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Table Shower or Body Scrub

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41 minutes ago, Kmoppai said:

Dont think so, and I'm surprised there isn't. You'd figure with all our smelly asses in there they'd want to have one lol


Jokes aside, most of the locations don't seem to put to much budget aside for beautification. I can't see anyone getting one, unless it was heavily recommended by lots of us. I can imagine a setup with plumbing and all would be 10k to 20k depending on what the table costs.


It would be amazing though. I hate how many mps just leave oil on me without any real effort to clean. I'd trade that for suds any day!

I guess my curiosity piqued as having spent significant time mongering in the states I can say it’s more common for a location to have a TS than not have a TS (at least in the area I spent most my time in. But I can’t recall a single location here than has it. It was one of my favourite parts of the massage.  

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12 minutes ago, xxxlol said:

561 broadway offers body scrubs+massage never peronsaly treid it before so I wont say much. 

Here is the link if you are interested



Thanks. Any idea if anyone besides the usual AMP is working at Broadway these days? Or same ole same ole?

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i think when michele had her operation on henderson they had a table shower. so there might be one floating around somewhere, just not in use,

ive had a few in florida loved it.

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Rom - would you share that info in a DM?  I also love TS, and haven't found any up in Winnipeg.  ND they are not allowed, but in MN they are, but not many providers have them (at least that I know of).  And it's been 2+ years since I've been able to get up there... but hopefully with the warmer weather I'll be able to get up there soon!

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