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First Overnight Encounter

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I have seen a couple very special clients for overnight sessions and I have a few ideas not seen in the other thread...


I would recommend a good choice of music for you both to choose from to add to the mood, safely and thoughtfully placed candles, mouthwash in the bathroom and washcloths close to the sink nearest the bedroom... A shower massage wand to make a shared shower safer, and perhaps a non-slip bathmat/treatment if you don't already have one...


During one extra long massage session one of my regulars brought his iPod and played some soft music so we could slow-dance, it was really sweet and very memorable. Another gent loved to drink tea with me after our sexy time, was always a nice moment to chat and enjoy each other's company... I hope you have a wonderful night and can't wait to hear all about it!




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Guest 9**A*****

Thank you for your stories Bethany, and for the great advice!

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HI 987,

An overnight is the sweetest encounter and very special. I agree with Sweetest Massage about the candles. Your planning is excellent. I will pass on a couple of ' secrets'.

Choose a pleasently scented but not overly common soap. When you shower or bath together use that soap, then slip a new unopened one into her overnight bag. When she uses it sometime in the next week or two she will think of you and remember those times. ( that is what we want right, to be remembered and to stand out) Scent is a powerful stimulas for memory.

When you shower or bath use one of those bath puffs on her entire body with your chosen soap. Yeah it sounds girly but the girls have it right. The give a wonderful stimulatory effect to the skin.

Now in this bath you have covered 2 pleasent sensation , touch and smell.

Before you go to sleep (about the time you really couldn't get it up one more time, even if she was paying you) tell her that you would really like to apply powder to her body. I use unscented talc because I don't want to confuse scents, but you could use a baby powder or other body powder.

As she is lieing totally nude on you bed sprinkle the powder over her body,avoiding the face but including the neck. Slowly smooth this over her, both sides, under the arms , especially in the fold of her body. I would say break this down into 4 or 5 zones, applying powder to 1 zone, smoothing it in, apply to the next zone , smothing that in etc. etc , etc.

Don't over emphasize the sexual zones. You want her entire body to feel erogenous. It is a wonderful sensation for you and even better for her. It will help her sleep pleasently and with any luck she will awake with memories of the last thing that happened the night before, and want to jump your bones.

O.K. thats it; no more secrets. I hope you both have a wonderful night.... and when I ask for your help I expect you to come through, O.K. (lol) .... chavez

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Chavez: I was started to get all relaxed just reading about the body powder! Such a wonderful idea! I am sure the lady would appreciate the relaxing rub-down!

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Firstly, anyone with an Islay single malt name already has good taste, so I don't know that much advice is needed! Secondly, this post may be too late for you to read, but you don't really need much more input, there have been some great tips given above.


I have enjoyed the rare privilege of an overnight session on a few occasions. While the location was not at my place, for me it was all about just being myself and building on the comfort already established between myself and the special lady. I truly considered it to be a gift and a special consideration that was being granted and tried my best to ensure that she knew how truly grateful I was in allowing me to see and be with a much more intimate part of whom she truly is, not just by setting scenes or moods, nor only by gifts or extra donations, but by words and actions. Of course, this also meant exposing a bit more of me as well, which I was more than glad to do with someone precious. A sincere "thank you for allowing me the privilege" can go a long way towards being given a second opportunity for an extended or overnight visit.


Don't know if this helps or makes sense, but don't overplan or overthink it. Let the evening and night flow, and be in tune to her body and her mind. You'll be just fine and I hope you have a great time. It's an experience that you'll never forget.


Oh, and a bottle of single malt for both of you to sip on and enjoy is a great addition!


Just my take for whatever it's worth.

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Guest 9**A*****

Thank you for the advice volvolator, I read it in time. The evening did indeed flow, and I will soon post my thoughts on the encounter.


Additional Comments:

Incredible advice Chavez, your ideas of the baby powder and slipping soap into her overnight bag are incredible, you are a true original!

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Thank you for the advice volvolator, I read it in time. The evening did indeed flow, and I will soon post my thoughts on the encounter.


Pleasure......I trust it was somewhat helpful. In any case I hope the evening was a wonderful experience and that you'll be able to do so again sometime. It is a rare and delightful treat, isn't it?

Edited by volvolater

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