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You lost me when you said you love listening to Justin Bieber...sorry, couldn't resist, said in fun

But I gave you a nomination


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Guest S**a*Q

I walk around everyday, now relishing in the fact that people are staring at me...


I wasn't always like this though... It took me YEARS (Like ten or something) to work out of my extremely debilitating low self-esteem and depression.


*(I still struggle with things, but it wouldn't be right if we didn't.)


No one's perfect, and no one is like someone else.

That's what makes us interesting, we're all a little different.

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Guest 9**A*****
I walk around everyday, now relishing in the fact that people are staring at me...


I wasn't always like this though... It took me YEARS (Like ten or something) to work out of my extremely debilitating low self-esteem and depression.


*(I still struggle with things, but it wouldn't be right if we didn't.)


No one's perfect, and no one is like someone else.

That's what makes us interesting, we're all a little different.


I think that if someone told me that they never struggled, I wouldn't believe them.


I'm glad to hear that you relish the fact that people stare at you Sara :)

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well said!


rep for the below: :D


I love listening to Justin Bieber, and I don't care what other people think. "U Smile" is really a catchy song.

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Hi Daniel17,

I love that you are finding yourself!

Once you are comfortable in yourself and confident about the person you are, you will be able to give. Give from your heart and with your feeling; and in the giving you will receive. Yes receive more that you can believe.

Way to often we are afraid to give because we think we will be looked on as suckers, or if we give our thoughts, openly, we might be looked at as not normal. There are only a few ' Normal People' in this world and a lot of pretender. We should feel sorry for both.

Unlike you I don't like to ' not shave' very often( only on the occassion when I want to be lazy) because I like to give. Make sense ? Yeah. If it happens on any given day that I am giving oral sex to a lady I want her to enjoy it as much as I do. It is something that is hard to enjoy if the person giving has a day and a half growth on his beard.

Save yourself and your partner some pain. Get a good razor. Now-a-day with something like a Gillette fusion razor you can shave blindfolded with you left hand, useing a vag. lub for shaveing cream and still not nick yourself. Yes the damn blades cost a half million dollars but you get a million shaves from of one. It is a poor man's equilalent on a Lamboughini.

Do it, Daniel, do it. Explore yourself, release those comparisons, learn to get by giving.....o.k...... chicas

you are doing good


( this ad brought to you by the makers of Gillette razors, who are not responsible for your sexual satisfation and gratification. George Clooney smiles are not included but she can't see your smile when you tongue is doing it's job, but she will feel your stubble)

God is that a new tag line for Gillette ?


ps. sorry if I offended anyone. This is part of me expessing me.

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What a fantastic post! You deserve all the nominations and more. I feel similarly all the time and say "f*ck it!"


I tell people that I listen to Britney Spears, and then I ramble about all the indie groups I listen to. Perhaps I should own up to my love of her, and let her be a stand-alone 'artist' (not really an artist, but whatever). I can legitimize my music tastes another time...


Oh, and I have this guitar t-shirt (some people on here have seen it) and I totally wear it back to back sometimes. I just smell the armpits to make sure it doesn't smell too bad ;)


Laughing in the middle of sex is a must! My gosh, people don't do that?


*imaginary high five back* peace out

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Thank you for this post.


From the responses, you can obviously see that you've touched a chord in people. I think you'll find that the majority of us have some degree of insecurity about our looks or personalities. I wonder what percentage of us belonged to that 'cool' group in high school? A show of hands out there? Not many, I am sure and see there's the rub as it really is only a small percentage of people that we idolize or compare ourselves to.


So you are completely right. Carp Diem. Seize the Day and celebrate who you are and try to be the best person you can be to others.


Oh, and nothing wrong with Justin Bieber or in Nathalie's case, Brittany Spears :) I love Katy Perry.


I think Katy's song Firworks has great lyrics for this thread...


"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

Drifting throught the wind

Wanting to start again


Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin

Like a house of cards

One blow from caving in


Do you ever feel already buried deep

Six feet under scream

But no one seems to hear a thing


Do you know that there's still a chance for you

Cause there's a spark in you


You just gotta ignite the light

And let it shine

Just own the night

Like the Fourth of July


Cause baby you're a firework

Come on show 'em what you're worth

Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"

As you shoot across the sky-y-y"



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Additional Comments:

Thanks so much everyone for all the kind comments. It is very appreciated.

Posted via Mobile Device

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I love listening to Justin Bieber, and I don't care what other people think. "U Smile" is really a catchy song.


What a fantastic post! You deserve all the nominations and more. I feel similarly all the time and say "f*ck it!"


I tell people that I listen to Britney Spears, and then I ramble about all the indie groups I listen to. Perhaps I should own up to my love of her, and let her be a stand-alone 'artist' (not really an artist, but whatever). I can legitimize my music tastes another time...



Oh, and nothing wrong with Justin Bieber or in Nathalie's case, Brittany Spears :) I love Katy Perry.


Well since we're all admitting to embarrassing things we like. I LOVE (Loved) Smallville!!! Watched it religiously for the past 10 years! Never missed an episode. Own all the seasons on dvd (and the last few on blu-ray!)...and the series finale gave me a TOTAL nerdgasm!! There.....*sigh*....my secret's out.


Oh....and when I exercise, I'm listening to music from all the Rocky movies on my ipod.....yes, even the Survivor songs (those are the best ones!!) Eye of The Tiger, Baby......Eye Of The Tiger!


I'm probably the only person on the planet who thinks Sylvester Stallone is a very underrated actor, lol. CopLand anyone??? Nighthawks??.....I get misty eyed at the end of First Blood.


Which reminds me, I cried like a BABY at the end of Turner and Hooch!


I walk around everyday, now relishing in the fact that people are staring at me...


I wasn't always like this though... It took me YEARS (Like ten or something) to work out of my extremely debilitating low self-esteem and depression.


*(I still struggle with things, but it wouldn't be right if we didn't.)


No one's perfect, and no one is like someone else.

That's what makes us interesting, we're all a little different.


Regrettably, I'm still where Sara was 10 years ago. People close to me tell me I'm attractive, but I still don't see it. I keep thinking they're just humoring me. My brain tells me that they're probably right, and that I am probably attractive....but I just can't get myself to feel that way. It doesn't help that I surround myself by people who are in vastly better shape than I am. Can't help but be envious and think "That's how I'm supposed to look!". I know that's just society talking and that I should feel comfortable in my own skin, but that's a hard thing to be sometimes.


It's rough remembering being in your early twenties and loving what you saw in the mirror....then waking up one day 10-15 years later and realizing that you no longer like what you see in the mirror...not one bit...and having to come to term with the fact that you're never going to look like.... or weigh what....you did when you were 20. No matter how hard you try.


I know I got a lot of great traits, I can be pretty funny, and charming in my own right when I try to be. I can't think of a single person who "hates" me. I seem to get along great with everyone and treat everyone with respect. My insecurities are mainly focused around my physical self and how women perceive me, and let's face it, as much as we'd like to think so, love is not blind. A personality alone is not enough to attract someone, there has to be a physical attraction as well. It's rough to look in the mirror and, physically, to not like a single thing you're seeing. It's very rough. And it's a very hard habit to break. I have pretty great hair, I will say that. I was blessed with being able to keep all of it as I got older. But that alone just doesn't cut it anymore.


This thread is great, don't get me wrong, and Daniel brings up some really great points...things we all know we should be thinking. But telling ourselves to feel a certain way and actually feeling that way are two entirely different things. Working on it though. Just not sure how. There's no "How To" guide out there to beat insecurity...no special pill that will make us feel great about ourselves (no legal one anyway :p ). I'm really happy for Daniel to have had this epiphany.


I know in my head that I have some very appealing physical traits, I've seen the evidence. I've seen women, very attractive women, blush when talking to me, stumble over their own words out of nervousness when talking to me, flirt with me shamelessly. I've occasionally seen women do the double take when passing me on the street. So part of my brain knows it and recognizes that I don't look anywhere near as bad as I think I do....I guess I'm still just waiting for my own epiphany to get the rest of my brain to recognize that as well.

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