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Fun things to do on a rainy day

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It is coming down hard out there today and I was wondering what you do on rainny days?


How do you pass the time? It can be sexy, or something like reading a book.


I enjoy curling up on the couch with a special someone and watching the tube :)


Looking forward to your response!


Love Always

Your Friend Carley xox

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I don't know if you want to call it fun but I like to clean my garage and organize it, I will brush my cat's fur and remove all loose hair(he loves that).


I will make a big meal like a roast or a ham.

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Guest *r**a**a

I enjoy curling up on the couch with a special someone and watching the tube :)


I have to agree Carley, thunderstorms are meant for cuddling and snuggling and watching something classic.

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Rainy days for myself include setting up on the couch with my dog, favorite snacks and shows - right in front of my big picture window to take in all of nature's fireworks! I LOVE rainy days! :icon_smile:

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I'm of 2 thoughts. Stay in, cuddle, be warm, watch movies. Or get wet. Hmm how about combine the 2.

Assuming it is a light rain dress right and head out for a walk. Hold hands and head into the park or slow growth forest. Perhaps find a quiet spot and well since you're already wet - outdoor sex in the rain could be amazing! Then slowly make your way home perhaps stopping to pick up a Hot Chocolate or Coffee. Once home strip down, maybe a hot shower together to warm up, and dry each other off. Get on some warm clothes, make some popcorn, and snuggle up. The TV can be on, but perhaps just concentrate on who is snuggled next to you. A little bear's rain story. Cub

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When I was a little girl, we often played hide-and-go-seek indoors on rainy days.


Now that I'm an adult, I've discovered that this is still a great game to play with a willing and creative partner.....


Failing that, a good book, a pot of tea, a cat cuddled up close beside me and the dog on the floor at my feet--I'm happy.

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Rainy Day...well lets see

Go take the truck to a car wash and wash it

If a thunderstorm, go fishing, see if your fishing rod does becomes a lightning rod

BTW I'm just kidding to the above

How about have a great encounter with a lady, had it happen three times on a rainy day

Now mind you it could have been a blizzard or 100 degree heat wave, it still would have been great

I actually like staying inside, watching tv, or dvd, or playing on the computer.

Or meeting with some friends at Timmies, have a coffee and just hanging out


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Guest 9**A*****

I like to curl up in my bed and put on a really good movie, like Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Diary of the Dead...

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I like to curl up in my bed and put on a really good movie, like Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Diary of the Dead...


You and your zombie obsession....:P

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nothing like playing Nintendo Wii with my cats all cuddled up together next to me.


Have you been spying on me? :P

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Ohhh there is a list.


1. Napping.


2. Reading until you are sleepy, then napping.


3. Playing PS 3 until you are sleepy, then napping.


4. Surfing the net for silly pics, posting them on CERB, then ironically, napping.


5. Thinking really weird things, finding an appropriate thread on CERB and then posting them. Whew. That was exhausting. I need a nap.

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I like to sit and enjoy the rain, etc. as I find it very, very relaxing but usually my "type A" personality will only let me sit for a few moments. At that point it is off to find something to do around the house/property. I sometimes clean out my garage, basement, etc. There always seems to be a room or something that needs a fresh coat of paint or a new light fixture to be installed. I have yet to figure out how to have my mower to change its own oil! I do tend to get very "finicky" at times so I usually find something to do. Just recently I replaced all the light switches and plugs in my living room because they had become faded and they looked bad...at least in my eyes anyway.

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I love to clean dancing around the place like it was 1999 and when that is said and done, curl up on the couch and read, watch a movie with some extra butter popcorn and other snacks, read the the post on CERB or go for a walk.

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Guest f***2f***

Lay in bed and listen to the rain on the roof. If it's thunder storm watch the lightening and listen to the majesty of the thunder.

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You forgot to mention our mutual interest in the cupcaking hobby! I think you're my soulmate! lol.


I like the sounds of that! But seriously - wii, kitty snuggles, and cupcake baking - all of those are on my agenda for tomorrow, rain or shine!

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I's with Phaedrus. You have not lived until you've danced nude in the rain. I did that when I was in the US Midwest. The rain is warmer there. :) But given a good offer, I'd do it here!


When I was a kid, we were not exactly well off so we took our entertainment where we could find it. On stormy days/nights, my folks would bundle us all into the car and we would drive out to a rise in the road and sit and watch the storm pass through. Ever since then, given the chance, that's where you will find me. Watching the storm.

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