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What The Hell Is Wrong With You?

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Guest S**a*Q

So I'm sitting in the tattoo shop, waiting for my tattoo artist to fix up the tattoo stencils for my forearm. I'm texting or doing something on my phone, when I hear, from the right of me... "Sara!" Part of me hears it, but part of me (the back of my brain) says, "No way..." and goes back to playing Tetris on my phone.


"SARA MCQUESTION!!!" is all I hear next... and it's not just spoken, but said loud enough so that the entire building can hear it. Well that's definitely not for someone else... My tattoo artist looks at me with a shocked smile, he knows what I do, thank god... Everyone else in the building DOESN'T, they know me by my real name.


In the two years of this job, I've been noticed a bunch of times, I've been approached twice, NEVER have I been "outed" like this, in a place that I frequent A LOT.



I am only Sara when you book me for an appointment...


I know there are threads on this at length, HOWEVER, had it been a client, I'd be more prepared. This person should know better for eff sakes.


It was another escort. :(

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Some people don't have a lick of sense.


Did you ask this person to not address you by your working name?

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It was another escort. :(


I'm reminded of a documentary about strippers. A dancer was with her Mom walking down the street when they chance upon another dancer from the same strip club. As she was to be introduce daughter realized she only knew her by her stripper name.

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If that were me, I'd want to strangle the person!!! Okay, not literally but you know what I mean... All I can say is some people are so God damn stupid. I would have told them to never have any contact with me again. You cross those lines and you're done. They should know better! especially since they're in the same line of work and should understand the meaning of complete and utter discretion.

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Guest S**a*Q
If that were me, I'd want to strangle the guy!!! Okay, not literally but you know what I mean... All I can say is some people are so God damn stupid. I would have told him to never call me again. You cross those lines and you're done. He should know better!


Hold on...

It's NOT a guy, not a CLIENT...

It was a GIRL, another escort, who should know better.

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Wow! What was she thinking? Duh! She was obviously not! Even if she is open about her profession and does not mind being called by her escort name in public (that may be the reason why she saw no wrong in what she did) that does not mean other ladies, including myself do. Totally unacceptable behaviour :icon_rolleyes: I think some need a discretion workshop, I've recently been hearing of situation like this often.

Sorry this happened to you Sara :(



It was a GIRL, another escort, who should know better.

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Guest S**a*Q

Now here's the kicker...

I talked and smiled and everything to her, played nice.


Why??? You might ask...


Well I figured two things:

A- It would attract less of a scene than causing a hooker cat-fight in the tattoo shop.

B - I'm just nice that way. I don't like being angry and try my best to always avoid confrontation.


I get my aggravation out in written form, hence the posting of this thread.

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Maybe someone needs to do the same thing to her, so she wont ever do it again... Some people just dont get it..

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I think I would just fake ignorance..."Sorry, I guess I have a doppleganger; you have me confused with someone else!"

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Guest Ser***der

WTF was my original reaction. Then I thought, no, let me spend som time to say something meaningful or nothing at all.

In the end I am compelled to say...



In the end discretion is a two way street between client and SP I guess I had always assumed within the community as it were it would never happen. People are people everywhere I guess.


Class act in dealing with it Sara. Really.

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She probably meant well, but nonetheless, I hope she's not somebody I have seen. And if I have, I sure hope she doesn't like me enough to come over and say hello. :icon_eek:

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I had a former escort out me once in public, too! It was quite some time ago (December 2004), but here's what happened: I walked into a Tim Horton's close to work to get a coffee. I walk up to the counter and the lady asks "how are you doing?" I reply "Good... I'll have an extra large, double cream and a chocolate glazed donut, please." Then she asks me the same question again while putting her elbows on the counter, leaning in towards me with a million dollar smile plastered over her face. I reply "Good..." while giving her an odd glance.


She says "You don't remember me, do you?" to which I reply "Uh, no... not really". since she didn't seem familiar at all. The girl says "Oh yeah! I've seen you before..." and gives me a knowing look while getting my order. At this point, I'm intrigued. I have no clue who this lady is, but she seems to know me. When she brings me my coffee, I ask her "Excuse me, but where do I know you from?" and she says "At your apartment, only I wasn't wearing a uniform!" At this point, I finally clue in somewhat, even though I still can't really place her. I realized that she was an agency girl, but that I must have seen her ages ago since I had trouble remembering our encounter. I'd say I'd seen her once about two years prior to that, and I was shocked she would even remember me at all. If she hadn't said anything to me that day, I'd never have known. As I was leaving, she flashed me another big smile and wished me a Merry Christmas. Thank God I wasn't with anyone!

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Sorry this happened.

I hope the other lady is a member here & will read this thread.

Edited by Jabba
Silly post

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Guest gagagaga

Me being Devil's advocate:


I'm sure she din't mean it. Some would say that the more names you have, the more likely that something like this will happen. This is why many older dancers have started using their real names.


That being said, this whole thing sucks.


I have to agree with the other guy....I want to know what the tatto was too!!

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This sucks as discretion is key. BUT if I seen you in public I was just want to run up to you and hug you :) LOL. Everyone loves you my lovely SARA she probably did too :) Feel honoured rather than angered my sweets. Just giving you another angle to consider. She seen you and got all wet and excited he he I hope you are now smiling :) Angie xo

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This sucks as discretion is key. BUT if I seen you in public I was just want to run up to you and hug you :) xo


I run into girls outside all the time and we say hello, I'm sure there would be no issue with saying hello and giving a friendly hug, it's the outing of the name when the people around her clearly know her by another name that suuuuuuuuuucks!

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I feel discretion is key... the best thing to do is say nothing at all. Yet, if someone feels compelled to say something, please refrain from using names. I.e. something along the lines of "Hi, how are you?" would have been enough to catch the lady's attention without revealing anything else.

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I call everyone HUN! haha makes life easy! BUT I don't confront people in public unless invited, because I would not like them approaching me!


If I had run into someone, Sara for example. I would smile and nod at her, and if neither of us minded then we could talk. I would not call her Sara, I would call her Hun. I would not want her calling me Shortcake in public. Since Shortcake is for sure not my "real" name it would be awkward to say the least.


Also like Angie said everyone loves a good hug, especially when your as cute as Sara is! hehe j/k

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I run into girls outside all the time and we say hello, I'm sure there would be no issue with saying hello and giving a friendly hug, it's the outing of the name when the people around her clearly know her by another name that suuuuuuuuuucks!


Excellent point Cleo :)

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