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Is it just me or....

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am i over reacting? Inspired by a similar post by Kih, but not wanting to highjack the thread, I had a shocking experience with an sp this weekend, not the usual type of experience i usually write about.



I recently was setting up an appointment with a well reviewed girl from CL, who has been described here as a sweetheart . When trying to set up an appointment she said she was unable to do in calls because it was N****r festival down town and no rooms were available, she was referring to the Caribe-Expo taking place this week.


I was in shock, I told her she lost out on this appointment, i have no tolerance for that kind of ignorance. As we were communicating by email she had no idea what my race was, what a dumb move. I gave her the opportunity to explain and apologize, I've yet to hear back from her.


A shame really because she's been well reviewed and I thought she'd be fun, but I can't have fun knowing that's the kind of attitude she has.


I guess we're all entitled to think what we want but speaking outloud to strangers about such beliefs is a social landmine.


I won't out the girl completely but if that sort of racist ignorance bothers you and you don't want to deal with someone like that feel free to pm me for details.

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That comment in an email with someone that you have met is out of line. Unfortunately you can not be sure it was the lady, many ladies have handlers that help with corespondents, it could have been a flunky. So many things help us to decide who to see, and who not see, attitude, reviews, the way people handle them selves on the phone, in emails, the places they live, and hang out in, there habits etc...


There are things that SP's can do to increase there chances of a meeting and basic manners is a good one to start with!! Now there maybe a market for a good white trash trailer park girl, maybe she should use that line in her advertising (oh shit I think was just as distasteful as her with that one) I apologize to anyone living in a trailer park!!

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I agree, those words are inappropriate.


I would like to point out that a particular lady that I recommended this week from CL does not correspond to her own emails but rather some agency dude is communicating on her behalf. She doesn't see or read the emails and she has no PC or laptop with her at the hotel or anywhere for that matter. All arrangements for appointments are done through this agency via email.



I hope this gives insight if some vulgar comments are being made in correspondence, if it is the particular lady I recomended. Keep in mind its not her but rather the agency!

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She did you a favour; she let you know a bit about who she is before you made a commitment to her. I've known guys for years then out of the blue they drop the N word and shock me, but I think it's more a reflection on our society as a whole. How come a black guy/gal can drop that word and it's okay, but if a white dude does it, it's racist? I don't know....everyone has their own beliefs and has grown up in different environments and I'm not sure we can judge someone based on one word...but that's just MHO.

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Pretty sure it wasn't that particular girl who wrote the comment...just saw her and from the conversation we had (not specific to Cowboy's issue), it was another person that wrote it. Which makes it worse because not only is this person uttering crap like that behind the safety of anonymity, they are associating it to someone else entirely who likely doesn't deserve that label.

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That's a shame as I've advised a number of members to steer clear, she should loose this idiot who's costing her business. Still I'm not going to partake if she chooses to associate with someone like that.

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Again we are back to agencies giving a bad name and the ladies are loosing. Wish the ladies would do their homework when they choose an agency. There are some who at least are very polite when dealing with customers during the booking process. Sounds like this lady needs to make some business decisions.

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Please PM me her name etc so I can spread the word about her ... I hope it's not a girl I reviewed?

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I'm with you on this one CK, attitude is 9/10 of the experience. How can you enjoy yourself knowing how they are towards others.


Everyone is judged by the company they keep.

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Well CK I doubt it was because of Caribe Expo I was apart of that parade Im not black this Parade was much smaller this year and 90% of the people involved in this Party are local


I have been apart of it for 4yrs now at the Party that went on I saw alot of me and agin there may have been 15oo and I would say 1000-1200 are local

Just my 2 cents CK


On another note on Thurs I tried booking a room for an Associate and there was no rooms to be had I found one but was not easy


I would say there was lots going on here this weekend Golf Summer games and just the everday travler also the Fireworks in Hull so I would say this lady was out of line

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Cowboy - a snake in the grass is a snake in the grass. It was inappropriate language in the context described. There are times, during dirty talk, where the word has been used and it totally works. Even the c-word works when you have your fist up one and she is digging being completely filled. All about timing.

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Cowboy - a snake in the grass is a snake in the grass. It was inappropriate language in the context described. There are times, during dirty talk, where the word has been used and it totally works. Even the c-word works when you have your fist up one and she is digging being completely filled. All about timing.


The N word makes me cringe every time. The C word - if she uses it while I am thrusting, *BAM*... "Pass me the Kleenex"



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Cowboy - a snake in the grass is a snake in the grass. It was inappropriate language in the context described. There are times, during dirty talk, where the word has been used and it totally works. Even the c-word works when you have your fist up one and she is digging being completely filled. All about timing.


Ulixestrojan, don't get me wrong i'm all for a little dirty talk durring the act(s) nuttin wrong with that! :)

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definitely unprofessional conduct in any business - who you associate with reflects on you/your business.


please pm me details so I can avoid this provider.




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Ulixestrojan, don't get me wrong i'm all for a little dirty talk durring the act(s) nuttin wrong with that! :)


True enough CK. And like all fans of the ranching sciences, I'm fond of a little dirty talk while in the saddle ;) . But there's a difference between that and racist talk. You have every right to feel ill at ease about it...I know I sure would have as well.

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I'm pretty shocked that an SP would be so blatant and use such poor language to a new customer she had yet to meet.


I agree that really is totally out of line and you did the right thing. In fact you might have been too kind in giving her a chance to explain.

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Okay - so the n-word is bad in conversation, bad in booking, bad generally. What about the black American girl that I used to bang in New York City that used to yell - "Make me your nig..., beat me, make me your... you get the idea. So I stop or continue the ride. She would cum hard and then curl up in my arms.

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I thought I would update folks around here about this situation. It would seem that the provider her self was not responsible for the offensive message, but rather her 'helper' although I'm not sure how much help he is by sending messages out like that.


My advice to her is to loose the help and deal directly with clients. I know that can be overwhelming but you can be assured no mix ups like this would occur.


She continues to be positively and consistently reviewed on a number of boards, we may have found our selves a new gem.

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The "N" word, hmmmmm. Coming from the south it is often used, but it no longer is a reference for skin color, how very "70's" to say the least! At home it is a term used to describe someone who is ignorant. It describes someone so set on being right at any cost, that they never see the world with any clarity. They come from every walk of life, every demographic out there.


Since arriving in Canada, I am amazed at the lengths Canadians are willing to go to, to ensure the appearance of racial harmony here. But then I encountered the "frenchie" and "quebexico" mentality and realized that racism is here, it's just more discreet. Hats off to all who replied to this with the honesty needed. As I have said before, we all bleed red...



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Since arriving in Canada, I am amazed at the lengths Canadians are willing to go to, to ensure the appearance of racial harmony here. But then I encountered the "frenchie" and "quebexico" mentality and realized that racism is here, it's just more discreet.




then of course there are the "Newfies".....do not leave them out!!!.......



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