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Guest ph***

One of the things a hobbyist looks for, for me anyways, is a personality. A SP's religious and even political views is merely part of that personality. If every SP was the same, and had the same views on everything, how boring would that be?


Even if a SP's views differentiate from mine, and they have before, I would never look down on her or poke fun at her - no human being should have to go through that. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion - this is Canada afterall, not the Middle East!


Malika - do not ever cover you are and never let anybody tell you you're wrong just because they disagree with you. You're a beautiful woman physically, and even though I don't know you very well, I bet you're a beautiful woman mentally and emotionally as well. :)

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Sorry that you were treated that way!

No matter what, it is your business what you practice and everyone should respect that! There are Lot's of people I know that would give him the same look just by knowing he was visiting a paid girl. Who the hell is he to judge you or anyone. When you come to my home, I have a huge stained glass cross now, if someone doesn't like it Fuck off!

You my dear are so sweet I hope you feel better soon. Hugs*

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Dear Malika,


It is unfortunate that you have to run into people that are close minded. People fear what they don't know or understand. And whatever religion, some time along the way, the minority extremist had one time or another made it bad for everyone else.


In many cultures, super natural powers are better understood and practiced. Usually for healing and protection.


I would either ignore what I see or openly ask about the practice. Might learn something new and exciting, doesn't mean I have to practice the craft. But knowledge is power!! How you use that power is totally another story.



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