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I've had about 25 different careers in my life. Some paid well, others - well just sucked. Despite the lousy pay, some jobs were just plain 'ol fun. I would just consider doing the stuff just cuz it turned my crank.


Here's my stack


Paperboy - 1/10 - Jerks screw you with the bill & complained when you didn't stick the paper properly up their ass.

Cleaner - 1/10 - self explanatory.

Retail Sales - 2/10 - met some pretty hot women. I could have screwed them all...but I was too young to know how.

Bouncer - This one was kina fun. No violence, just people management.

Rental agent -5/10 - Met some seriously famous people. They were all pretty cool....except the local ones working for CJOH (assholes).

Repo guy - 9/10 - loved this one. Undercover stuff + potential for action.

Technical - 8/10 - kinda blew chunks. But was really cool when you could invent stuff. Lots of travel. Met some pretty nice drunks. Wierdly, the tech world is filled with drunks...go figure.

Construction/renovation - Love this one cuz I can determine my own terms. I met some really lovely folks. I really get a sense of accomplishment from this one. The folks I deal with just want a job well done.


What turned your crank?

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Cotton candy girl at the fair when I was 16. Handing cotton candy to kids and seeing the huge smiles was so fun!


That would be so fun but I'd of gotten fired for eating the cotton candy. I still love til this day!


Mine was an Assistant Manager in a retail store in the mall, I think I was 17. It was really fun and it was a lady/teen girl store and I loved that the guys would flock to the store or bring their sister or cousins in to check me out.

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No jobs I've ever had were "fun". Actually there was one good job and that was when Scotiabank Place was first built. I worked for Pallidum Catering and used to cater to different corporations who had box seats. I also got to meet a lot of hockey players. I think it was easy to transition into being an SP after doing that job because I dealt with a lot of flirty men especially after they had been drinking .lol. I also knew how to turn up the charm with those exec types at a young age. The tips were great as well.


Other positions I held before or after the above job, I was either working for shit pay or in management positions with a ton of responsibility starting at a young age. I am either happy working in a management position which I'm used to and/or working for myself. Although I do miss having friends on the job. As a manager, you cannot do this so it often gets lonely at the top.



Being an SP is the most fun because I get to call the shots and I have the ability to work on my own and meet certain demands/goals. This is my fun job on the side which explains why I'm still here. The money is not too bad either.lol. ;)

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1) Houseman/ maintenance crew at a ski resort in the Rockies. 3 years of skiing and hiking and partying with some great friends. We used to drive the busted up skiers to Banff in a station wagon. Broken legs in the folded down back seat, dislocations in the passenger seat.

2) Working building log homes. Great for a boy from the suburbs.

3) Ditto on the renovations and construction Jabba. Lots of variety if you are willing to try anything. Money would be better if I was more driven.

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Doing overnight security at a construction site in the heart of the market (in Ottawa), right on York st, the bar strip. People watching is always an interesting pastime, but people watching at 2am when the bars are all letting out? That's a fuckin' BLAST! All I was missing was the popcorn :D

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The coolest jobs I've had have been the ones where I have interacted with children. Babysitting was fun and I got to experience spending time with kids in a more personal level and the one that beats them all was babysitting my nephew, we got to know each other in a complete different level and built a huge connection but in general I can say most of my jobs have been fun and I have also done my best to make them fun :)

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Best Job:

Definitely roofing. the hours were long and the work was strenuous but beer has never tasted better than it did after a long day on a roof! Plus I was doing it with my oldest and dearest friend and it put me in great shape. Hooray for roofing! Too bad ya can't do it year round here, otherwise I would seriously consider it as a career. May not be the most intellectually stimulating career, but screw it, i don't have to prove a damn thing to anyone!


Worst job:

Working under a Chef.

I have pretty thick skin and can take a lot of yelling and criticism but this dick put my self esteem in the toilet for a while and just about killed my passion for food. Nothing like being terrified of asking any questions for fear of being ridiculed :(

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LOL - I worked as a pool boy for a while - really! That job was my favourite job of all time. If I could pay the bills doing it now I'd go back to it in a second!


Unfortunately I didn't have any of those cinematic-type adventures with hot stay-at-home moms or anything like that (apparently those were reserved for the Brad Pitts of the world and not the awkward geeky teens! lol), but it was still a really great job.


I worked outside all of the time cleaning pools, adding chemicals... and that was pretty much it. I drove around in a company van, took extended lunches. No worries at all, no real responsibilities... met some really nice people. Fun.


It sucked closing pools in the fall - sticking in your hands in some very chilly water, but other than that it was awesome.


Oh, to be a kid again!!! Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy what I do now, but there really is something so special about the simpler things in life.

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Guest s******ecan****

My current one by far, I'm a self employed consultant, love the freedom.


My very first job was delivering pizza, that was fun for a kid who just got his liscense, the tips were awesome especially late fri night deliveries, I remember I easily made 2X 3X minimum wage and really didn't have a boss (gee I was kind of a self employed consultant then LOL)

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I've had a few

Paperboy-sucked, always getting ripped off by the manager (shouldn't have to go into debt to keep your job, especially as a teenager in high school)...didn't stay in it too long

Summer Job with Ministry of Natural Resources-pay sucked ($10/day-6 days week) but fun. Did labour type jobs, clearing brush, learning how to fight forest fires, building trout spawning beds etc...any job MNR needed unskilled labour for, we did it. Poor pay aside, it was fun...not to mention I lost my virginity that summer :-)

Army Started off in the reserves, great summer job, and job through high school year (got whipped into shape FAST!!!, come school year I could smoke guys who were on the high school track team ...got the opportunity to go with the Regular Forces in Germany, took it. Came down to staying with the Regular Force (would have been directly taken on with the Regiment, had to stay as Infantry with that Regiment, no other trade) bi-passing Cornwallis or going to university...I went to university.

Final job, once out of university, well some ladies I've told privately, lets just say I'm in the Federal Government in one of the departments under Public Safety (no, not a cop LOL), 26+ years of doing it, glad I'm approaching retirement


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Had the privilege of assisting my former boss w/ the planning of a convention for 500+.


There was such a wide variety of interesting tasks, which included leaving the office for the afternoon so we could attend the free weekly lunches at the hotel where the convention took place...to discuss business of course.


Then when it was all said and done, and everything went down as planned, and everyone had a great time...this gave me the best feeling of accomplishment afterwards 8)

Edited by V****sa Va**

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My all-time best job was running an ice cream shop. Everyone's happy when they buy ice cream! And I got to see a lot of really beautiful women. Always went home sticky though - and not in the fun sense.

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