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Cosmetics below the belt

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I did actually consider doing it and may actually do it...


I have what you call "meat curtain", really long inner labia lips...I never had any problem when being an SP with them...but in my personal life...twice I was in a bar and had one night stand...got all into making out..and when they are going down on me...said what the hell is that?


It hurt. It hurt having someone commment on how your pussy actually look like just because you have big pussy lips. You get concerned after about how it look.


I'll agree with Roaminguy. Anyone bashing yours, or anybody's kitty, has some issues of his own. Since getting into this hobby, between the SP's I have seen and the exotic dancers, I've seen my fair share, and there is not one kitty I have found unattractive. All were appealing in their own way. It's a beautiful thing no matter the shape and size. I haven't seen yours (yet :p), but I'm positive it's no different. it's part of you therefore beautiful.


They want to 'beautify' a vagina??? What the hell, all vaginas are beautiful! I'm quite a fan of mine actually, it's so pretty.


Couldn't agree more, I'm quite a fan of yours as well, pretty doesn't even begin to describe it! And yummy! Don't even get me started! ;)


I myself had been contemplating this surgery...for me, I thought a meaty puss was abnormal.


Nothing says sexy like a confident woman, although I do not believe in young girls getting plastic surgery, a grown woman who is not happy with herself has the option to change that.


I have been fighting with self esteem issues my whole life. I used to be over 200 lbs and have lost quite a bit of weight. (140+) Because of this my body has changed and my self image has changed. I am happier with the way I look now not to mention my health is a lot better, but there are certain areas of my body I look at in the mirror and I just wish to god that I could change it.


After a couple of years, and being in relationships with a few women, I now understand that every woman's genitalia is different. I am who I am, and we all have different tastes. I have a "take me as I am" attitude now, even though I have a consult in the next few weeks for a tummy tuck and breast augumentation. And yes I may be hypocritical here, but Ive been working my abs so much and to no avail, I feel surgery is my only option. I know when I feel better about my bod in a bikini I will definitely feel better as a whole.


Angel....trust me on this....yours is amazing!...and also quite a treat! :D As for the tummy tuck and breast augmentation...personally I think you're a perfect package as you are. Even the "imperfections" as some may call them are perfect as they are uniquely you. If it were up to me I wouldn't change a thing. But whatever you need to do to make yourself feel better in your eyes, so long as it's healthy, then I'm all for it. And I also want to congratulate you on the AMAZING weight loss! Assuming that it was done in a healthy manner that is an amazing accomplishment! Really gives hope and inspiration to the people like me who have been trying for years to shed (or at least tone) our more than a few extra pounds! xoxo

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There's an amazing show called 'how to look good naked'.. and remarkably every woman showcased on this show thinks their body parts are a good 3 or 4 sizes bigger than they are (usually butt/legs or chest) and it's much easier to change your view of yourself and a hell of lot less expensive than plastic surgery. It's a British show but they just started a Canadian version... learning to view yourself as normal and beautiful is the best solution :)

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