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Reflections Of My First Year

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Well I just recently hit my one year anniversary mark of getting involved with this lifestyle (or hobbying if you prefer) and some reflections.

The very first time (which was bad), had one positive. It got me over the hump of seeing ladies. Once I gave the text message with the room number, it was too late to turn back. LOL And because of that first encounter, it made seeing ladies easier.

When I decided to see escorts, and give this lifestyle a try, I thought it was merely sex for money. And boy was I wrong. Yes there is a sexual side to it, but it is much more than that. It is companionship, it is the ultimate blind date, and the social/interpersonal interactions are as important as the physical. And yes, it can lead to friendships, or if others are more comfortable with a term, special relationships.

I also discovered that unbeknownst to me, I had a, for lack of a better phrase, a bucket list of things to try sexually. I had my first ever erotic massage, something I intend to repeat. When I started in July 2010, it never even crossed my mind And I'm about to have my first duo ever. Something else I never thought of doing, but reading CERB, it became something I want to try. I have one other thing I'm kinda intrigued, yet apprehensive to try. Probably will, but need more time to get comfortable with the idea.

Beauty is more than skin deep. Beautiful women come in all shapes sizes and ages. And intelligence (and I don't mean book smarts) is attractive in a woman and heightens an encounter. And a surprise for me, (well growing up tattoos were something only men who were in the military or criminals had btw not a judgement here, just the way is was way back when) is to find tattoos can be very sexy on a lady.

I entered this lifestyle thinking it was only going to be anonymous sexual encounters, nothing more. Had someone suggested to me back then that I should provide personal information to a lady to be verified, my instinctive response would be no, it's a matter of my privacy. Well thought processes took over from instinct, and now, if requested, I'm very comfortable being verified. Besides allowing for a lady to ensure as best she can her safety, it leads to a trusting SP/Client relationship. Besides, there is no lady that I see that I'm embarrassed or ashamed if I "got caught", nor worried that she knows my real name. I'm a man seeing a lady, what's wrong with that?

Character is most important in this lifestyle. It's more important to be a gentleman than anything else, at least this is what my experience has been. And I approach this as a mutually beneficial activity. The ladies and the gentlemen are on opposite sides of the same coin. And we are all part of the same community. This is not SP's vs Hobbiests. And I hope it doesn't become that way. Thank goodness for CERB, which strives to keep a co-operative atmosphere, compared to other sites.

Well these are some ramblings and reflections of my first year

Take them for whatever they are worth


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Guest E*******h S******s

Thank you for putting your thoughts into words RG and a very Happy Anniversary to you. This is the attitude that all who partake of our services should endeavour to emulate. It makes us feel like real people rather than menu items or body parts.

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Happy Anniversary!!


I can relate to so much of what you describe. It is totally different then what people imagine, stereo-types. Its that people looking in, only see the bitter end of things ( such as, girls who are forced into it, or for drugs ect..) When in reality that it is only a small portion. They do not have the chance to experince the good side of it. You never hear the positive side, only the negative in the media. When there is so much more :)

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the year past Roamingguy, you are an asset to this community and we are very lucky to have you in it.


Happy Anniversary

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roamingguy ...


I hope when I hit the one-year mark I can write a post as nice as yours


I'm very new to this ... until June 23 my only experience with a SP was what wasn't really an SP, more of a street walker (okay it was in a bar) in Edmonton in 1978 ... that was not a good experience


(to wander off into the "you know when you are old" thread ... those old enough will remember that 1978 was in the middle of an oil boom and Alberta was hopping and "service" then was more expensive in unadjusted dollars than it is now ... maybe I shouldn't have told the ladies that)


June 23 was fantastic and I have a scheduled (longer) repeat coming up soon


July 12 in Calgary was nice but not a special as June 23


last night (Calgary again) I got stood up ... oh well


CERB is amazing and has been a big help getting over my cautiousness and shyness


I look forward to meeting more people ... virtually through CERB and face to face as the opportunities arise


cheers and best wishes to all

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What a wonderful remembrance to commemorate your one year anniversary! Hopefully this year will bring even more joy and excitement!

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Congrats on your anniversary! Here's hoping you spend it with someone special :) And trust me....it only gets better as time goes on!

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