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The Unhijackable Thread of Randomness

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Ohhhhh... and if you saw the Olympic opening ceremonies, you may have seen the future Mrs Old Dog marching with the Paraguayan Olympic team. She doesn't know it yet.... her name is Leryn Franco. Sure, she may have finished 51st in Beijing in javelin BUT... I forgive her.



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Just like Old Dog, I have found the future Mrs Notch Johnson, she is Michelle Jeneke(Australian) I have a video of her for all of you to watch.




Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.



On another note here is something for you all, ladies please! (j/k)


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So here goes.


I was watching the parade of nations at the Olympics last night, and it was as it always is... lots of very attractive athletes, joyful, exuberant, full of expectations of glory....


Then. Well then the Paraguayans walked by. I have no idea who designed the national outfits, but the ladies on the team were wearing low cut red dresses... BRILLIANT.


They walk by and I am watching and then ... SHE APPEARS. I went "HOLY SCHNIKIES!" She was gorgeous!!!





.... and that's how I discovered Leryn Franco, Paraguayan javelin thrower...

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Finally caught up with Old Dog and a few of this friends who have been enjoying the beautiful weather.



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