2022 (edited) Okay hear me out because I may have spanked @Quietfun only 2 hours ago when I posted this in the similar post he made about 2 weeks ago but I may have to change my position somewhat because of what I experienced only 2 hours later Here's what I originally had to say on the topic: Sugar Kayne Posted 2 hours ago On 2/12/2022 at 12:17 PM, Quietfun said: That's It.. I have had it with all the deposit scams.. i don't understand how so many SP's can expect a deposit when the clients are constantly being scammed Its pretty simple.. I ask for deposits now because im done being scammed out of time and effort, as well as revealing the location of my discreet place of business. So many clients dont even bother to show up for appointments, or theyre new and get cold feet, or they suddenly have been called out of town for work right before the appointment. Im sorry you fell prey to hopefully a hard to spot fake, but the thing is: If you are no good at spotting fakes, you should learn how to spot them instead of expecing people to change their business model. Like, the entitlement!! Id be shocked if youve been scammed by a verified provider here that seems legit and has recommendations from various established client accounts. But even if it did happen that would be the rare exception and they wouldnt pull off such a scam for long here on lyla. If you dont want to do your homework, dont be upset you get a bad grade lol Others suggested seeing providers that dont ask for deposits. You couldve done that without posting. You just want special treatment and/or a place to complain. I do feel bad for some of the people who get scammed, like elderly and other vulnerable groups of people, but this industry is no worse than any other for scams. There are email scams, phone scams, tax scams, puppy scams, to name a few They often prey on the most vulnerable. You are unfairly blaming the industry, and the providers in it, for your own mistakes. You arent even complaining about scammers themselves, who arent actual providers!! Youre not here going "screw that introverted incel of a man who pretended to be a SW and tricked me, scammers should be punished by law" or anything. Youre really out here slamming the legit SWers for not making thenselves more vulnerable so you can avoid the risk of being scammed instead of just doing your research! No one has to give a deposit, but if most or all the providers are asking for one, is it that far fetched to think that we are doing so for a good reason? No, its not. I have to get ready when someone books, but they dont have to show up. Sure they dont get service but I cant get my time, effort or discretion back. It shouldnt cost those people NOTHING when it costs me so much. Maybe if I asked for 50 or even 100%, i could see that being reason for me as a provider to not follow through w an appointment, unless I was travelling. A nominal deposit ensures the providers time isnt wasted. I put a lot of time into being at my best for my clients and Id hate to stop doing so bc I cant afford the time to shower and primp anymore since no shows wasted all my time for the day. Travelling companions almost always ask for deposits, from new people, at least, and they seem to be doing just fine and so do their clients who do deposits. I dont think its an industry problem. Is it a CRA problem that scams pretend to be them? Correct me if im wrong, but I havent noticed them changing their policy due to scams. They put out public service announcements educating the public how to spot fakes. I cant charge your credit card like your doctor or dentist when you dont show up for your appointment or cancel last minute. I gotta do something, and not asking for a deposit and getting the barrage of no shows again, isnt the answer. Maybe you should write a post berating all the clients who book and dont show up instead; they are the ones who ruined it for you, not the service providers that are just trying to find legitimate clients. Posted 2 hours ago sorry for my bad copy n paste job. Here is the link to the original post I still stand by most of what I said but I got this wierd scam message my own self not 2 hours later lmao and even though it's easy to spot as fake, I feel compelled to admit that i seriously underestimated just how rampant the sheer volume of scams are. I definitely will, in fact, be re thinking my own deposit strategy because I can see both sides for sure there's way too many scams to require deposits indiscriminately.. there's a middle ground and I'll find one that works for me and my clients cause yeah here's the weird text thing I got I took a screenshot and attached. Hope it shows up Edited February 24, 2022 by Sugar Kayne Added link 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites