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One year ago, yesterday, was my first time with an escort.

The first lady, by all objective criteria was terrible, on a scale of 1-10 a 1, and that's only because I can't give out a 0 LOL

But I wasn't deterred by that first time. I have had the pleasure of meeting many great ladies. I also discovered to my surprise seeing ladies is much more than just the sexual aspect of the encounter, it is all aspects of the encounter. The social/interpersonal are at least for me as enjoyable as the sexual (who would have thunk that)

The first time was the big hurdle for me, having never done it before. The only good thing about that encounter was it got me over that hurdle. But every encounter, I look forward to the knock on the door, or driving to an incall with my heart thumping in anticipation.

To the ladies I've met, thank you

And how did I spend my anniversary, with one of my favourite ladies, Meg.


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Happy Anniversary! I had so much fun listening to your "first time" story and good for you for being so brave as to stay in the hobby LOL!

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That's awesome RG ! You stuck with it and lookie now ....you are celebrating an Anniversary with Meg which I am sure will be an experience you will never forget ;)

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Congrats RG and perhaps that first experience caused you to appreciate the great ladies the way you do. And now you're celebrating a year. I also know my date and in Sept will hit 2 years. Although my first experience was well - amazing! This lady is clearly my ATF (all time favourite). I hobby when I travel and was lucky at my 1 year mark that I was again in Ottawa and we had a chance to celebrate that night. I will never forget it. Among many great times we've had, this one was memorable. Hmm maybe we'll be together on our 2nd anniversary. Keep celebrating RG. Cub

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My one year anniversary is coming up too RG in a couple weeks. Maybe I will have a belated anniversary present to myself when I am in Ottawa in September and go see Meg :)


I will probably be so excited I thought I might try this dance out unless you want to first ;)


Edited by LeeRichards

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Only one year and already over 2000 posts?? Been a busy year! :p Happy Anniversary!

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Only one year and already over 2000 posts?? Been a busy year! :p Happy Anniversary!


That's because if I'm not seeing ladies, I'm thinking about them

But I've been on CERB a weeeee bit longer, Feb 2010

And post count would be waaaaaay down except for jokes and the variation of favorite song thread LOL (actually more truth to that than you know)


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The bad times also show you how to pick the good time ladies lol. Knowing what you don't want is just as important as knowing what you do want.


Good for you for finding a gem in meg.

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Sounds like you've had a good year, RG!


And post count would be waaaaaay down except for jokes and the variation of favorite song thread LOL

What matters is that you're contributing... we *like* the jokes and the song-related silliness :)

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