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Oh wow - Apparently I'm a Hermaphrodite

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I just found out that I come from a race (the Hutts) of Hermaphrodites. I guess I should have checked myself out a little more carefully.


Next time somebody tells me to go F**k myself, I'll have to give it a try. I wonder how many positions are possible? But seriously, this raises several interesting questions for those who are genderly split. Anyone have any experience?

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Gender is complex and not limited to physical characteristics or genitalia. Some people have a profound sense of being in the wrong body--for example, they look like a male, but they believe that they should look like, and be, a female.


I have a client who is a stunningly beautiful woman. She takes hormonal supplements and has spent thousands of dollars on laser hair removal and electrolysis, but she's horrified by the notion that she might want to have her penis and testicles removed. She would not say that she's hermaphroditic or inter-sex. She describes herself as polymorphous and says that she's a lesbian with a "male package" which she uses in the traditional ways. (And very well, too, I might add!) She has had trouble finding a permanent partner, however.


Gender can be defined in so many ways including the gender one prefers to perform in public or in private.

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Hey I do, this is just life to me. I have a body that's a mix of parts, Drs tweaked it when I was little and now I'm tweaking it back in the other direction. I love being in a middle place and my partners and lovers are fine with who I am. Never had a problem finding relationships or dateing in the dyke community. The people whom I've met with bodys like me who say they can't get a date don't have a problem with their bodys it's usualy their personalitys that trun folks off.


Love as you will, November

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Guest tr*****e

Great thread! I've been exploring this recently, too. I never quite felt at home in my own body(more like every morning I used to feel like tearing my skin off 'cuz it feels like it's crawling all over me like a bunch of cockroaches(no pun intended, lol)) until I got involved in this business - and I still feel like that sometimes. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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Hey I do, this is just life to me. I have a body that's a mix of parts, Drs tweaked it when I was little and now I'm tweaking it back in the other direction. I love being in a middle place and my partners and lovers are fine with who I am. Never had a problem finding relationships or dateing in the dyke community. The people whom I've met with bodys like me who say they can't get a date don't have a problem with their bodys it's usualy their personalitys that trun folks off.


Love as you will, November


I like the middleplace also...hehehehehe

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