PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 As you are aware, by reading some of the recommendation's that I put in for Ottawa, it has come to my attention from past touring SP's, (us/we-Ottawa hobbiest) have been known for pulling no-shows.:mad: Now I can remember Rachelle of Kingston stated in a thread the same thing....guys in Ottawa pulling no shows, (and my past 3 adventures with travelling SP's have told me the same thing) Needless to say I'm pissed off, it gives us a bad rap for this time wasting inconvience. If you are not sure you don't want to go, you can't make an appointment, FREAKING call the SP and give enough notice! Not an hour prior...12 hours prior. I can understand if your sick/family issues/wife caught you/penis fell off/ but an email or phone call to apologize goes a long way. Did you ever think just maybe there was four or five other hobbiest that wanted to see the same service provider at your time that you just finished not showing up for? I really don't like the fact of someone wasting the SP time and efforts of booking appointments.Treat them with respect, and just maybe good things will come your way. For those that do pull this shit...shame on you..for those that stick to your plans ..good for us! I like to see more touring SP's come into Ottawa, and if word gets out that we have a rap for no shows it is not going to happen. I've been asking for an Asian SP by the name of Sam in the past 2 months, I can only hope that she does come because I believe we can book her solid, and not pull the evil no show no call.. My rant for hump day... guys stick to appointments, if you are not sure, simply don't book! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 Your rant has been talked about on other boards before.....about Ottawa and other cities.... It has been found to be more prominant in Ottawa......and from chatting around I tend to believe it is some of the other competition setting up appointments and doing no-shows to try and discourage better or traveling ladies from comming around.... I too find it frustrating as there have been many ladies or service providing companies who will not return due to this problem. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
capitalman 3861 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 It's always been my belief that if you don't show, you still owe. Same if you show up and don't like what's being offered, you should pay a portion and leave. Maybe we need a "Canadian Escort User Recommendation Board"? Curb for short Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 I have heard that from a couple of the out of town agencies. I think the first time FKS came to town (at least recently ... so this would have been a year ago), the lady left very early in her visit because she had like a 75% cancellation rate. That would seem to almost be statistically impossible unless there was some funny business going on as antlerman implies. I had to cancel two appointments due to changes in my travel itinerary. In both cases, I cancelled 24-48 hours in advance, and if I was pushed, I would have probably paid at least a portion of the fee (logistically that can be kinda tough). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rickoshadows 937 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 Having recently relocated to Ottawa, I find no shows are not just an issue for SPs. Tradesmen and Service Companies seem to have a habit of this as well. Where I'm from (West Coast), the problem was getting someone period. They would straight out tell you that they were too busy and would not take you on. Frustrating, yes, but a far site better than waiting around for a carpenter or cable guy that doesn't show as agreed even though he said it wouldn't be a problem. Even though I ask the questions about how tight there scheduling is and offer alternative times. It seems to be something cultural and something I will have to get used too. Fortunately, my travels in South America will be good experience to draw on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 Being Ottawa, I'm sure a lot of these no-showers were called in to emergency consultations with Parliament -- you know, saving the free world and that sort of thing. I don't think some guys realize just how much a no-show can sting. If an SP gives someone an appointment, she might recieve other requests which she will then turn down for the same time frame. So not only did you stand her up, but you cost her the opportunity to take something else for that slot, often ensuring that her time is completely wasted. Also, if you don't even do her the courtesy of cancelling, you leave her hanging, not knowing how long to wait before beginning to accept appointments again. When SPs tour, they usually incur a set of fixed expenses, over and above their usual monthly overhead, which they must recoup before they can make a cent on the tour. I can remember times ten years ago or so when we couldn't get ladies to come to Ottawa. I asked a number of friends to come for a working visit back in the 90s and the general attitude was that Ottawa sucked for customers. As a resident, I wouldn't agree, but if this is the kind of inconsideration touring SPs here have to put up with, then you can bet that as soon as things pick back up in other markets, that will spell a drought in touring treats for you boys. It's definitely a problem on the customers' side, but I'm not sure what you can do about it. Perhaps agree to put up with a slight inconvenience, perhaps only being able to confirm appointments on a very short-term basis to reduce risk for touring escorts? Some of us locals already have such a policy for first time or known-problem clients. Good luck! ..c.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 No shows were half the reason I left the business in the first place....and my "no new clients" rule (for incalls) helps weed out all the bullcrap, seeing as the people I am willing to meet, are known to me for NOT being no shows. its more than frustrating guys, seriously. "Did you ever think just maybe there was four or five other hobbiest that wanted to see the same service provider at your time that you just finished not showing up for?" DING DING DING!!!! theres always 3-4 guys asking for the same time/date, i think it may be one of newton's laws or something....and of course, when there's a last minute cancelation, or "no-show".....u think those other guys are still around waiting with their dick in their hand? no! they took their dick (and wallet) elsewhere....sigh. this isn't a problem for touring SPs only....i'm pretty local if u ask me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 BTW, I certainly did not mean to offend local ladies in this thread. Irregardless if the lady is local or touring into our city the fact remains, pulling no shows is BS, have some common courtesy to the ladies. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 yes, this is the main reason why i was always hesitant to visit Ottawa. I hate that people will book you then not even bother to call and cancel. How would the ns's like it if we did that to them....the thing is we are out money. It's like going to work and not getting paid. That's why i have the reference thingie on my site. I like the gentlemen to give me a reference from another provider that is known. This time for my trip to Ottawa i didn't ask for the references putting my trust in you. I hope it all goes well so i can return once a month. No shows were half the reason I left the business in the first place....and my "no new clients" rule (for incalls) helps weed out all the bullcrap, seeing as the people I am willing to meet, are known to me for NOT being no shows. its more than frustrating guys, seriously. "Did you ever think just maybe there was four or five other hobbiest that wanted to see the same service provider at your time that you just finished not showing up for?" DING DING DING!!!! theres always 3-4 guys asking for the same time/date, i think it may be one of newton's laws or something....and of course, when there's a last minute cancelation, or "no-show".....u think those other guys are still around waiting with their dick in their hand? no! they took their dick (and wallet) elsewhere....sigh. this isn't a problem for touring SPs only....i'm pretty local if u ask me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 A question for the ladies ... is it helpful for you all to know what our cerb name is when we make an appointment? I know this is somewhat controversial (some guys want to be able to stay anonymous with their online names), but if you could go online and see that someone is a legit poster and is risking their online name by being a no-show, I think that would be helpful to you in controlling no-shows. If I know that someone is a contributor to these boards, I will usually mention my online name. Hopefully that way, if I am competing for a spot with "Joe Anonymous," I might have a better chance. ;) Same question for the guys ... would you be willing to give your online name discretely to a SP? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 for me.....when I book be it with local...touring ladies I always give my screen name and referances are available upon request......I want them to feel as comfotable as possible I will be there and be respectful......... I always use a specific email address that I use for the hobby....and I always use the same one.....therefore if anyone tries to discredit me I have some proof it was not me.......if booking by phone I will give my special contact information for the same reason.... if guys really want to have fun in this hobby....we have to be willing to make sacrifices to make the women feel comfortable........and that they can be in business in this town. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 A question for the ladies ... is it helpful for you all to know what our cerb name is when we make an appointment? I know this is somewhat controversial (some guys want to be able to stay anonymous with their online names), but if you could go online and see that someone is a legit poster and is risking their online name by being a no-show, I think that would be helpful to you in controlling no-shows. If I know that someone is a contributor to these boards, I will usually mention my online name. Hopefully that way, if I am competing for a spot with "Joe Anonymous," I might have a better chance. ;) Same question for the guys ... would you be willing to give your online name discretely to a SP? Kubricfan, good point...I'll go on record I have passed out my online name, and other info required, to ensure myself at the very least...the first man in line for an appointment. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 i think if your booking and you are a cerb member that giving you screenname is a great idea. That way we know who's ass to kick if you don't show...lmao kisses, Emma Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted August 13, 2008 i think if your booking and you are a cerb member that giving you screenname is a great idea. That way we know who's ass to kick if you don't show...lmaokisses, Emma Emma my dear, you can kick my ass when you get here.....on second thought.... you can maybe paddle my ass...you have my screen name, now we need to send pm's to book that appointment;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 No shows were half the reason I left the business in the first place....and my "no new clients" rule (for incalls) helps weed out all the bullcrap, seeing as the people I am willing to meet, are known to me for NOT being no shows. its more than frustrating guys, seriously. I fail to see how having a rule that new clients can not get incalls weeds out all the bullcrap. It may prevent no shows but people can still call and cancel. Secondly, you limit yourself for customers because many cvan not do incall. This kinds of contrary to the rant about no shows. If you don't get any customers you will have zero no shows but then you won't make any business. I am not an SP but I would have to say counting on repeat clients alone will only last so long. After a while they swill move or see other SPs so you do need to get new clients Is n't that why you advertise??? Again from talking to different SPs you have more chances of an appointment being honoured from a CERB member who contributes on this board even on an incall then geeting some low key person who even for outcall may cancel on you. Then there is no guarantee someone else will call to take over the cancelled time. I would agree with Joyful C about there is not much that can be done about no shows. They do exist and it is really too bad but it is a risk with incalls. But then there were some not very nice story about outcalls a while ago that involved the SPs safety. There was also an article about the girl who got killed in Edmonton. So I don't know what is the best choice safety or having some no shows!!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 i think if your booking and you are a cerb member that giving you screenname is a great idea. That way we know who's ass to kick if you don't show...lmaokisses, Emma Some people can be stupid but a hobbiest would have to be crazy to not show after he gets an appointment with you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 Your rant has been talked about on other boards before.....about Ottawa and other cities....It has been found to be more prominant in Ottawa......and from chatting around I tend to believe it is some of the other competition setting up appointments and doing no-shows to try and discourage better or traveling ladies from comming around.... I too find it frustrating as there have been many ladies or service providing companies who will not return due to this problem. I agree. We have agencies that post fake pics so if they stoop to fakes they can certainly try to eliminate competition. I also know that they flagged new Indy ladies that try to get in the business via Cl. However I don't think they would account for all. Did someone mention Goverment? It might have some to do with it also. I know I don't schedule appointments during my work hours because I am often called to meetings on short notice. I have never been a "no show and I don't intend to start. Unfortunately some meetings run late and I would not be able to call or e-mail the SP. Maybe the difference is I would at least have the decency to get a hold of her soonest to explain and apologize. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shymale 10234 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 i have no proplem with giving out my cerb name, everytime i e-mail a lady for info i always give them my surname. ottawa is a great city and if we want more sp's to tour ottawa we gotta change these no shows. but just saying it go's both ways, i booked with a very respected lady here on cerb last month, on the day of the rendez-vous i was to call her for locations, she never answered her phone. i even left 2 message on voicemail and never called me back. but i agree NO SHOWS AS TO STOP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
p22*** 236 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 Thats why I ask for phone numbers, I see 90% regulars, but first timers must provide a phone number always. If they are a no-show for no -reason...They go into my little black book a place no one wants to be... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 I fail to see how having a rule that new clients can not get incalls weeds out all the bullcrap. It may prevent no shows but people can still call and cancel. Secondly, you limit yourself for customers because many cvan not do incall. This kinds of contrary to the rant about no shows. If you don't get any customers you will have zero no shows but then you won't make any business. I am not an SP but I would have to say counting on repeat clients alone will only last so long. After a while they swill move or see other SPs so you do need to get new clients Is n't that why you advertise??? I currently am not involved full time in this "hobby". I am only here today and saturday then I'm off again to enjoy the other side...i hear the grass is greener....anyways, my point is, i used to care about getting new clients. yes, even "old" clients can bail, but if i enjoyed them as a client previously, it's probably because they don't pull stunts like that, or at least they have the decency to CALL AHEAD if something should arise. Otherwise, they'd have ended up on my "F*CK OFF" list long ago. I knew that not offering incalls for new people would influence them to go elsewhere, but that's what i want, RIGHT NOW. The comments i previously made were more in regards to my previous involvement. Now, if i were still concerned with this hobby a month from now, yea i most likely would be trying to gain new clients now. And guess what? Allowing "new" people would cause said "bullcrap"... because even on a good week, there's still at least a 25% failure rate. AND THATS A GOOD WEEK PEOPLE!!!! (hence my comment about no shows helpin me deicde to leave) So, by eliminating this, i can ENJOY my brief return as opposed to be stressed for hmmm about 25% of the time. On another note, it's VERY easy to take a guy seriously if he gives up his cerb handle easily. As opposed to some "john" who won't even give you a cell phone number. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xxxAxxx 21016 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 Thats why I ask for phone numbers, I see 90% regulars, but first timers must provide a phone number always. If they are a no-show for no -reason...They go into my little black book a place no one wants to be... I operated the same way, no number, no nookie. It did improve things, but didn't make them quite 100%. Le Sigh. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 i have no proplem with giving out my cerb name, everytime i e-mail a lady for info i always give them my surname. ottawa is a great city and if we want more sp's to tour ottawa we gotta change these no shows. but just saying it go's both ways, i booked with a very respected lady here on cerb last month, on the day of the rendez-vous i was to call her for locations, she never answered her phone. i even left 2 message on voicemail and never called me back. but i agree NO SHOWS AS TO STOP. You're probably not talking about me, but you certainly could be. And no-shows are the reason why. These days, unless I know and trust someone well, all appointments are tentative until the last minute. If a regular I can trust asks for something around that same time, I have to do what's best for myself and go with the sure thing. I don't know you and if you no-show on me, and I sit here having lost both the appt I thought I had with you AND the sure thing I could have had with a regular, then I'll have no one to blame but myself for not having kept my options open. I understand how frustrating it must be for someone to be counting on seeing me at a certain time, possibly even to travel to my vicinity, and then not be able to reach me. But from my perspective, I have to go with the sure thing. As I've said here before, and will repeat again, we SPs are trying to cope with rising costs while not raising our rates for you guys. Somewhere, something has to give. Please don't be mad at us for this. We're only trying to make livings and support ourselves and our families. Be mad at the guys who no-show and thus necessitated the change in the way we do things. Only thing I can recommend is get to be known by some of the ladies, ask them to provide references for you, and maintain a good reputation for not no-showing. This is a luxury for you guys. It's a livelihood for us. ..c.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 You guys obviously have a problem in Ottawa and your getting to the bottom of it. I don't blame JoyfulC or anyone else for taking this approach and I don't think anyone should feel disappointed that the ladies are doing this as your all aware of the problems so I would think you would expect this to be happening with most of the ladies. JoyfullC just has enough honesty to tell it like it is. Other cities do not have such a problem (this is pretty unique to Ottawa for some reason) so at least your finding out the real reasons these things are happening. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted August 14, 2008 I brought this thread forward because it needs to be addressed both ways. I'm glad about the SP's that stepped up to the plate and gave their insight, which hopefully weed out the time wasters and lurkers that give the rest of us a bad rap (but I have my doubts). I was quite surprized about the earlier thread regarding some agencies would do false bookings....sounds very close to a "cut throat business" if you ask me. I was just disappointed that Logan,Sydney and Lilly L all told me, that Ottawa has been known for no-shows. It shocked me, and really pissed me off cause if it wasn't for Sydney's gut instinct to take my booking I would have been shit out of luck! The nice thing about seeing Sydney at the last minute it worked out both ways, she was happy and so was I. She has put me on her mailing list so I now get private emails about touring FK ladies.Same goes for GOE, I'm wanting to see these amazing women, and certainly hope that it continues. Hopefully touring SP's and locals are reading this thread and we could hopefully come to mutually understanding for bookings. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loneskater 25635 Report post Posted August 15, 2008 It is kind of frustarting. I refrain from booking at certain time of the day as I don't want to have to cancel an appointment due to changing schedule. I certainly would never pull a no-show unless I was in an accident or gone to the Hospital. But then who evr these people are they give all of us a bad name. This is why I am also mentioning my CERB Handle whenever I book with the SPs who are members here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites